General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-si...

When these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-sided games in General Discussion
Bot Tyrone

    Cool, and that would apply to so many people because we all know that everyone plays their favourite hero in 50% of their matches.

    Fact is, its still a far better indicator than nothing, which is what we currently have. Also your rating doesn't change so rapidly unless its your first couple matches (in HoN it was the first 20 matches), after that, it moves quite slowly, and even after 10 wins/losses in a row (all solo queue vs solo queue), you will most likely be in the same bracket (although more likely to be in a higher/lower position, so you may have been the lowest ranked player in your matches previously, and now playing 3rd or 2nd more often).

    But keep talking, no one is going to believe that you have even passed high school with the kind of shit you keep putting up everywhere.


      "your rating doesn't change so rapidly unless its your first couple matches"

      No you are totally wrong. That is not how it works. You don't understand it at all. The system continues to change your rating by large amounts any time you win or lose multiple games in a row. You can easily go from Very High to Normal and back in 20 games. I have done it maybe 5 times already myself in that short a number of games.

      People have already posted plenty of examples of themselves on this forum going from Normal to Very High in less than 10 games. If you understood how the TSR equations work you would see that this is to be expected. How many games you have played does nothing to it. The first few games do move you a bit faster, but it just means you go from bottom to top in 5 games instead of 10.

      Anyone with any ability to think knows I am a genius without me telling them. Moreover, I know they know it. Only people with clouded minds full of selfishness would read what I write and not recognize what I am. Its not even a matter of intelligence, its a matter of character. It is not people of low intelligence that might not see and immediately respect me for what I am. It is people of low character who cannot respect anyone no matter who they might be or what they can do...those people (fools, not idiots) are the ones who will not see me for what I am.

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      Bot Tyrone

        Your ego > your knowledge

        Congrats on getting a degree in a mid-tier course? Even I am enrolled in a higher tier course and I don't consider myself to be a genius or anything exceptional. That might be because I went to the top selective entry school in the state and now attend the equal best university in the country so I am surrounded by a lot of very smart people, and many of them are far smarter than me. You know, the guys that get perfect scores in university subjects. But hey, if you choose to surround yourself with 300 pound brain dead gorillas and call yourself a genius, go ahead.

        Nothing you have ever said on this forum has been objective, you are just a sad case of someone who mistakenly exaggerates both your knowledge as well as DotA knowledge to pretend that your arguments are strong. I'm not going to bother continuing to argue with someone who is completely fucked in the head, take a good read and shut up.

        wu tang
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            I would tend to believe that it changes your rating a large amount anytime you win or lose if I didn't go 4 to 5 losses for every 1 win. I hate that my rating is dependent upon 4 other people. Now, granted in the scheme of the DOTA world I am just off the boat. Just a little over 100 games played but at what point do I stop being on the losing streak and get on that other team I'm playing against, the one that works together.. doesn't have 4 carries or the one dude off on his own trying push lanes and just getting ganked and feeding, not showing up for team fights, ganks or defense. The obvious answer is to group up with people, but that's hard to do when you constantly get teamed with people who are just bad and or abusive.

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            Player 95251565

              Some of yesterday's matches:

              This one was kind of crazy, comment on the match.

              Next one:
              The setup is fine, right? You have a competition between morphling and spectre. Roof protects towers, we defend with clockwerk and silencer... an attrition war. But wait - morphling is TOTALLY losing against spectre. Dude can't even hold ON LANE against him. How did the game feel? Like waiting for exectuion. At 35 minute, we had nothing to fight against them, it was just the matter of time when spectre rolls all over us.

              Coming up next:
              Lion - dying b4 the fight even began. Warding OUR woods so he blocked creep spawns. Centaur dying out of position.. Went from 6/1 to this 8/5 and I was really playing good.

              Akkasha 70 cs. I was unable to farm on top due to that bristleback, that as a result kept dying at random places b4 fight even begun. Our tiny (and his rubick friend) said "we go bottom". Fine, have bottom, kill well. What happens? Tiny goes hand of midas.. I am like "okay, a carry tiny... lets give it a shot". 2nd item? Aghanim. Emm.. where is blink dagger? You going to walk over frost nova and ice vortex? Just bambam them all? Cmon, you can't be that fucking stupid. Again - a clear loss, we couldn't even get close, because tiny just waited at back.

              and those are just from yesterday where matchmaking was all fucked up. Not to mention all the other games people pick like idiots. There is another one worth mentioning:

              What was the lineup? Take a wild guess? Yes, you are right - enigma AND ursa woods, spectre solo top vs solo clinkz. 2 in woods trying to steal eachother's farm. I was literally blocked off from creeps on top. Lucky, we had strong warlock+enigma aoe pick and somehow (I can't even understand now) managed to win. Russians, ofcourse.

              This one too. Real match? Ogre quited b4 first creep wave hit the lane. I played two heroes at the same time (ogre and warchief) and managed to get the kill b4 the game prompted to be abandoned AND NO STATS WILL BE RECORDED. How the FUCK is this counted as a real match?!

              Also, please sign this:

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              wu tang

                go ahead! unleash your hatred for people with opinions. lol. what a joke.


                  Well, if u want a balanced game, then ur chance to win is 50% isn't it?
                  So a gd MM system should force a 50% winrate but not this way, I mean not giving u bad players, and getting better players against u

                  Player 95251565

                    Well I believe it should be ladder mode in the first place. Much like it was on Dotalicious b4 the new system (that was like 2 years ago or so? I don't count anymore).

                    Player 95251565

                      I URGE you to watch this game:

                      And I am the one being muted here? Really? These people should be banned off dota 2, and I seem to be the only one to be scorched? Fuck this, really, its depressing.

                      Bot Tyrone

                        @Mapzor there is a difference.

                        Forcing a 50% win rate is what the current system is, which is where if you win or lose too much, you get put into completely one sided matches that are over before they begin.

                        A good MM system will try make each game as even as possible, regardless of whatever win/lose streak you are on. And yes, you should end up at around 50% over the long term (once you reach your actual bracket that is).


                          "Well, if u want a balanced game, then ur chance to win is 50% isn't it?
                          So a gd MM system should force a 50% winrate but not this way, I mean not giving u bad players, and getting better players against u"

                          ^^Mapzor produces another excellent restatement of the truth everyone but a handful of whiners know.

                          But achieving this with a short matchmaking time is just not possible for solo que. It is easy to see that this is true. Consider how hard you work, how long it takes to find a group of 5 good players to que with you. Why don't you do it all the time? Well its because those people are not all playing dota and about to que for a game. When are all 5 good players ready to play a game of dota at the exact same time? Maybe it is a few times a day if you coordinate? Maybe its once every other day?

                          But you want to get into a solo que and any given 30 sec time frame have 10 good players also que in right then? It can't happen because the people are not there. If they were there, finding 5 strong players to que with you would be easy. I have over 20 excellent dota players on my friends list. At any given time less than 5 are playing dota and those are split into 3 or more games queing at very different times.

                          If you want a really good game the fact is you have to wait and work to set it up. Good people are not available for free at the touch of a button. They never will be. Welcome to reality.

                          Minami Kotori

                            @Casual Valve said there is no forced 50% winrate, you don´t get matched with bad players on purpose. Also, making a system like this would actually be harder than leaving it like it is now. If the players you play with are bad, you are bad, too.


                              I don't know man, after the last 13 games (only 3 wins) I feel like I've been getting matched with bad players on purpose.. It's hard to get a solid friends list when you're constantly being placed with bad teams after bad teams. It's a catch 22, in order to meet better players, you need to move up but in order to move up you need to win.

                              Autism is great

                                A SHARK!
                                devs + mods on dota 2 dev said that report system isnt automated while steam support said its fully automated
                                scrnshot with steam support response can be found in Enai Siaions signature on devs forum

                                = devs + mods are full of shit

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                                  Waffles do you have much dota 1 experience? Dota is a game where its possible to stay "nub" for so much longer than people like to believe. I played 4 thousand dota 1 games over the course of 2 years before starting dota 2 and have almost 1200 games in dota 2 now...but I still learn new things every week.

                                  If you do not already have "thousands of games" its best to try to learn a few similar heroes in a specific role.

                                  The easiest role to learn and play is carry. People will not want newer players on the carry, but you need to ignore that and do what will help you. Pick out 3 of your favorite carries and play only those heroes over and over until you have them nailed down. Learn to recognize when your carry is going to face a tough game because of counterpicks. Play it anyway. Adjust your item build to deal with it.

                                  Learn the play the hero in all situations. If your support is taking farm...get q-blade and get good enough to out lasthit them despite nubs autoattacking. If the supports won't stack do it yourself. If the support won't ward to protect your farm do it yourself.

                                  Every carry reaches a critical point where they can just go win the game. Learn where that point is. Stop farming and go win the game. Change your focus to taking down towers and kill heroes only when they might stop you from killing towers or to set up killing towers.

                                  The most important skill for carries is teamfight target selection and positioning and its the hardest to learn because teamfights are so rare and farming is so much of the game. Watch your replay, see how many attacks you actually did in the fight. Most pub carries spend 75% or more of the fight walking around because they position badly and hit the wrong targets. Your attack is an ability with a 0.3 sec cd late game it is very hard to use it to its full potential.

                                  After you have mastered your favorite carries. Try something else. You will not really be accepted by good players until you can play at least 10 heroes well in several different roles. If you can't do that then you are going to be a liability and good players will see it easily. Good players have time during the game to watch everyone else play. You have to know what everyone else is doing to coordinate. I pay more attention to ally and enemy heroes than my own. Using my hero alone is kind of trivial.

                                  The Point is: dota has a huge learning curve and when you think you are starting to really get will just see how much more there is yet to learn.

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                                  Minami Kotori

                                    No, just play hardlane.

                                    Penis Monkey

                                      ^ Relentless summarizes it pretty well, but I would recommend learning your favorite heroes against bots first. At least their basic functions

                                      wu tang

                                        @mapzor. yeah, I get what you are saying now. I just disliked the kill yourself thing. but thanks for clarifying. its always interesting to see different points of view.

                                        Sōu ka

                                          OP is just pathetic. You know how he and his dotabuff friends play matchmaking now?
                                          They pick Wisp and Ursa + 2 other heroes and go for level 1 Roshan. The 5th player doesn't pick a hero until they get Roshan. If anything goes wrong they pause the game and the waiting player disconnects and abandons before anyone dies so the game isn't recorded. That way they start the game with a safe level 1 Roshan. Picking 5 heroes in AP and tryhard stacking while playing on page 30 doesn't seem to be enough I guess. But hey Valve's fault for not preventing that right?


                                            You may be right Ninja. I don't like to practice against bots because its nothing like real players...but to just learn the basic What does this spell do? and practice lasthitting it can be ok.

                                            If you are going to practice against bots have a specific goal, like get 50 cs in ten minutes. When the game gets to ten min, pause take score and restart and try again until you can get it.
                                            The best players can get 80 cs at ten min.


                                              Relentless, thanks for the post. I try to stay realistic about my abilities and where I am at skill wise in the game. I realize there is a lot I have to learn, especially after watching the Tournies and high lvl games. I actually saw another post where you suggested going back and watch replays in a bit slower then real time and I've started doing that, paying attention to things I did wrong, or could have done better. And when I want to try a new character, I'll run an unfair bot game once or twice to get the feel\basics before subjecting a team to me trying. I've also used them for getting a better handle on controlling the lane, and creep stacking etc...

                                              again, thanks to you and ninja for the insight.

                                              shitty yoshimitsu player


                                                Just a game I played a while back. For the team composition we had, I have no clue how we beat the other team. Though thinking about it if they had setup the lanes more differently then maybe they could've won. 4 Supports + 1 Carry vs 2 Supports + 3 Carries. Oh and Dazzle builds a Desolator for fun.



                                                  Naic game. Sucker sniper and blind pudge.

                                                  Balance here and there.



                                                    Playing with 200 wins sk against 1000 wins lone.


                                                    Sōu ka

                                                      You played with a mate in both games in didn't get anything done. Maybe you inflated your MMR too much with your stupid Roshan abuse, too but i guess you stopped that now eh?


                                                        ^ I inflated my mmr and now mm matches me with newbs?

                                                        Wtf logic is this?

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                                                        Sōu ka

                                                          You are complaining about the Pudge in the 1st game while hes in your party apparently? What the hell is your problem?
                                                          In the 2nd game the same player is just dead weight as well as it seems and you are the lowest level in the game with Ursa and got completely outfarmed. I guess you just jungled and expected your team to do well 5v4 (assuming doom did more than you) while your friend from the 1st game just died.

                                                          Matchmaking is based on expectations. If you were a lot better than your teammates this game then in order to get a pleasing result you would have to do a lot better than them and being afk in the jungle or not killing anything in the lane isn't exactly a high impact role.

                                                          Your teammates might be worse than usually because you party with someone with lower MMR?

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                                                            ^ All this cant explain sniper picker and shitty sk. These guys were obviously out of skills here and still I got paired with them.

                                                            Sōu ka

                                                              you were a 3 man stack in the sk game and went 6-22 while he went 3-6 ....
                                                              i havent watched the game and i wont but i really dont understand how you can put this loss on him and why do you complain about picks when your 3 man stack picks sf,necro and ursa in the other game

                                                              you cant actually 3 man stack and then expect the random person to willingly pick and play a support hero for complete strangers

                                                              the friend who played pudge has <49% wr and lets just assume that you are not fucking awful at this game, dont you think that this sk is at least as good as your friend and matchmaking might not be at fault to match you 3 together?


                                                                @KegelTheElf, OP is bad at communicating, and doesn't understand shit, and he thinks that his POV is always right, and that everyone is playing bad and skill less, whereas he is better than Dendi..

                                                                Everyone knows OP got communication problems, and we r okay with it :D


                                                                  And after I won against some nerds that have no life Im playing next game with a retard bm mid who feeds on purpose.


                                                                  How can any of you braindeads ever protect this mm?

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                                                                    Not trying to proect mm, but as a support, do you not have wards in your bag at all times? and a TP?

                                                                    Autism is great

                                                                      match maker is fine
                                                                      you just need to play a lot
                                                                      after you hit 2000wins in 90% of games you are going to end up with people inside 1300-2000+ wins range

                                                                      ( ha ha ha , lol !, good match maker )

                                                                      hopefully by mistake one day riot hires our beloved match maker dev so he can cut their playerbase by half in one month with his brilliant work

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                                                                        it's fine


                                                                          OdiN, I do have wards and I almost always tp to help if possible and if its needed.

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                                                                            Played with this guy, he is a complete idiot and trash.

                                                                            How can he have 54% winrate? Thanks mm.



                                                                              Is that a fucking joke? Why do I always have retarded shitty idiots? How can this idiot kunkka be at 51% winrate? He deserves 45% winrate max but still he wins more and plays with me.

                                                                              Gege shitty Valve.

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                That Kunka is 10-11 win/loss on Kunka. But he happened to play his worst game of Kunka ever (and far far worse than his 2nd worst game) when he was on your team.

                                                                                Its not Valves fault he played way way below what he typically does that game. Maybe he was drunk.
                                                                                Some people have all the luck.

                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                  Plz stop whining OP, its just a game, and no one expects u to win every single game, PLZ STOP !


                                                                                    Relentless, nah, he is just a retarded newb.

                                                                                    So, how can I win if almost anyone in my team plays his "worst" game? Lol.

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert


                                                                                      Who matched this TA with this retarded tide? 0 kill participation in 20 min and 3 levels below the next lowest level, valve fix pls

                                                                                      lie to me agen fagt

                                                                                        ^Epic nerd. Can only win with Wisp stack. Get some brain and logic kiddo.


                                                                                          It's ok, I'd be mad if I was normal bracket trash as well


                                                                                            ^ Just luv how kiddos having fun nowadays. xd

                                                                                            Ure actually a trash, but if u play 1000 matches with your stack, maybe u can even feel that ure good.

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              "So, how can I win if almost anyone in my team plays his "worst" game? Lol."

                                                                                              Maybe you should start playing with bots


                                                                                                hey swiftening, how many games do you stack in average?


                                                                                                  Swift could stack with a team of all pros or all nubs. Either way he would still be an amazingly good dota player. Watch a replay of him sometime. In any given pub game he is almost certain to be the best player on both teams.

                                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                    EU west of US east?
                                                                                                    and fuck do i need a MMR to know how bad i'm doing these days to get fucking trash every game (that also gets me muted :D! gogo 3x 168 hours)

                                                                                                    lie to me agen fagt


                                                                                                      Again this shitty MM. Tryhard noob teammates level 1 Rosh, they failed even with the help of Treant. 5th man left without picking. Wasted time, I dont even understand why I am 5-man stacking. GJ Volvo.