General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-si...

When these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-sided games in General Discussion
Woof Woof

    stay strong only 5 hours til keitaLeague


      ^ Yeah thanks for reminding. Looking forward to it aswell.

      Woof Woof

        +3hours and i wont have too see solo vs stacks ever again hahah suck my dick shit valve retards
        and fuck your retarded match maker

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        Pandamonium(You Died)

          Lol KL going to have exactly same problem, OMG MY TEAMMATES SUCK SO MUCH OMGOMGOMG
          even if they wont. Coz thats how dota player mentality works apparently.

          Woof Woof

            i only care about visible stats and solo v solo


              ofc, got nothing to talk about, so started talking about my English
              English is my second language, do u expect me to have perfect grammar??


                btw, BH outfarmed u :D


                  ^ "lie to me" uses argumentum ad hominem.

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                    MM is not perfect, u don't expect it to make it completely perfect, as u know, or should know it, the system can't access the minds and mentality of the players, it can't know that they r having a bad day

                    Even pro players can have bad days, bad plays, and ppl still flame them (if the game is live), and they don't know shit about the stress they r under..

                    MM is shit, maybe, sometimes it forces 5 loses then forces 6 wins, u never see for example, 2 lost, then 3 won, then 1 lost, again 2 won, no, it will be something like, 5 won, 6 lost, then 9 won, then again 5 lost, etc.

                    Its true IMO that MM forces a 50%, but that wut u should expect if u want a fair MM system, though this isn't the right way, they must get u with gd players, and against gd players, after moving up the ladder, instead of getting u with bad players and against better players..

                    This is how it works, u win some games, it matches u with noobs, and against gd players..

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                    Pandamonium(You Died)

                      ^Look at my games, you will be very surprised.


                        I think the reason of mutation in ur recent games is because u change the ppl u play with
                        cus it is the first time I see such unorganised wins/loses, ur recent matches look colourful :P


                          Vaikiss is back !!

                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                            Its not really recent games, I didn't had major lose streaks in 2-3 months i think.
                            And the people I play with, its mostly 1-2 same persons + ocasionally their friends. So yeah it changes, but I don't see how that not shows that MM is at least semi-fair.

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                            Woof Woof

                              bump cuz great match maker; copy-paste of my post from one sided thread on devs forum

                              LOL guess who won
                              and which side had stack

                              my team wins ( 2774 )
                              457 (me) 53.90%
                              645 52.59% -> huge retard
                              514 50.10%
                              448 hidden
                              710 hidden -> huge retard

                              enemy wins ( 4988 )
                              939 59.82%
                              657 50.89%
                              1453 49.56%
                              1301 52.53%
                              638 56.22%

                              11;42 in 26minutes

                              mid 179963362

                              OFC NOT US
                              and they had stack

                              wish i could get %wr on 2 hidden but it is what it is

                              fuck rly wish i could see that 'hidden mmr' in that game fuckin joke

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                                Won 5 games in a row, got shit invoker that fed mid and left, we lost, next game (that didnt happen cuz of a brown leaver while loading screen) me and a friend of mine were going to play with 300 wins guys against 600-1000 wins guys. MM is doing his best to make me have a forced loss streak. :)


                                  Ofc a trashgame.


                                  Got highest gpm as support kotl. Mm cant ever be less predictable.

                                  sumstoner  oxx[=======>

                                    look at these nooblets complaining they can't understand matchmaking.
                                    NIGGER PLEASE!! mmr are total BULLSHIT in a team game.

                                    This isnt 1 vs 1
                                    This is more like 1+4retards vs 3retards 1 leaver and a chicken!

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                    sumstoner  oxx[=======>

                                      :o then u have dota buff tryhards who team grief with last-hits, kill steals and then leave games when they reach a 1:1 k/d ....

                                      plus they just watch you die then clean up afterwards... bloody poop scoopers!

                                      sumstoner  oxx[=======>

                                        why is MMR not public, SIMPLE

                                        TO STOP THE TRYHARD WANNABE FROM RUINING EVEN MORE GAMES!!



                                          Pretty balanced, dont you think so?

                                          Invoker decided to up sunstrike on hardlane against wisp+ck.

                                          Where are idiots that protect mm?


                                            First of all, why the fuck is invoker on hardlane
                                            I think BH can easily o hardlane solo
                                            Invoker mid, slark nyx bot, batrider woods, or ur picks r just bad, if u can't let bat go woods


                                              Np, I called bot and we had mid and retards decided to pick nyx/invoker after.

                                              By the way, invoker can stand on hard as ez as bh can. If you didnt know.

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                                              Woof Woof
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                                                Woof Woof

                                                  haha and btw check this screenshot
                                                  valve supports admits that report system is automated

                                                  inb4 eric tams and dota 2 mods saying its not automated or semi automated hahaha

                                                  dota 2 dev proven to be a liar epic

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                    Lol, why is my 200 wins guy is a trashnewb who sucks ass and enemies' 200 wins guy is always a good one?

                                                    spell of the stone

                                                      u guys are pathetic. always most clever on forum but noobs. even ur last game, outworld I are you was utter shit, ds misses vacums and crix feeed and lietome pl also feed. u are idiots who cannt see own mistakes

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                        My feed is that I died to wisp+lesh tp?

                                                        Stfu fucking retard.

                                                        Oh wait, you are on 44% winrate, why to bother...

                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                        spell of the stone

                                                          this acc is for practice some wird stuff reto, its 9 games. ur not worth of showing my high wr accs at all. u look only 1 pixel from 100 thats ur proeblem. anywhore. i told u objective look of last match, apretiate that newb. iareu play was painfull to watch, il not even coment it, except maybe try leaving dota both, if ur defing it sucker

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                            ^ Kiddo, why so mad? I just dont understand this shit at all. =/

                                                            Btw, another nice game

                                                            Enemies ward and go as 5 always, we have half time afking venge and a sucked bot.

                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                              Played with a friend who is in lpq, bumped in a stack of nerds. Fucking really? In lpq? Stack of epic nerds? How am I supposed to win?


                                                                  Here is my one sided game.

                                                                  These 3 feeders were brazilians, spoke no english and qued into "english only". I'm not very good at brood, but I don't think I could have done anything to win this game. I bet the best brood in the world would still have lost it. They fed so fast I could not go through one creep wave without one of them dieing. 26 min and they died about once every 30 sec for the entire game.

                                                                  Please don't think I'm blaming matchmaking for the loss. This is just a good example of what happens when you solo que and win 9 in a get a lot harder. But I can't believe any of these guys feed this much every game. They just all 3 happened to have a terrible game at the same time.

                                                                  Bot Tyrone

                                                                    ^how is that NOT a problem with match making? Match making should not be designed to force you to a 50% win rate, that's an indicator of a terrible mm system. What makes sense, is making matches as equal and even as possible, which should result in win rates around 50% over the long term.

                                                                    This is why I pretty much only play IH matches for now. I don't want forced losses, and I don't want forced wins either (ie. one of the teams clearly has far superior skill overall)

                                                                    Actually even Gabe mentioned, quite a long time ago, that he thought the current MM was terrible and they would be working to improve it by release.

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                                                                    le charismeur

                                                                      u know theres a thread on the dev forums for this


                                                                        I don't believe that those guys are as terrible as they seemed in that game. They can't be. No one would continue to play dota if they fed like that with any kind of regularity.

                                                                        Although 2 of them are hiding their stats, it does seem from match history that they play together. The 1-14-1 Doom has 587 wins, the 1-21-1 riki has 1084 wins so they have clearly played a lot of dota. The 1-17-0 Darkseer is new or smurfing? lol? only 44 wins. The doom is the only one with stats public and he is actually 50.64% win (+15 wins)

                                                                        So there is no way they feed like this normally. They just all had a terrible game.

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                          To be fair... that doom has an average of 2.0 kda for all his best heroes...
                                                                          He's probably a 50 percentile player, who in our standards would be considered complete junk and detrimental to the team.


                                                                            Sure he was bad. His next game he feeds with Doom again 0-6-7. On a winning team where everyone else has good scores...

                                                                            But in my game he played the his worst game of the last 10 days. He was the same guy who normally does not feed to much. Overall he is 4-8 win/loss on Doom and averages 1.72 KDA. Thats really bad, but my game where he got 0.14 KDA was his worst game of the 12 Doom games he has played.

                                                                            He basically plays the hero wrong. He gets HoM before any other items. Then he farms until he has lothars and Radience and can easily pick off people. Now if his friends had not started a feed festival right from the start, maybe they play just mediocre to bad and I can somehow carry it. Given their normal performance and my average games I should have a 50/50 chance of winning with them on my team.

                                                                            But since they started so badly and then took to arguing in Portuguese about who sucked more and whose fault it was...meanwhile I played one of my weakest heroes and the other team counterpicked me...this all adds up to a massacre.

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                                                                            Bot Tyrone

                                                                              ^Why do you assume that all the knowledge that someone has of DotA goes out the window the moment they pick a different hero? It's the same thing in my match when my ally picked Medusa against a team that already had Wisp and Spirit Breaker, or when that Furion kept moving into completely open and unsafe spots without any escape mechanism and feeding. This isn't an issue with playing the hero wrong, its called being bad at the game.

                                                                              If you are putting up scores like 0-6-7 as a hero that isn't a bait/hard support (even with VS this score would be bad in such a match, but you get the idea) while your team overall is doing incredibly well, then you are doing something very, very wrong, and is far beyond simply being bad at a hero, exceptions could be made for some of the more difficult heroes.

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                My point is just that this doombringer is complete trash.
                                                                                You shouldn't be saying that he's having a terrible game.
                                                                                Bad players are just bad.


                                                                                  ^ No why, even if they went for 0-100 score in 10 minutes and convinced Relentless they were doing their best, he would still think they just have a bad game for no reason actually.


                                                                                    ^lol ty that really was just very funny.

                                                                                    Casual you know, as does everyone who is honest with themselves, that you are going to have vastly worse play on some heroes than others. Maybe your best hero plays at a 99th percentile level, but your worst might be 50th percentile. Lets take a look at why this happens.

                                                                                    While all the knowledge someone has of dota does not "go out the window", often I find that very little of it is effectively used when a player is on a hero they do not know.

                                                                                    Lets consider 3 situations. First a carry hero someone does not know.

                                                                                    When any player is using one of their weakest carries they will be significantly worse at last hitting because they are not used to the timing. They will typically either hyperfocus on trying to get it right, ignoring map awareness and often even ignoring lane awareness...or they will give up on trying to lasthit since they can't get enough of them and try to play the wrong kind of initiating as the carry hero, roaming-ganking...I recently saw someone try to go hard-support on naga siren and wander the map putting up badly placed wards, getting zero farm and xp and dieing when attempting to gank at low levels.

                                                                                    While in this bad situation they cannot find the correct balance of farming, map awareness, and caution that a carry hero needs early and they certainly will not have the extra attention required to see the opportunities, even for just efficient farming, that the same player would see on their favorite carry hero.

                                                                                    When someone is playing a solo mid, get runes and gank type hero they do not know...they will miss a lot more last hits than usual, they will fail to control the runes, they will not have the levels and items they need to function during the mid-game window when their hero is supposed to shine. This all snowballs from a few early mistakes into a terrible game.

                                                                                    If you don't get the lasthits you don't get bottle soon enough. If the opposing mid gets their bottle first they start controlling the runes. They take the runes and are prepared to really do some dmg, meanwhile you are just trying to catch up on enough farm to get maybe bottle and boots...and your team is dieing and calling for help while you are impotent and frustrated. This leads to people making even more mistakes than usual, bad judgement, confusion, poor communication, etc.

                                                                                    Often people don't even recognize that they should be bottle rushing on a solo mid hero, or don't even take them mid and try to play them in the wrong role. Its hard enough to use a hero you don't know, but when you force the hero into a role it can't play well to gets really bad. This turns a player who would simply be the weakest on the team, but contribute...into a 2-10-2 super feeder who snowballs into disaster.

                                                                                    Its exceptionally bad and obvious on solo-mid heroes because there is no one to cover your mistakes. This is why everyone fears the nub taking solo mid. Not only will he fail, but he will ensure a solid start for the enemy mid who will then crush the sidelanes and win the game.

                                                                                    People trying to play a support hero they don't know...practically no one knows how to play support heroes correctly, even in Very High games. It is so vastly different from the other hero roles that even a lot of people who think they know it really don't have a clue what they are doing.

                                                                                    Someone on their weakest support hero will mostly suffer from not understanding how and when that hero gets kills. Every support hero has a specific window of time early on, a specific combination of skills that when they get it they suddenly have the power to get kills...and it does not last more than a few minutes. On some heroes its level 1 with no items. If you have not planned ahead (ie ward vision, creep equilibrium, pre-harrass dmg, salve to re-engage, baiting out a certain defensive spell, + other tricks)...and positioned to get that advantage you will miss it. You probably will never even know that you had a way of easily killing Faceless Void or Naix in the lane as Crystal Maiden.

                                                                                    Some people, like any hero they don't know, abandon trying to play correctly and start farming up the support trying to become relevant later when they have L33T items...of course such a time never arrives and while they farm slowly and badly their team is unprotected and falls apart.

                                                                                    Playing a support hero you don't know is the hardest, because there are never situations where you can accidentally succeed. Any time a support saves someone, sets up a kill (not kses it), gets the stacking and pulling right, has the right wards up when they are needed...these things all require a lot of thinking ahead about a lot of different priorities while the game is still going on. Supports need the most map awareness and when you are playing a hero you don't know your map awareness goes to crap because you have to think to much about how to actually move the hero and use spells. On your best hero you don't have to think about how to use it, you just do...lots of practice and it becomes easy. I don't care if you think you "know" what the spells are on every hero you really don't if you have not played them 100+ times against strong teams of coordinated players.

                                                                                    As with anything being able to execute correctly, precisely, under pressure...that takes a lot of practice. If you think you play well on a hero you have played 5 times total you are delusional. No one can no matter how talented.

                                                                                    Ok so back to matchmaking. When matchmaking puts a 50th percentile player on your team to balance the 50th percentile player on the other team sometimes one guy plays his best hero which will really do pretty well and help the team...while the other guy plays a hero he does not know (probably does not know 80% of the heroes) and utterly fails. You can call this a failure of matchmaking but its just the consequence of the free choice to que with less than 5 people on your team.

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                                                                                      Relenntless #1

                                                                                      wu tang

                                                                                        lol classic relentless


                                                                                          Just now, match making has tried teaming me up with the people I beat, twice in a row. It's 2:38 AM, & I can't be bothered with this shet. I'm an ordinary player, so how the hell am I meant to get better when I'm always getting stomped?


                                                                                            Do you actually know the difference between the 99th and 50th percentile? One is ~2000DBR+, the other is like 1200, and well into the normal bracket. I could play meepo right now, having never played him in dota2 and play him at least at 1600 level. Why? Because my basic, global dota knowledge and skills still exist. I have no idea why you are even trying to persist with your shitty argument. Obviously your skill will dip with some heroes, but never even close to the extent that you suggest.

                                                                                            I swear all your arguments are just incredibly basic ideals or observations that you try to use to explain situations that are clearly well beyond their scope.

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              Relentelss, yeah, you trying to find a logic where there is no, thats funny for sure. I actually feel pity for you, you look like a good physic that is trying to disapprove Einstein's theory right now.

                                                                                              Read You_Got_Furk's post one more time, he has some good points there for you.

                                                                                              Btw, I was on 98% percentile. Players I play with dont even have 90% I swear. Some nice matchmaking here. This shit cannot be discribed by bad day etc. They are just way below my skills, thats all.

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                              wu tang

                                                                                                I have to agree with @lie though. this mm is pure garbage. like after a couple of wins U know whats already coming. yeah punish me for playing well. God forbid I actually know how to play my roles. and reward all the guys who seem to have no clue where the map is making me do twice as much or near impossible even. like how da fuck do you punish players for playing well


                                                                                                  If u think that this MM system is bad because of forcing a 50%, then u r dumb and must uninstall dota 2, and suicide right now, because every gd MM system would do this, but how it does it, is the issue in dota 2's MM system, I think it must line u up against better and more skilled players, with u, and against u, unless u r rly gd and the system can't find players near to ur skill lvl/hidden MMR, at weird playing times or such..

                                                                                                  Bot Tyrone

                                                                                                    Forcing a 50% win rate is retarded, clearly putting forced wins/losses is completely against what an MM system should be doing. Creating games that are well balanced as much as possible is what a good MM system does, at least when everyone in the game is solo queue.

                                                                                                    It really isn't worth anyone's time when your team is clearly trying to have a bit of fun while the other team is tryharding with their picks + 4 man ganks mid twice in the first 10 minutes, 3 of them on smurf accounts, while my team doesn't even ward at the start and our lanes are pretty much fucked.

                                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                      First of all Einstein's ideas are in fact all crap. They were obviously totally contrary to experimental evidence when he thought them up nearly a century ago and its even easier for anyone with real ability think for themselves to discover this now...despite countless millions of "scientists" who believe what they read in their indoctrination classes and throw out evidence that contradicts orthodoxy on reflex...even if they observe it themselves. The state of science today is truly pathetic. So many people believe so much fake data and irrational babbling you can't even talk to most "educated" people about science.

                                                                                                      I have a degree in Aerospace Engineering and worked for NASA and even those people only know the details of their own specialties...and have been thoroughly conditioned to abandon thinking and depend on authority for anything not specifically assigned to them.

                                                                                                      Yes, the fact is your skill on your best hero is so far above your worst its like you are a different person. If you want you can pretend its not much change, not take the problem seriously, and don't improve.

                                                                                                      If MMR were visible you could easily see it by just playing a set of 20 games on your best hero and then switching to 20 games on your worst. The enormous difference would be nicely recorded in the huge change in your MMR. But since you can't see the number you can still "feel" it by trying this the 20 on your worst hero first. The switch to your best an watch the 10+ win streak and godlike every game fun times begin....because your MMR will be quite low and you will easily win the games when MMR gets set to your crappy play on the hero you don't know.

                                                                                                      Unfortunately, in the case of "yougot" what I am suggesting would nearly double the total dota 2 experience he has. So it would take him 6 months to complete it. Similarly Casual has fewer games played than my win-loss differential. Who knows how long it would take him to actually observe much less understand from experience how matchmaking works. You complain about trivial tiny have never had a team matched to you even close to as bad as the one I posted. You have not even played over half the heroes one time. You have no idea how big a skill gap there is between your best and worst. You don't even know which heroes they are.

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