General Discussion

General DiscussionNEVER GIVE UP!!!

NEVER GIVE UP!!! in General Discussion

    bananaman bananarama bababa babanana


      wow U are in every post riofl


        and so are u!


          "Davai Pidoras. Davai." - Sing Sing
          "Never Stop." - Sing Sing
          "Never scared." - Sing Sing
          "I f*** ur mom" - Sing Sing


            nice i read all of arins posts


              this video has 48,000,000 views, very inspirational



                  got diamonds on my bank accoutn

                  the realm's delight

                    all my diamonds shine cause they really diamonds


                      i find this easy to masturbate to.

                      Miku Plays


                          glad you like it ^^


                            also now if you type kimochi in google your img will show up


                              >be me
                              >18 years old at the time
                              >just finished high school in a yuro country(not telling which one)
                              >in my country we have this "alternation" system that allows students to both study and work
                              >sign up for one, get an email answer
                              >have to meet with someone for an interview
                              >go to interview
                              >9/10 35 years old woman, with a great body and face and a few wrinkles that only add to her charm
                              >the interview starts normally, she asks me a few formal questions but it quickly devolves into a personal conversation as she asks me about my life
                              >she seems genuinely interested in me
                              >once the interview is over she informs me that she will be the one to manage me and the other students to make sure we don't slack and tells me to enjoy summer vacation
                              >mfw I have to wait for the end of summer until I can see her again
                              >summer ends
                              >class starts
                              >the alternation system works like this: one week, I go to class and follow my economics course; and the other week, I work my ass in a shitty shopping mall
                              >still I bear it no matter how shitty it is because I want to get closer to this woman
                              >I only cross her in the corridors of the university once in a while though, and I'm too beta to go inside her office
                              >one day get an idea
                              >decide to try adding her on facebook, since I know her name and all and it'll be easier to talk to her behind a computer
                              >add her, find out she's taken tho
                              >after a few days she accepts me and immediately strikes up a conversation
                              >asks me why I added her
                              >"why, because I know you? is that a problem?"
                              >"not at all"
                              >she was always genuinely interested in me for some fucking reason so we start talking a lot even though she's way older than me
                              >one day, her relationship status shifts to single and she stops talking to me
                              >I don't have the courage to ask her wtf happened between her and her lover because this is none of my problem, so we stop talking for a while
                              >I don't see her as much and when I do she looks down
                              >one day, decide to skip class and go eat something in the cafeteria
                              >she's sitting at a table alone, drinking tea
                              >order something and go sit next to her
                              >"what's wrong? you look down"
                              >she proceeds to tell me that this is none of my problem
                              >tell her that we usually speak a lot about me so it's her turn to tell me about her
                              >she's against it at first but I end up convincing her
                              >she tells me that she never had luck with her lovers, that men are asshole and that it's fortunate that I'm not completely a man yet
                              >don't know what to say, so I just take her hand and listen
                              >once she's done she just thanks me for listening to her and tells me we should do that again
                              >it becomes a habit for both of us to meet up at the cafeteria around 4 pm and just talk about life and things that happen
                              >then the winter holidays come, and I can't stand the fact that I won't see her for two weeks so I just PM her and ask her if she would like to eat out one of these days
                              >she unexpectedly accepts
                              >mfw I find myself at a restaurant with a milf even though I'm a scrawny 18 years-old kiddo
                              >she's still down from her lover dumping her and, being the socially awkward fuck I am, I unintentionally bring up the subject
                              >she acts like she's cool with it but I know she's not and she ends up drinking a lot
                              >I have to somehow get her home even though I can't drive
                              >So I decided to call a taxi
                              >During the ride she continues to talk how men are assholes
                              >I keep listening to her
                              >We arrive to her house
                              >She pays the driver and invite me in
                              >She's struggling with finding her keys
                              >Asks for my help
                              >Finally finds it
                              >Open the door
                              >Get on the floor
                              >Everybody walk the dinosaur

                              lm ao


                                lm ao

                                  get a life lurker fucking pioece of shit lmfaooawoidnhuiowabnduiawdaw da

                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde gelöscht

                                      Oh it's this weab again ay lmao

                                      yung griphook

                                        LMAO ET2


                                          great read.


                                            jk fuck you

                                            Miku Plays

                                              did they
                                              hook up?


                                                Girl I've been crushing on for years.
                                                Shorter than me. Adorable in every way.
                                                We have sex regularly.
                                                Be together for many years.
                                                Trust her unconditionally.
                                                One day, she sits me down for a talk.
                                                Has a sad look on her face.
                                                She tells me she was raped a few weeks back.
                                                She went to get STD test and found out she was HIV positive.
                                                We've had sex at least 4 times after.
                                                She just tells me now because she was scared of telling me.
                                                Suddenly build up with uncontrollable rage.
                                                Punch her in the face as hard as I can.
                                                She falls down.
                                                Still pissed off, can't even see straight.
                                                Keep punching her as hard as I can.
                                                Gets to a point where her face is a pool of blood.
                                                Blood splashes onto my shirt when i punch.
                                                Keep punching.
                                                Leave, her parents come home after.
                                                Fast forward a few weeks.
                                                She's in a face bandage, stitches everywhere.
                                                She told her parents a robber came in and did this.
                                                She didn't want me in jail because she felt bad.
                                                Suddenly feel terrible inside.
                                                Go to apologize three weeks later.
                                                Ask her sister where she is.
                                                Her sister has tears in her eyes, says she fell into a coma.
                                                Run to the hospital to say sorry before it's too late.
                                                Get to her room.
                                                Open the door.
                                                Get on the floor.
                                                Everybody walk the dinosaur.


                                                  that bear has seen some shit

                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    Gotta play the rapira riki!


                                                      this is a good thread