General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-si...

When these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-sided games in General Discussion

    49% winrate, that does prove that Im right. Shitty newbs gonna protect this system till the end.


      so im a shitty newb now cos i have 49% win rate. just shows how pro you are. well done. bravo. encore.


        U have 50% WR and stfu. It is ur level comparing with gamers whom u play with. Just accept this and stop crying and blaming Valve=)


          You are not that good. Valve owe you nothing. Enjoy the game and get better or stfu.


            Sry, Im already better than u guys, but Im not Dendi, I cannot carry every game solo.

            As Ive said many times, worst game for guys between average and superb skill.

            Btw, when there were raiting I had like 1920+ dbr. Bet newbs talking here big had hardly 1800.


              You lack the ability to receive and comprehend feedback. It is one of the most important skills in gaming and life. You are lower than trash atm.


                Nice attempt to hurt my feelings, but your kda raises my mood up far better.

                Second trashnewb here is protecting the system by Valve.

                Hmm, they are smart ones in this company.

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                  something is fucked at the moment. 1 win today, 7 losses. Every single loss involved completely fucking retarded allies. Yesterday I went 8-2, and I was the only player in my team that went positive in the losses.

                  Just want to make it clear that I don't mind losing, as long as its a fairly even game...but when you are losing because people are 100% retarded, every game feels like a waste of time.

                  Today's losses.

                  kunkka leaves like 2 minutes in, SD doesn't know how to play, void is getting free farm at top (because kunkka left, god knows why he picked kunkka when we said he was going to be in the offlane..)

                  4 man stack with retarded allies and our mid hero leaves. amazing game...I got aghs after necro3, just to try and keep our raxes up for as long as possible. Not much could be done

                  Pudge is 0-3 to a fucking tiny at midlane in about 2 minutes. How much more must be said? battlefury was a late pick up (after bkb) in attempt to stop PL a bit..please don't get me started on bat either, this cunt has NO CLUE how to play

                  Have our top lane and mid lane set already, and pink thinks he is a genius and picks tiny in the offlane. Invoker was fucking garbage. Disruptor was good, but once the enemies were fed, there wasn't much he could do

                  Please watch this game. Absolutely brilliant performance by lion. I think this game could have been decent if we picked a proper mid hero and lion wasn't a braindead fucking moron. As soon as an enemy popped up on the screen, DOES NOT MATTER if its a 2v1 situation (our way!), he will run back to T2 and afk for a few minutes. MLG plays. Rest of my team was alright, just really stupid playing a 4v5 game.

                  Garbage QoP and a silencer with the map awareness of a - wait, there is nothing that compares. I mean when you don't notice a Troll who we have vision off walking directly towards you who then goes invisi and decide to keep farming neuts, even when Magnus pings and shit that he is coming, you shouldn't even be allowed to play MM. Although I did love QoP deciding to go on the offense at bot lane when someone clearly called INVOKER BOT, CARE.

                  I was going for hex at first, but realised what a waste of time it would be if no one could do any damage.

                  Why the fuck am I getting all these teams today???

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                    You_Got_Furk, beware, very soon plenty of newbs with 49% winrate and 1 kda will come and teach you how bad you are.


                      @lie to me agen fagt
                      So why do you complain? You have a great KDA - you must be happy. Oh, wait! You can't win. Well, guess what - KDA has little to do with winning.

                      Just stop playing - there are better games for you.



                        this is why inbreeding is considered a very bad thing. just leave lie to me agen fagt to do what he wants. he is obviously very pro at life and gaming and gets all the bitches....fact is we (i for the most part) cannot even compare to the massive size of his dong. just let him be and let him qq all he wants...


                          Well, if there was a ranking system, I would be happy, cuz I had a high rank when dotabuff added them.

                          But shitty Valve removed it asap, so guys like MIY337 wont be upset when he sees his 1400 dbr.


                            You guys obviously haven't experienced this shit. I thought OP was full of shit too, until today. Retarded allies every fucking game, maybe 1 was winnable..otherwise a waste of fucking time. I don't know whether its just an unlucky streak or something, I'm still new to dota2 and shit, but to go from 8-2 (only positive player in both losses) to 1-7 isn't fucked up, not even a little? Its the same thing that OP is getting, and while I am not sure if this will come again, or if I can even get out of it, there is something very wrong with some of the players in my games being allowed into my games. I know my rating isn't high or anything, and that I am not a pro, but the guys I get on my team are worse than bots..


                              One more time, there can be no way they can experience this shit cuz they are just mere players, who think its ok to have 2-10 score 1 game out of 3. For better players these guys are just burdens.

                              Besides they usually have better players in their teams who carry them.

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                                1) join a team or make one
                                2) stop spam


                                  @lie to me agen fagt
                                  My DBR was around 1600 and I am not upset, nor do I cry like you. I never wrote I am better, this is in your head. I said you are not that good - Valve owes you nothing. The quality of your games is a direct mirror image of the quality of your social skills.

                                  I have experienced this. It is not cool, but unfortunately this is the reality - people like OP ruin the games for all of us - they demoralize, troll, swear etc. Play some more and the quality of games will improve. For me it happened around the 200th game. Just stay positive and play right - don't ruin games, because of your ego. The OP is the proof, that even with a high DBR/KDA, you can be in the low skill bracket in Dota2 and be matched against noobs. Obviously this is his case.


                                    So, MIY337 , you really think that Im in a low bracket (have I ever noticed that all my games are in high/very high bracket?) because I call newbs newbs? Are you really that retarded or just pretending to be?

                                    Its not the problem of me being in low bracket, but newbs being in high bracket.

                                    Stop looking for excuses for this bad mm, try to handle the truth - newbs are ok with it cuz it favours them, good players dont like it for obvious reasons.

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                                      The last game of mine - trash brew farming aga as 1st item, rubick going bottle mid. Not bad.


                                        Wp russian newb, you just proved my point.


                                          Which point? U played not so cute as u want to be=)


                                            maybe it's just your region? out of ten games a day usually I only get one or two games where teammates are absolutely retarded. Queuing in South East Asia in the very high brackets make retarded teammates a rarity, people actually pick supports pretty often.


                                              Not so cute? Ive managed to farm better as all of my team while I had almost no opportunity to. You just were lucky to get a better team, didnt see any big plays neither by your side nor by radiant.

                                              You got trashed in this game -, sure mm is balanced.

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                                                Well, if you call your team mates retards, how can you expect them to win the game for you?
                                                Do your job, write on chat if you need help / ganks / wards, if they are complaining too much put them on ignore list and hope for a decent game.

                                                It's not a tragedy if you lose a game, and if you are losing the game, most likely the supports in your team will be like 1-10 if they spend all their gold on wards / dusts / gems.

                                                Have fun!


                                                  It really makes no fucking sense. I don't understand how retards somehow find their way into my games. My opponents are decent most of the time. My allies? I always get BRAIN DEAD allies. Not bad, but BRAIN DEAD. Look at the fucking lion in my naix game, the pudge in my BH game, the QoP and silencer in my furion game. But since all this privacy shit has come about, I don't have easy access to statistics to see if they are genuinely shit players.

                                                  But I do have this game.

                                                  This is my 8th game, and this match was solo queue. My WL at this point was 3-4.

                                                  My team:
                                                  me, 3 players with 1200~ games AND, this is the MAIN POINT.
                                                  ^This guy. A player who W0 - L5 is somehow, in a game with people who have played hundreds of games. I didn't even think I should have been in that game, yet this guy? 0-5 is? What the fuck is going on. From memory this match was in the Gold bracket (my next few matches were in platinum, so I am assuming this was near the top level gold, which I know still sucks..), and I would like to know, how the fuck, someone who has lost every match so far, is playing in anything other than the bronze bracket..

                                                  WE are playing against a 5 stack, players who have 500-1600 games each, and we get someone who has 0-5???


                                                    THESE VALVE SHITTERS ARE RETARDED. 100%

                                                    THEY ARE CLUELESS IN REGARDS TO MATCHMAKING.

                                                    ICEFROG IS AN IDIOT.

                                                    FIX THE RETARDED MM SYSTEM.

                                                    RETARDED REPORT SYSTEM.

                                                    RETARDED NO LADDER SYSTEM

                                                    RETARDED NO RANKING SYSTEM.


                                                      In my bracket at least, not everyone plays all heroes at same level. There are many godly supports that from time to time play carry and can't lasthit properly, and many carries that play support heroes as carries with mekasm.

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                                                        It seems that you did not realize, or did not consider the implications...that dotabuff ratings are entirely independent of Valve MMR. And dotabuff rates the players really, not the game.

                                                        Your rating was Gold at the time but that says nothing about the ratings of other players in the game and less about anyone's MMR in the game. When matchmaking is choosing teams it has to match against groups of 1,2,3,4,5 people. If the other team has a group of friends where 1 is Platinum, 2 are Gold, and 1 is Bronze. MM system will put you (lets say Gold at the time) with a similar group (1 on your team Bronze nub who is 0-5). No doubt at least one of those experienced players on the other team still sucked. I met a guy who had played dota for 6 years and still didn't believe lasthitting or denies were important and did not want to try to learn it.

                                                        Look at that bell curve...45% of all players are Silver or Bronze. Many of them have tons of games, they are just bad. Dota is hard, most people can't understand it, can't play it well, and don't really try to hard to do either. Its a great game because of the vast depth possible. Many enjoy it at a basic level and see no need to advance beyond that.

                                                        It is not possible to match anything but 5v5 without putting bad players on your team most games. It cannot be done without excluding most dota players. If you want to exclude lower skill players from your game you have tools to do it. Just play with 5. But even then realize that matchmaking cannot assure that players will play their best heroes, not be drunk, not be distracted or tired, not be trying a new build, and not make mistakes. Some games you are going to lose because of someone elses mistakes no matter what.


                                                          i sen't pm for gabe hopefully he fix soon


                                                            @Relentless, you keep rambling on about a system that isn't even coming close to what you say it is doing. Did you even read what I wrote?

                                                            The match rating was gold, I never had a DBR (not enough games when DBR was up), and I am guessing it was at the top end of gold, which I know, is still pretty low, because my next few games were in the platinum bracket. I want to know HOW, someone with 0 fucking wins AND 5 LOSSES got into that game. If I am playing a game in the gold bracket, why am I getting someone on my team who shouldn't even be in the silver bracket?

                                                            Every opponent that match had about 50% WR, and 600-1500 games. We were all solo in my 8th game, and someone with W0-L5, how does that make any sense?

                                                            And your last paragraph makes no sense at all. A good MM system should make it very unlikely to have these braindead fucking morons in your games unless you are in the bronze bracket. If 45% of players are in silver and bronze, why is this W0-L5 person not playing in those games, and instead playing at the high end of the gold tier?

                                                            And you can watch pretty much any of my recent games, I am getting braindead people almost every match. There is a difference between being average at the game and wanting to learn, and being a complete fucking noob.


                                                              No way these retards gonna get the idea, You_Got_Fukt. They know just some phrases like "be better", "stop qq, mm is great, I would lick gaben's ass" etc.

                                                              Newbs just cant handle the truth that there are better players and they do see something wrong when these guys cant see this due to their low skill.

                                                              Relentless, I would teach you one simple thing - all this shit about "tired", "new build" blabla doesnt matter if you're a good player. It lowers your chance to win by 1% or 2%. It cannot drug the whole team down, but a retard can do this easy no matter how ready to play he is.

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                                                              Serena Onasis

                                                                selling kantusa for 24 keys


                                                                  infest, gtfo scum.


                                                                    ROFL BIK BOI !!!

                                                                    SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT

                                                                      "Newbs just cant handle the truth that there are better players and they do see something wrong when these guys cant see this due to their low skill."

                                                                      BAHAHAHAHAHA, looks like you need to listen to you're own advice.


                                                                        So tell us Blastoise. How does someone with 0W-5L find themselves in a game against a 5 man stack of players ranging from 500-1600 games (all around 50% WR)?


                                                                          "- all this shit about "tired", "new build" blabla doesnt matter if you're a good player. It lowers your chance to win by 1% or 2%."

                                                                          No, you are very mistaken. If you would watch your replays more you would see it in your own play. There will be vast diffrences in your skill playing from one hero to the next and one game to the next. This is just human and reality. It is true of every player even the best pros.

                                                                          When you play a hero you are bad it your last hitting is far worse. Your map awareness sucks because you have to think about your hero far more. You can't adjust to unusual circumstances. You don't position correctly and you make poor decisions in the chaos of teamfights. I don't say this just about you, but me and everyone. If you dont believe it is true of you it only means you are not self-aware.

                                                                          For instance your record on tiny 22-7, proves that you really know that hero well. If I watch replays I'm sure you would move the hero in the lane and around the map with confidence, consistently making correct decisions and outplaying everyone most of the time.

                                                                          However, your record on Faceless Void 16-30 shows you play the hero at a far lower level. I have no doubt you miss a lot of last hits, make bad decisions on when and where to time walk, use sub-obtimal item builds and cast more than your share of fail chronospheres. You can't play this hero anywhere near as well as Tiny.

                                                                          In any given game if you and your team all pick heros you are good at you are almost certain to win and easly stomp the enemy like they are feeders. If the same players all pick heros they are bad at, you will feed the other team almost every time.

                                                                          When you play void, because you are bad at it, you will also show poor map awareness because you have to think about actually using the hero. I bet you watch the mini-map 4 or 5 times as much when you play tiny.

                                                                          In any given pub game, especially, least-played, all random, and single draft modes, 2 or 3 players on each team are playing a hero they are bad at. If you check stats regularly you will see this is true. Many people enjoy heros they don't practice much and don't play well. Some guy you thought was a total nub and a moron was just on a hero he is bad at. On another hero he would have dominated against the same players.

                                                                          I did answer you, you just didnt like it and dont want to believe it is true. There is no "bronze bracket" game and no "gold bracket" game. There are only public games. All players can get into any game, High, or Very High, depending on who they que with. Maybe you think thats a bad way to do it. But it is reality. If several players with Very HIgh MMR que with a new friend who starts his account on "expert" it will place him in Very High games and keep doing it no matter how badly he feeds if his friends can carry him to near 50% wins.
                                                                          KDA has zero impact on MMR and zero impact on DBR.

                                                                          And the "gold" rating on your game is your personal rating at the time of the game, not the rating of the game or any of the other players in the game. The only way to exclude nubs from your team is to que with 5, and if someone is not up to your standards...don't que with them.

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                                                                            Valve's MM is not competitive, therefore there are "bad" games. It is casual, it is more important to be able to play with your friends, regardless if they are better or worse than you. This thing alone makes the anomalies in the wins/ratios etc.

                                                                            The problem is if someone on the opposite team is stacking with someone who just started, the MM is forced to balance the game and gives you someone with 0-5 stats. This is just an example, as I don't know if this was the case with your game.

                                                                            I am fed up with MM whiners. Dota 2 MM is casual - get it! The reason why there is not visible MMR is because it is not relevant - the MM algorithm is casual! If you want high quality competitive games - the Dota 2 MM is not the way to go - even Valve have stated that.


                                                                              MM can't predict what hero am I going to play. If I decide to play wisp for first time, most likely my team will lose the game unless the opposite team has one player that decides to try a new squishy hero too.


                                                                                "However, your record on Faceless Void 16-30 shows you play the hero at a far lower level. I have no doubt you miss a lot of last hits, make bad decisions on when and where to time walk, use sub-obtimal item builds and cast more than your share of fail chronospheres. You can't play this hero anywhere near as well as Tiny." - nope, it just means that I usually get retards feeders when I play this hero. Its like when I play mid nyx - I own everyone in the opposite team but my w/l is bad with this hero, guess why smart man?

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                                                                                  sometimes mm gets shitty, but it is rly rare..
                                                                                  if u r retarded, then u get with similar tards, who think u r the tard, and u think they r the tards, where actually, u all r tards, and u all end up reporting each other mentioning "TARD FEEDER(RUSSIAN)"


                                                                                    "sometimes mm gets shitty, but it is rly rare.." Nah actually really often. If it doesnt for you, that just means you are a baddie who gets a better players in your team.


                                                                                      this by far is the most stupid topic here. its like either you agree with the op or you are a shitty newb.

                                                                                      this op is just in a league of his own, i think.

                                                                                      its very simple. if you think mm is broken.... go play CM with a team. simple. now stop this nonsense.

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                                                                                        Why do all who protect mm have 49% winrate? :P


                                                                                          why do those who oppose mm have no more than 50% :/

                                                                                          haengbok ♫

                                                                                            I would like a more open MMR system, I really like the style that HoN uses and DBR. But I have had really good and even solo que games the last few weeks. Some trolls and such but all around good players.


                                                                                              MATCH MAKING SUCKS DICK AS IT IS CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED. GABE IS A FUCKING MORON.

                                                                                              MM IS NOT SUPPOSED TO YIELD COMPETITIVE GAMES? ARE U GUYS FUCKING RETARDED?

                                                                                              FUCK YOU GABE. VALVE SUCKS DICK. GG

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                                                                                                    @lie to me agen fagt
                                                                                                    On a few games, losing way way more than winning with void could be bad luck and crap teamates.
                                                                                                    16 wins and 30 losses is not. Its a clear sign that you can't play that hero nearly up to the level at which you play your average game. Blaming the teams where you lost (all 150 players) for you losing as void is foolish and irrational. Picking void does not cause your team to suck.

                                                                                                    Or if you want to consider it contrapositively...did your wins on Tiny just mean that your team was good? Picking Tiny caused your team to be good? You are not really good at Tiny, you just got lucky?

                                                                                                    Reality is this. While you are better at dota than maybe 95%+ of pub dota players, you are not equally good at all heros. You might be a 99th percentile player on Tiny, but only a 60th percentile player on Void. When you try to play Void, you still face teams that a 95th percentile player has a 50% chance to win. But you can't handle those odds with your Void, so you lose far more than win.

                                                                                                    Complaining about matchmaking will not make you better. It will not cause you to win more games. Matchmaking will not be changed to what it was in dota 1...where you could deliberately stack every game unfairly to your advantage. I had about 80% win rate in dota 1 because of this, now I get 52-53% solo queing. The fact is my dota 1 win rate was fake.

                                                                                                    If you want to avoid playing with bad players get 5 good players to que. You will still play fair competition. You will win more games, maybe 55-60%, if you play together regularly since you will develop some teamwork and face groups of 5 equally skilled players who don't have the teamwork advantage. But even there it will never be like dota 1, where everything was set up to make pubstomping of nubs by experienced players very very easy.

                                                                                                    If you really want to do that go back and play dota 1 with all the maphackers, trolls, serial game ruiners, smurfstackers...etc. Otherwise man-up and face the fact that only people on the level of real pro-players can still "pubstomp" in any sense. Pro-level players are only able to do this because they are so much better than typical Very High players that comparable teams really don't exist in the que most of the time.

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