General Discussion

General DiscussionNEVER GIVE UP!!!

NEVER GIVE UP!!! in General Discussion

    Post some inspirational speech or a witty one liner to lift the spirits of others. Tired of seeing only negative people here.


      Fuck my fat ass while i wear my cat ears




          ure retarded



              Way to derail a thread


                U are all dogshit


                  Pale Mannie

                    I gave up by reading all of this


                      Just go to post 2 and and let Shia heal you

                      Livin' Real Good

                        Damn, this thread was a very interesting read, it especially the guy depressed in bed anime, and the bob ross thing about being scared and tired at the same time cause of anxiety and depression. Gonna be productive today.


                          whats the point of living anyway


                            Their carry bought deso and satanic, never give up fam

                            plz do

                              if u dont know the point of living, whats the point of dieing


                                theres none


                                  Man, this thread turned into a sack of shit.

                                  Anyway boys, remeber this:

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                                  Livin' Real Good

                                    Read what I say while listening to this song, then you'll see.


                                    I give my life meaning, and that's all that matters. I like to assume their is meaning in death as well, cause that's all I can do, and even if there is no meaning in it, at least I won't be alive to say I was wrong about death, cause at least I knew I was right about life. Life isn't hard, people just make it hard, and others make it hard for others, it's always been that way since the beginning of time. If people learned to fight stubborness, ego's, and all that negative shit, and just came together, it would be GG life, we win.

                                    - Yorkey, stay original bitch

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                                      I mean, why do humans exist on this planet? Ultimately, we bring nothing of value to the world. We're simply depleting it of its natural resources as it slowly dies because we're cutting trees, taking its oil, putting more co2 in the air, and all that jazz. Were we supposed to do something with this world that we failed to accomplish? What's the point of living? All humans have the basic instinct of survival, but what are we surviving for? Petty emotions we call love and friendship that we lose when we die?

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        There doesn't have to be a point in kicking a can down the street as you walk home from school as a kid, I just knew it was fun, trying to kick it as far and as straight as I could was a good feeling, if you can find enjoyment out of little things like that, then you've already won, not sure what you won, but you won. Maybe life is just a gift, it doesn't have to have a point, if a guy donated you a brand new car, would you get upset cause there was no point in him doing so? Probably not.

                                        Yeah, sure humans are "destroying the planet" but that's another topic in itself. I mean, you're a fan of " going with the flow, and moving on " so I don't see why you even an opinion on a topic such as this. This topic was conceived off "petty" human emotions.

                                        If we lose it when we die, why not cherish it while we have it, it isn't that hard, I mean, if it feels good, why not do it. There's always a balance, like night and day, a balance in everything WE DO, everything ANIMALS DO, maybe we were just meant to enjoy this pointless life, and then die, and have something else take our place, it could really be that simple.

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                                          I can be both as I'm bipolar. Arin's posts got me in the feels


                                            theres no point in life idk whats to discuss about this

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              If I die, and somehow were all spiritually connected, and I can just think of a person, and have them right in front of me after, I wanna think of you, then flick you on the head, and say " told ya so dummy. " If not, i'll flick you here for no reason, just cause I gave it reason. *flick* Either way, you're getting flicked in this life, or the next. :)

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                                                how are ur videos going OP?


                                                  Most people have no damn clue why are they here and what's their purpose, so they just tend to live like robots, under what most other people think it's acceptable and that's it. Get education, get a job, get a wife and have some kids, etc.

                                                  You got to find what you really love to do guys and do it as much as you possibly can. That's the whole point of this human experience.

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    Eh, I wouldn't go as far to say "it's the whole point of our existence" but sure, not caring what other people think of you could be a step in the right direction to finding yourself. Welp* Time to clean.


                                                      i thought the point was to get 6k 4Head


                                                        How can you do the things you love if you're constantly oppressed by the economic side of achieving your goals. Say you love traveling, but it costs so much money that your lower class family can't afford to ever travel as they're more worried about placing food on the table. That you can't get a job because they require an education that you didn't get because you dropped out of school to help with your family at home.


                                                          Oh you know ceesa, taking a small break and doing a play through in some cat girl porn game


                                                            And God damn yorkey, bringing the inspiration from out of nowhere to help out anyone.

                                                            For that, I drink for your health.


                                                              naise. u should feature cat girl porn game in ur next video


                                                                Already did but youtube censorship and the games censorship won't allow it.


                                                                  considering we already know the answer to the universe is a digit. perhaps we've spent this life searching for the question to the answer to the universe, only to have it destroyed due to an intergalactic space highway being built.


                                                                    if we know what we have to do to achieve happiness, why don't we do it? Why haven't the countless generations before us done so? Why do we fight wars that take innocent lives for the sake of pride? is it because it makes us happy looking down upon others? do we subconsciously want to bring suffering upon others? are we just aching to gain attention for ourselves?

                                                                    keep in mind im just a 15 year old dude who knows no better haha



                                                                        The problem with today's society is that everyone looks at the red and never sees the positives in life. If you want to have your dream become a reality, then it's your power to do so. ONLY YOU can makecime YOUR dreams come true. Don't let others stop you from achieving your goals and let you live the way you want to live.




                                                                            "i thought the point was to get 6k"

                                                                            That was the goal 2 years ago for actual good players XD But whatever makes you happy bro, i'm still trying to maintain around 5k 4Head

                                                                            @hotsalza - cause most people have weak character and tend to care too much what others (people, media, etc) think and are afraid to go after what they trully want and love. Imagine a world where everyone is doing pretty much what he trully enjoy to do => materialistic bullshit would mostly dissapear, carieristic way of life too, no need for massive industry and expanding which means more care for our planet, etc.

                                                                            It's not that hard to achieve it, just most people are fuckin scared of doing what they like and dont really like themselves. Most people are living in a mental prison they created for themselves along with media.

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                                                                              Like you said with people caring too much about how they appear to others. It makes it hard to achieve what you want if you have to look past how others see you. You could be a great mind that is doing what you love, but you could still be sad because you have no one else to share it with because everyone else is concerned with their image. In todays modern world of social media, most everyone is trying to keep an image. Which is limiting almost all of them from achieving their true desires.


                                                                                Best words



                                                                                    i like your profile

                                                                                    also very nice video


                                                                                      Ayy lmao


                                                                                        try and try until you die


                                                                                          You just came in and shit storm posted the whole front page right?


                                                                                            Be true to yourself and never let go

                                                                                            the realm's delight



                                                                                                just do it
