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41 Kommentare
Oldman Vet

    Me first



      Oldman Vet

        I actually play mid... But i always transition to pos 3 with my 5k friend. (magnus, void, axe,timber[situational], bat) are my priority..
        I wanted to read something about magnus in the article though..
        I believe he's a very great mid/offlane hero for me
        Nice article :)

        3k scrub here haha

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          why not brood? we have seen admiral buldog winning his all brood games at the ti6


            What about Dark Seer?


              beastmaster doesnt show loading screen..


                Phoenix is also a niche pick, can destroy a weak dual or trilane.

                The Robot Devil

                  thx for write up. Not seeing bat, but Void is everywhere.


                    Dark seer is da real staple pick


                      i weep for dotabuff blog post writers to think up stuff to write about and i pray to icefrog to ease your suffering by making IO a carry, making sven a INT hero and other unthinkable changes that u people really have to think about what the fuck is wrong with this patch

                      BUT seriously most balanced or most boring PATCH. PLEASE STOP POSTING ABOUT 6.88 and write a post that we seriously need a big patch this patch is dead and decomposed we need a newborn from the loins of icefrog.

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                      The Medic Guy

                        yeah phoenix is a great offlaner, especially if the sup don't know how to harras / zoneoff offlaner


                          There are many offlaners that offer great utility for the team. Tidehunter is a good example. I see that the offlaners' many advantage is utility for the team. They bring necessary tools that help win fights. I play offlane most of the time and all the heroes mentioned in this post are great.


                            @dVAncED_N00B Things might change when Sun Wukong/Monkey King comes out.


                              @Abysswalker That may take a couple of months though. They're also working on the Juggernaut Arcana simultaneously. Since valve is well known for "polishing" stuff for months.

                              \\  VintageR  \\

                                BM is iverestimated, void is legit good and batrider is just roastin' u know, sk w/e


                                  @Abysswalker there should be something big coming out in the next 10-15 days because the average time between patches is around 115 days and 109 days have passed since last big patch . well maybe a little later becasue they have so much to release like underlord balance changes, monkey king, arcana, and other winter related stuff or maybe diretide(hopefully).

                                  samogonka enjoyer

                                    Omg Beastmaster TOP

                                    Hoodoo Operator.

                                      I'm confused as to why people think this is a "Dead patch"... Is it because there's no go-to shit stomp hero for you to grind your MMR up with?


                                        I've got a feeling batrider will be overnerfed again soon. The problem with that hero is that he is always either borderline useless or borderline OP. Lasso is just such a great spell, but it's not what makes the hero who he is.


                                          > fell out of favor once neutral creeps and their magic immunity was buffed. It prevented him from farming the jungle efficiently with Sandstorm

                                          what is the solo ranking of the post writer? does it start with 3?

                                          ✪ -HaBBu. ♥҉҈҉҈҈҉

                                            what about slardar?? The most scary pick for the opponents


                                              Timbersaw is still pretty viable. His many appearances at TI6 show that (130 games/54% win rate). Also the fact that his only core item is bloodstone opens many diverse ways of playing him such as: cutting down trees and then freezing them; cutting down double the trees or cutting down trees faster and getting healed for it (just to name a few possibilities). He also is still a great pubstomper as long as no one picks Juggernaut because despite the fact that most of Timbersaw's damage is pure none of it pierces spell immunity (I learnt this the hard way). To be honest Skim i'm just butthurt about the fact you made an article about my favourite position but not my favourite tree fellar fella :P


                                                Finally some recognition to Puck offlaners. People tend to underestimate Puck's offlaning capabilities cuz they always say that, "Puck offlane is too soft/fragile". But this clearly depends on the one who's playing. It may be fragile but it can be the most mobility & playmaker as an offlaner.


                                                  wtf no nyx?


                                                    no nyx , no slardar , no brood GG WP


                                                      I hope they nerf Faceless Void, he directly can't be countered, I have no idea on what to do against him.

                                                      Also no Timbersaw?


                                                        what about timber...


                                                          nyx, slardar

                                                          Tinirador si babe

                                                            i'm 3k and i'm happy ahahaha

                                                            I am fine

                                                              who play cs go:use affilate code bigboss1---->D R A K E M O O N . C O M and get free case!

                                                              Кама Пуля

                                                                Тайдхантер по прежнему самый один из самых сильных харлейнеров.


                                                                  @ "@dVAncED_N00B", this patch is crazy balanced and that makes the game great, not bad. With this patch soo much is diversity is boosted. How is that boring??

                                                                  dance like u in pain

                                                                    Я ПЁРНУУУУУУУУУУУЛ

                                                                    Calamitus Hera Astrid-

                                                                      And we 2k's got tinker offlaner lul


                                                                        lich offlaner > all


                                                                          earthshaker is a good offlane pick too

                                                                          小鳥遊 六花

                                                                            До сих пор не понимаю,зачем перед выходом очередного патча(6.89) делать инфу про текущий(6.88),который скоро уйдет в небытие?Почему нельзя сделать всю инфу через неделю после выхода патча,а не под его конец?


                                                                              BristleBack ez offlane


                                                                                UNDERLORD is easily the most broken and underrated offlane hero in this patch


                                                                                  Honestly Slardar is the perfect offlaner given his abilities.

                                                                                  Sprint which allows him to out maneuver heroes once he hits level 6 and roams to gank

                                                                                  Crush which is a great stun with short cd and decent stun time

                                                                                  Bash cause why not?

                                                                                  Amp Damage for vision and damage which allows his team to kill heroes/rs faster and is great for helping Slardar farm

                                                                                  another day...

                                                                                    Liked the article but dont know, why you didnt add timber and slardar.