General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-si...

When these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-sided games in General Discussion

    I know they are low skill, but you are comparing people who are low skill and have over 600 games to someone who has not won a single game.

    And its not about what actually happened in the game, but rather the line up that was created. This is the best example I have as for other more recent games with absolute retards I don't have access to the necessary stats, and I don't need them when I have this game to show.

    I was not the tough opponent, read what I said before. I mean sure by the actual skill levels I would be for this game, but regarding my actual stats (3W-4L) at the time, I most certainly was not.

    Bottom 10%? Are you serious? Do you not know how easy it is to be in the top 70%? This player clearly is, and that doesn't even make him a half decent player anyway. And there is no way that someone who has 0-5 can be the same MMR as someone who has played 600+ games and has ~49% WR. Its only when you stay in the 45% range after a couple hundred games that you might still be in the mid gold bracket.

    Whether or not we won the game is once again irrelevant, this player should not have been in the game, and you can see that there are a lot of games where one player from a very low bracket (relative to everyone else in the game) has been thrown in.

    Your entire argument is so stupid its not even fucking funny. A 0-5 player is equivalent to a 600 game player with ~49% WR (not saying he has a high MMR, but its clearly ten fucktons more than the 0-5 player, who is now 3-12..)

    Edit: And what would have happened if he was mid? If he was the carry? Then how do you think the game would have gone?

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      Its not possible to completely certain since MMR is hidden, but seriously look at his stats for lich. This guy is an anchor dragging down any team he plays on.

      I realize you think that number of games should count for a lot more, but it really does not. You are simply mistaken about how the MMR works and should work. I would bet the 0-5 guy is actually better at dota than the 600 game guy. "hi" had obviously played hundreds of game of dota 1 before trying dota 2. He is very low skill but not really inexperienced.

      It does not matter that "kpoop" had lots of games, or nearly 50% wins. Thats how TrueSkillRating systems work. He proved his terrible player status quickly and has been at "lower Bronze" for something like 590 games and will stay there indefinitely not improving.

      He is able to win because his friends carry him and Matchmaking will place at least one terrible player on the other team every time. If he just manages to feed a little less than the other terrible player he can keep near 50% win.

      This is why YOU have to take the initiative and que as 5. Many, many people are queing with their terrible friend so that you also get a feeder. Please stop raging about it for a second and realize that I am trying to help you understand what is happening. You don't like how the system is set up, but the fact is IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to do it any other way. The huge difference in skill between players in a game comes from the free choice of the players to que, not from any matching problem. If you freely choose to solo que or...4,3,2 the system can only balance you by giving you worse and worse feeders until you lose or better and better allies until you win. Its not mathematically possible to do it any other way unless you have teams of 5.

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        Dunno why this shitty newb Дартаньян talks.

        Really hate this mm for making such trash feeling proud.

        The thing is I know that my lossesa are forced, then shitty newb comes and states that is not. Dont make me laugh. Just be better to see some thing you dont see now.

        Relentless, all your posts dont make any sense, believe me. Your retarded mathematical approach doesnt work against an ez fact - if you download like any of my lost game you will see its a forced loss.

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          I've dealt more hero damage in the first 10 minutes of a game than lion had in this entire game.

          His XPM was brilliant, star player IMO, always where the action is!

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            You_Got_Fukt, its sure that it was also a balanced game! Even if you had 3 more guys like lion in your team. Its not bad mm that sends only bads in your team on purpose, its just percentage blabla.

            Pandamonium(You Died)

              Yea you are right, fagt, MM is shit. You are so good, obviously system just wants to bring you down and ALWAYS gives you shit teammates. You should join na'vi or something, you are too good for the public games. never play public again, just too good for it. It's obvious that there is no players in the world that can match up to your skill, not even dendi. gg, you won the game.


                ^ Thank you, mister 2 kda, but I dont really care what guys like you think about me.


                  shitty matchmaking?
                  the players against me were low skilled in my point of view, but were high skilled in my (noob) clan m8s point of view, just check the game, i was playing 1v5, fortunately i won..

                  Pandamonium(You Died)

                    Thank you, mister 50% winrate, but you are just bad if you think KDA has anything to do with your skill (Esp when playing support and/or utility heroes like I do). Stay bad in your bronze league, getting shitty teammates every time(because no way its you who might be bad, must be them EVERY time eh?), and complain like a little bitch, while I enjoy pretty good MM in which I can really help my team. In other words, l2p.
                    Also, the only 2 carries I play, weaver and juggernaut, have >5KDA which is more than most of your carries. Where is your god now?

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                      I don't see a problem with the MM system at all honestly. I only solo queue and I am not forced towards the 50% win rate. Sure, I feel that I get some auto-loses sometimes, but there's nothing you can do about it. Why rage?

                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                        ^I wonder what excuse OP now gonna come up with in relation to your account.
                        Good stats man.


                          ._. yep it force you, and play some ap, thats what real men play!
                          If it doesnt force u there would be bunch of people with 10%/20% win rate and there wouldnt be any "elo" at all so you would get totaly random team every game.
                          Therefore those people (10%/20%/30%) and good players wouldnt play as much or at all because that wouldnt be fun for anybody(stomping), and there would be leagues and stuff to separate bad and good people like in dota 1.
                          Shitty valve want to make big money and to make game fun for all(casual player) and then u get magical 50% more or less.

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                            ^ Honestly, none of anything you said made any sense, and you basically lost all your credibility when you said ap is what real men play.

                            Autism is great

                              ^ us east


                                Dunno about us east lol :/ But there are superb players, maybe this guy is one of them. But not you, The Terrible. If you really think that winrate matters (when even some top players have like 50%), and the thing I had higher stats than 98% when dbr was added, then you are a real newb. Oh wait... I actually knew it even before. Lol.

                                PS As well as I actually knew you gonna say something about winrate, you are as predictable as any shitty newb is.

                                PPS Oh wait, you are so happy that you have 3% win more than I do while I have like 100% better stats than you do? :P Stop humilating urself.

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                                  MM doesnt force a 50%, it just gets u against better players when u win, so u might lose if u play ALMOST perfectly with few mistakes, as one mistake might turn the tides, if the other knows how to play dota they will take this as an advantage and not go farm woods after a team wipe..
                                  like for example, if u get a new account(smurf account) and start playing ur first game u will get newbies against u and would go on a 5+win streak, then u will get into higher MMR, and get against better players, or just decent players and with bad players, where u will be the only one who rly can play dota..
                                  MM tries to match the total MMR of the players while finding a match, then when its full u get to play, that it


                                    hahahaha, omfg. Just wait to see my last game, ill link it when dotabuff updates.

                                    incoming veno who dies to creeps
                                    a clinkz who doesn't know how to harass
                                    a tuskar who competes with the carry for farm
                                    an AM who farms a decent speed bfury (I saw he had perse 7-8 minutes in, I think his bfury was around 14-16 minutes)

                                    what a shit game

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                                      Maybe you guys need to consider the fact you are playing with people who you consider low-skilled is due to the fact that you aren't very good yourself. If you solo queue, you're where you should be.


                                        Someone wanna explain how this guy is 53.55%? After 859 games mind you.

                                        >0 harass with clinkz against two very squishy heroes. And I mean literally 0. This is a lane that would have been raped so badly by even a half competent player, I mean in just a quick volley of 3 shots you can take either hero down to half HP, throw in tusk ice shards and zues is going to die every time he isn't at his tower.
                                        >safelane, lane is pushed occasionally, yet buys sobi mask at base and doesnt send them over, so he sits at low mana most of the early game

                                        I ask him why he hasn't harass AM at all. He says because he has perseverance, as though he couldn't harass at all during the start

                                        Just checked out his records, nearly fell off my chair. 53.55% win rate after 869 games, and his highest GPM EVER, IS 588. LOLLOLOLOLOLOL

                                        I'm guessing this is one of those cases where the win rate isn't representative of skill lmao.

                                        edit: after checking my own stats, I get higher than his highest GPM in 26% of my games. That's not even me being good either

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                                          so what, he is bad carry, maybe he is good support :D

                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                            You obviously don't / do not want understand roles in this game, and how it works. And which stats you have better than me? My carries are better than urs, and you don't play support because you obviously think that supports are for low level scrubs. I don't even know why I talk to you, you are obviously either a troll, or someone who is very incompetent at this game(which seeing your top played heroes is most likely). Also, you are obviously not that good if -.- can get good stats and winrate, while you cry about how your team sucks. You don't even understand meta, seeing as in game with bounty hunter where u destroyed (and u did), you got outpushed and blamed your teammates. Get lost, scrub.


                                              The Terrible, you mad brah? Truth hurts much?

                                              Just read You_Got_Fukt's posts, this guy sees something you not ever gonna see. Pitiful.

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                                              Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                Now you just trolling. What truth? that you played >1800 games and still can't understand meta? Probably hurts, I wouldn't know.
                                                PS. Done with you, obviously you can't even read what people write to you, let alone respond. Enjoy crying how bad your team is, when you get raped because you can't understand how this game is played (fapfapfap KDA)

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                                                Yao Fei

                                                  just play with your friends this mm system is not suitable for solo q


                                                    This lucknut guy seems to be an above average dota player. He just is bad at lasthitting. He is below average gpm on every hero but 4 (3 of which he has not played). Lucknut has 18 GPM below average overall...about 1/4 cs per wave less than the typical player. Nevertheless he manages to keep a win rate well above average with less farm so he makes up for it with other aspects of the game. Unfortunately Clinkz is a hero where lasthitting really determines your success.

                                                    Even thought he is less skilled he is able to get wins by outplaying opponents in other ways...warding, ganks, hero choices, not throwing the game late with a terrible decision, etc. You were just unfortunate that he was playing Clinkz in your game so He played significantly below his MMR.


                                                      The Terrible, if I dont know the game, then I dont even know how bad you are. :/

                                                      Btw, I do play supports. Another wrong statement. All statements by you are wrong. You're just a mere trash.

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                                                        @Relentless, do you even know what average means in dota? I mean seriously, the moment you learn to not auto attack creeps you are above 60% of players. That's how many bad people there are in this game.

                                                        So what if he is bad at last hitting, he should do NOTHING then? While the enemy is clearly free farming in his lane, when he should be very capable of not only last hitting 3-4 creeps each wave, but he can also harass like an absolute beast...and he did neither. He fucking bought sobi's from base instead of the sideshop and didn't send them over, the guy has NO CLUE how to play.

                                                        The guy had no clue how to approach ganks, had no clue how to farm, no clue how to lane, the list goes on. Lets keep in mind, that he has played over 850 games in dota2.

                                                        I myself did fucking nothing for most of the game, I mean I did help silencer get on his roll with a quick little gank at mid, but he would have probably done really well anyway. And yes I got to the point where I could solo both AM and Invoker at the same time, but my presence in this game was quite little, as shown by K/A. Now this guy? Using a hero with the highest DPS in the game from level 6, did 6891 hero damage..the lowest in the team by a lot.

                                                        Just spent 5 minutes going through his games. he is fucking garbage. And judging from the game I played with him, he isn't the one winning those games.

                                                        edit: and about supporting and shit, I really dislike because I have no clue how good our carry is going to be. I've won most of my games when I play support, but the losses I've had have just been a massive waste of time, so much so that I'd rather be in the offlane or head to the jungle and carry the game myself.

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                                                          :D :D :D Sorry to say, maybe his skill isnt the main problem, his attitude definitely is.


                                                            60% ? That sux bro, I cant remember when I saw someone auto-attacking last time. Maybe on Australia servers,,


                                                              Were you here when DBR was introduced? If you were, you would understand how low a lot of people are.


                                                                Lol, this Relentless guy is funny.

                                                                So you really think that a guy that has no basic knowledge about the game (lh, harras, courier use) can outsmart anyone?

                                                                Dont make me laugh. And its not his brain that helps him to win, but shitty mm that sends better players in his team as he is bad, and thats how he wins.

                                                                Autism is great

                                                                  dat match maker


                                                                    My last game - got a stack of some nerds against me with 0-10 magnus mid. I knew I gonna get this shit after 2 wins in a row.

                                                                    So predictable.

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                                                                    Autism is great

                                                                      best way to play right now is to throw a game after each win cause its impossible to get decent games after win streaks + as solo player u wont get far away from 50% anyways GJ ERIC TAMS fuckin genius


                                                                        Great, got a shitty russian school boy that went 0-10 with sven. This shit I cannot tolerate, really.


                                                                          0-13 lmfao

                                                                          Managed to win my game, was the worst fucking game though. PA was garbage, even when we had vision, we actually had a lot of wards thanks to rubick and tusk which was great, but when we did have vision, even if NS was just running past creeps, PA would run towards NS...fucking worst player, 194 CS in hour game with battlefury, and free farm at the start 10/10. The worst thing though, was that when they took mid rax and the two towers in base. Luna kept on going into our base and trying to BD our ancient, oh god it was a fucking nightmare, what an absolute shitcunt of a player. Then again, if you get outfarmed by a naix, you are probably doing something wrong.

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                                                                            I just dont get this shit - shitheads get 100 wins over losses. How the fucking hell? What an enormous inhuman luck or shitty mm is that?


                                                                              You guys suffer from being talented and lacking introspection. You are good at lasthitting, not so much at dota. You win because you had better items from better farming, but then you lose because your overall gameplay is really not superior.

                                                                              "shitty mm that sends better players in his team as he is bad, and thats how he wins." Matchmaking is not lucky for some people and unlucky for others over the course of 900 games. You still have that 40% win sniper with 4.42 KDA and below average farm. You really need admit to yourself that your sniper loses because you make critical bad decisions that lose games you should have won. Your sniper overextends, you are placing too high a priority on getting the kill and not enough on staying alive, taking farm, and taking towers.

                                                                              I have watched you play "lie to me agen fagt", and btw seriously get a better name, but anyway... I have watched you play and you are as talented as players who have 54-55% wins. You are really very good at controling your hero. But you lose because of bad decisions and until you admit that to yourself and try to find your own mistakes and change them you will just keep losing and being frustrated. You can't improve with the attitude you have where you always look to blame your team instead of trying to see what you might have done differently.

                                                                              Matchmaking is not persecuting you. Other people are winning with the same bad players on their team that you get on yours. People less talented than you are winning more and its not because of luck.

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                              Autism is great

                                                                                last game(ck, aa-mid,invoker,bounty+5th pick) gondar on my team calls offlane so our 5th player picks necrolyte and also goes 'offlane' too steal farm and exp from bh and give some kills including fb to enemy carry in the process, Invoker pick after aa called mid was nice too
                                                                                2 games ago i am forced as 1st pick(random ck) to offlane against 2+jungler, while 2 retards from russia on my team(pick-lina and shadow demon) go to safe lane right from start LOL
                                                                                only in dota 2

                                                                                and ofc retards like that werent part of my team before +8 game win streak yesterday

                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                  Relentless, I know that I cant make you watch all my games, but believe me, it doesnt really matter what decisions I make that much when there is 0-10 guy in team and the team itself lacks teamplay while enemies are almost always better. I dont really think that a guy that again cant do shit on lane against me wins because he just suddenly makes a super smart move. It more like this - enemies start going as 5 only with wards while my supports dont really care and go 1 by 1 only as well as the carries do.

                                                                                  Im lazy about that but I can even tell you how I lost my last 6 games - it was 1 even game and 5 with no fucking chances.

                                                                                  And once more, I dont care about wins/losses itself that much, when dbr was added I had a high one and was ok with that. But I fucking hate one-sided losses when some shitty tards think they outplayed me while my team is everyone on 0-10 score.

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                                                                                    Well sure, thats why...que will 5. I get the same kind of results as you. The same stupid feeders when I solo que and end up with what feels like impossible games. But I realize that there is nothing that can be done about it. I am trying to build up enough high skill friends that I can que 5 for my games. I removed all my older ones because I got tired of carrying them. But its a process. In the meantime you can't blame random people for your losses. They wont be in the next game, but you will. You just need to step-up and try something diffrent...ward while carrying, counterpick more, improve team communication. And work on those things while trying to notice the games when you get someone who is good at a support hero or a ganker, someone who really controls the map with wards, someone who calls out ganks, someone who ports to help you...notice and thank them, get them to like you, play more games with them....thats how you get out of the crap matchmaking.

                                                                                    It's not designed for solo-que playing and it really can't be. It's "balanced" around 5 man teams. And think about changing your name. Who wants to play with someone with a name like that? It makes people expect you to be a dick and not try to be develop any cooperation with you.

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert


                                                                                      Like... really? Am farming bf for 30 min. Not bad.


                                                                                        @Relentless, so essentially you agree that the MM sucks?


                                                                                          No, I agree that it is not designed for solo queing because dota is a team game. MM tends to balance you by giving worse allies when you solo que if you are a High MMR. I think it is working very well overall because the measurement is that most people are near 50% win. That is success for the MM system. If you don't want bad players on your team that is entirely up to you and has nothing to do with matchmaking.

                                                                                          Every additional complaint about a game where a bad player was on your teams is just a logical fallacy called "begging the question".

                                                                                          I'll try again to explain why this cannot be fixed. Explain a way for MM to balance a game where a group ques up with (lets say DBRs)
                                                                                          1 2100 DBR Diamond
                                                                                          2 1700 DBR Platinum
                                                                                          1 1300 DBR Gold
                                                                                          1 800 DBR Bronze ok that's the team that ques against you

                                                                                          Now you solo que and are say 2000 will get a similar team all of them worse than you and 1 of them on your team a horrible feeder to make up for the other 800 DBR guy. Maybe your feeder picks his best hero and doesn't feed, but most likely the team 5 friends is shouting at their feeder to get the hell back all the time and he feeds less. Matchmaking has not failed, it gave you an equal team, but the problem was they were not really a team...just 5 random people.

                                                                                          The way to avoid this is obviously to just get 5 people to que.

                                                                                          You can say that it "should put players of similar MMR together". But it can't because people do not que that way. Most groups of 3,4,5 friends playing dota are not of similar skill. Typically there is one guy way better than everyone else and his real life friends all play because he introduced them to it and usually one or two them suck.


                                                                                            @lie to me agen fagt and probably many more here

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              So basically, what you are saying, is that MM sucks.

                                                                                              You are stating what should be the case, what would make sense, and then talking about what is actually happening - which does not agree with what you had initially said.


                                                                                                "MM tends to balance you by giving worse allies when you solo que if you are a High MMR."

                                                                                                Greatest idea ever. Instead of giving you better enemies and alies, it gives you worse alies. In HoN there is a mm system that works how I say, and it works good. Dont find any excuses for this shitty mm, really. The thing is that a team game doesnt make it impossible to have fair games as 10 randoms.


                                                                                                  Ok, explain it to me. Not your opinion of the results. How does it work? Are you not allowed to choose your team in HoN? Is it solo que only? 5 man only? Because sure with those cases you can match similar skilled players. But you really can't if people are allowed to choose 1,2,3,4,5 for their que. It's not possible.

                                                                                                  What would be a fair match for the team I suggested? (800+1300+1700+1700+2100)/5 = 5 players near 1520? Is that what you think would be fair?

                                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                    Of course 5 players near the same raiting is fucking much more fair than stacking super newb+newb+average+beyond average+really good.

                                                                                                    In HoN there is one queue, but if you are a team of 5 you can get only a team of 5 as your enemy.

                                                                                                    I just dont get how 10 people of the same skill is worse than mathching 5 different levels of skill.


                                                                                                      its not like that, its just an example he gave, its no way that someone with 2000 DBR gets matched with a <1700 DBR, never ever, but if for example an extraordinary guy goes solo MM, and his DBR is 2500 for example, and MM couldnt find ppl around his MMR, its rare to find 2200+ MMR or DBR, so he gets u against all 2000 DBR and with all 1875 DBR, so ur team gets outplayed..
                                                                                                      thats it

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