General Discussion

General DiscussionName heroes who can counter slark in late game

Name heroes who can counter slark in late game in General Discussion
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    Disable/Stun/Hex & ......
    Maybe a right set of skills work but
    I want a hero who can counter Slark in late game 1v1.

    Games like this : which I lost because legion always dueled abba (:| :| :|) instead of slark so we could kill him as team.

    So in such cases when u have retarded teammates,which hero can counter him?

    Pale Mannie

      Balanced purple ghost


        aint mage


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          Can u tell me why ? simply bcuz he can use manta to dodge?


            am because am farms faster than slark and then the game ends theres no way u get late game if u know how to farm decently

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            U are all dogshit

              Mana burn is really good against slark, also you can blink out pounce.


                thats another reason


                  Am can blink out of pounce and farm faster

                  Sven can destroy slark 1v1 cuz of his ult and armor boost.

                  Ursa with bkb and a couple items .

                  Tidehunter is good cuz he removes 60% of his damage and can slow, stun him.

                  Shadow fiend is ok if ur not getting picked off cuz when slark uses ult u can hit him w. Spells, if he gets fast skill basher and ur behind u might be in trouble so out farm him,

                  Spectre,u lose in early but win in late.

                  Slark doesn't do well vs tank heroes cuz if slark engages and doesn't kill 1-2 heroes all he can do is escape with his ult then he can't reengage after his ult.

                  Bristle can be good just need to avoid having ur passives dispelled by Silvers edge.

                  Phantom assassin can be good cuz u force him to buy items to counter u instead of going into skadi shadow blade and sange n yasha n skull basher ,


                  Legion commander can own a slark cuz his slark depends on escape, legion offers lock down,


                  Over all best heroes vs slark id say

                  1. SVEN
                  2. URSA
                  3. Omniknight

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                    idk about ursa.

                    AM is ofc good, morph same story i think.


                      When you ask about counter to anything, the answer is Doom. Doom! Doom! DOOOOOOOM!!!!!

                      Livin' Real Good
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                        Livin' Real Good

                          @ Ceilings guy

                          Dude, more than half of what you're saying is wrong, i'm sorry. PA, SF, and Ursa are shit to Slark. Honestly, Legion only a threat of she has blade mail, and gets the duel off, and forces Slark to fight on her terms, but if she doesn't have blade mail, and slark pounces in, dark pacts, and shadow dances, she can't do a thing about it.

                          Blood Seeker is a garbage hero, most people won't even pick him to counter Slark anymore, he was nerfed to the ground, but I get what you're saying about the ult, but that ult is good against every escape hero, not just Slark.

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                          Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                            just buy sentrys and have a couple of aoe stunning tanky supports like centaur or tide and slark wont be able to do me i have over 60% win rate on slark albeit in normal

                            you can almost guaranteed win the game if you force slark to get a bkb

                            slark lives off the solo pick off potential of his shadow blade and q w combo...just deny him that and you should be good to go

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                                  @sanity's eclipse, everything i said is good ,except maybe pa and tide.

                                  If pa gets ahead of slark then the slark is more likely to die, and pa has the potential to get ahead because she doesn't need shadow blade or blink to engage on enemies.

                                  you just have to make sure u aren't getting picked off.

                                  Slark cannot kill an equally farmed Sven with svens 20+ armor and his ult on.

                                  Slark cannot go off killing squishy heroes vs Ursa cuz Ursa will walk up to him and burst him down. Ursa can also get skull basher way faster than slark cuz he needs sange n yasha and skadi too badly.

                                  The whole point of legion would be to lock him down so he can't disengage and re-engage.

                                  Every hero I said is great vs slark in a 5v5.

                                  You make it sound like slark is this completely unstoppable monster.

                                  He isn't, if you can burst him down with physical damage, or nuke him while he's in ult, he's in huge trouble, if ur heroes aren't squishy enough for him to kill the first time he engages, he has to waste ult most likely and can't go back in to kill you unless his team won the fight.

                                  When you are against any hero your job is to not let the enemy out play you. If a hero is gold at picking u off, don't let him pick u off, stay with ur team.

                                  A good shadow fiend is not afraid of a slark. Because he wont get picked off 5 times and let the slark shut him down and snowball.

                                  Sorry but the way u talk implies that u believe there are like no heroes who counter slark, I just gave a few ideas on how u can deal with him.

                                  And yeah blood seeker is not a great hero no shif but the whole point of slark is to be mobile and leave then regen and come back , he can't even move with rupture on him then with blood seekers blood rite he is forced to move and get silenced for 6 seconds.


                                  Sladks main strength is picking off squishy heroes with shadow blade , with the advantage he gets from getting pick offs, he snowballs and buys items to kill ur carry, if he doesn't snowball he is not really a threat.

                                  What ever u say bro.

                                  Lets all go with what u say, slark is unstoppable, he out carries everyone, YUP!...

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                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      Pretty much everything Kitrak said. Also, what you said in the end of your post, yup, technically you're right, Slark does beat almost everything late game 6 slotted, but I didn't say he was unstoppable, so stop exaggerating just cause you're mad that I called you out for being wrong about 80% of the heroes you named.

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                                        Ok do me a favor then you explain what is good against slark?

                                        That's why I made a top 3 , most of the things I said were little suggestions to deal with him , not 100% counters.

                                        Plz tell us how you would deal with a slark. If I had to deal with slark I'd pick sven Ursa or omni,

                                        All you have done is talk shit about my comment but u gave no input regarding ops actually question

                                        HERP DERP.

                                        Also ur forgetting dota is not 1v1, dota is 5v5, if ur in a terrible bracket yea slark shits on everyone cuz people wont know that u have to group up and not get picked off ETC.

                                        Put some heroes with super high armor, an escape from his pounce, burst physical damage, and he can't even feel safe going on anyone cuz he will not get kills and hell get bursted down.

                                        Plz tell us who u believe is a good slark counter. U said yeah everything kitrak said but ur forgetting kitral said he's a terrible hero.

                                        PLZ TELL ME THE SLARK COUNTER I AM INTERESTED IN YOUR OPINION.


                                          Faceless void is another great slark counter


                                            What I was doing was giving op ideas to deal with slark in his bracket which is most likely 1k-2k , in those brackets what I said work. If ur in 5k mmr then it becomes another thing, bane is good, team work is good, diff heroes in enemy team are good,

                                            Ur just mad that I said the hero u have 500 games with is not unstoppable :)


                                              Imo best heroes to deal with slark are :
                                              1.Void (solo)
                                              2.LC/Bane (with a team)
                                              3.Medusa (solo, lategame)
                                              4.AM (solo, lategame)

                                              Slark is usualy trash if the enemy hard carry has a lot bigger farm potential then him, like am, medusa, pl, sven.


                                                slurk 100% lose

                                                and slark is a spectre counter because he can ult and outregen dispersion damage and has a good mobility

                                                Swap Commends

                                                  So far what I got from ur words:
                                                  AM : make sense but only if u win the early farm,so it is a teamtard matter again but worth trying.
                                                  Void : I used him to counter slark in pre 6.86 but now he sucks,no decent engage skill,no backtrack.Not impossible but harder to counter him with void.
                                                  Ursa,Spectre,PA : Most of the time I pick slark to counter them !
                                                  Blood seeker and legion make sense but team matter again.

                                                  Feel free to post more op

                                                  lm ao

                                                    njiahduyawgduiwahduiawdauidnhaw I feel so bad about myself for losing against a 2k Slark as an Anit-Mage

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I don't think medusa is that great tbh, the more tanky an opponent is the more stats slark can steal so he will kill her and then have like 100 agility to dumpster her whole team. Medusa isn't going to 1v1 slark unless she has like abyssal blade which she never will. What she might do though is kill his entire team while he pounds on her. Same with spectre, maybe kitrack can chime in but slark seems to be a pretty good spectre counter.

                                                      Basically you need to blow slark up fast before he ults. You guys actually had a really good team for dealing with him, lc, orchid clinkz, dagon nyx, a shadow shaman with shackles. But ss didn't get blink, no init there, and they have an oracle and abbadon which means any time you do manage to lock down slark he's getting saved until he can ult anyway. Oracle is the biggest joke against lc.

                                                      I'd say a lina with aghs (slarks do build bkb from time to time), necro with aghs cus then you just need to stun slark once, get him to 50% in that stun and have necro ult him, legion commander, bane, maybe even enigma for black hole or sky for a silence ult combo.

                                                      Ursa with abyssal blade, lots of carries with abyssal blade actually will kill him like PA probably can, AM probably can. Chaos knight maybe if he can 1 shot him with rift.


                                                        medusa cant do shit because she will get killed repeatedly once slark has shadowblade, either that or shell have to ulti and sit in base for cooldown lolz


                                                          am is good against slark because slark needs mana for his spells and u cant solo kill him early cuz of blink

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                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            yeah that's why I don't think medusa is good at all. Spectre same issues, slark will rush silver edge then you are really screwed, won't be able to farm anything, just team fight.

                                                            Gospodin Popara

                                                              what about tiny?craggy exterior is fine vs slark

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                                                                  wk is the best hero for soliara ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                    Anti mage i just try coz they spelled it wrong


                                                                      any hero that won't feed. that means, don't feed.


                                                                        I used to play a lot of carries in the past and Slark is one of my main carries and also one of the carries I'm most confident with.I'm playing offlane now mostly,but I can share my experiences as a Slark player and what I pick against Slark.Shet sorry for the wall of text :/

                                                                        Ass-shaker: Shadow dance doesn't do jack against echo slam and all his skills,also ES is a heavy stunner so it's a +.Dark pact might give you some problems but overall in teamfights you just wheck him with chain stuns and AOE damage.

                                                                        Timbersaw: Similar to ES,doesn't have stuns but who cares,all of his skills are spammable and have low CD + pure damage,something slark hates with his paper HP.Timbersaw might fall off a bit late game due to slark having much more hp with skadi or/and SNY,but a late game timbersaw with enough mana to constantly spam + aghas and other utility items and also being quite tanky can also give slark problems taking him down.Timbersaw is also mobile with his chain,slark won't be able to lock him down without abyssal,even if he does he won't be able to take timbersaw down as long as timber has decent farm.

                                                                        Zeus: Stand from afar and nuke nuff said.With recent buffs to zeus he can nuke slark down much more easier as compared to the past.

                                                                        QOP: Mobile and have lots of nukes,I've seen good QOP players giving even good slark players hell due to her natural advantage over slark.Though QOP have to beware if slark has abyssal to lock down or slark is farmed enough to take half of her HP in seconds.

                                                                        Techies*: Putting an asterisk here as I'm not too sure how he fares against slark now.From my experience in the past,a slark won't be able to get anywhere near techies due to his paper hp and the mines.Try pouncing onto a techies without knowing where his mines are is like playing Russian roulette.

                                                                        With recent changes to techies I still think he can give slark problems late on,just that early game won't be too hard for slark anymore.

                                                                        Bristleback: Picking him against slark can be kinda risky,since if BB is not farmed enough late game slark can just kite around you killing your teammates and also kill you as well.

                                                                        Though during early game - mid game BB just own slark,the quil spam hurts slark a lot and he won't be able to bring you down without silver edge,which he would have gotten it around 20+ mins if he has a decent start.Though if you have items like VG/crimson + SNY he still can't take you down,but will probably leave you in low HP.But if he have a rough or slow start,he probably be able to won't give you much problems for the 40+ mins,from there you have to utilize your advantage and end the game.

                                                                        Slardar: Beefy with low CD AOE stun,Slark won't be able to kill you that easily early - mid game,but if you're not farmed enough or don't have the proper items to face him late on he can kill you NP.With blink and a low cast point stun,you can catch him out easily and melt him with proper initiation and follow up.I really dread playing against a good slarlar with blink actually,he can mess up your momentum if he know what he's doing.He can't solo really solo kill Slark but can give him problems throughout the game.

                                                                        Centaur: So tanky,throughout the game even if slark is farmed he won't be able to take centur down solo most of the time.AOE stun also goes through dark pact,a blink carrier which also can initiate on him.

                                                                        All in all,heroes that have AOE stuns/spells,mobile,heavy nukes can give slark a lot of problems.Tanky heroes that he can't finish off fast enough also falls into the category like centaur.The above I mentioned are heroes that I picked offlane when playing against him.

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                                                                          Surprised nobody posted this before, but CHAOS KNIGHT

                                                                          House Cat

                                                                            OD :3

                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                              Anti-Mage and PL as carries, as Slark will never kill those 2 alone, and even late-game Slark does not deal with PL very good, and probably nor with Anti-Mage.

                                                                              Doom and SB are other really good heroes, doom for obv reasons, and SB because charge gives vision on him so he loses his regen, although its pretty easy to know when u are charged for the exact same reason

                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                Also disruptor, bane

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                                                                                  bulky supports, supports with aoe abilities like es disruptor earthspirit, unpurgeable disables like doom dual and reapers scythe, stuff that slark cant manfight like antimage

                                                                                  Boneaching Hum

                                                                                    Troll warlord,weaver,alchemist,spectre,OD and morphling with good items built are good against slark.
                                                                                    Lets not deny it team fights and support picking are so important.

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      spectre is not good vs slark, can't man fight him until ultra late, is really tanky so slark can steal a ton of it, doesn't do single target as well as wipe entire teams, ie not a slark killer.

                                                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                        Well, Riki can go invisible and kill Slark while he's farming with 100 hp while Riki's standing right next to him but he doesn't know that because he's invisible.


                                                                                          ^ XD


                                                                                            1. Pa (outfarms and force itens like mkb to have a chance)
                                                                                            2. WK (ez rekt 1v1 with same NW)
                                                                                            3. AM ( farms faster, kills faster and if needed can blink out and force push other side)

                                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                                              Am can blink out of pounce and farm faster
                                                                                              Sven can destroy slark 1v1 cuz of his ult and armor boost.
                                                                                              Ursa with bkb and a couple items .
                                                                                              Tidehunter is good cuz he removes 60% of his damage and can slow, stun him.
                                                                                              Shadow fiend is ok if ur not getting picked off cuz when slark uses ult u can hit him w. Spells, if he gets fast skill basher and ur behind u might be in trouble so out farm him,
                                                                                              Spectre,u lose in early but win in late.
                                                                                              Slark doesn't do well vs tank heroes cuz if slark engages and doesn't kill 1-2 heroes all he can do is escape with his ult then he can't reengage after his ult.
                                                                                              Bristle can be good just need to avoid having ur passives dispelled by Silvers edge.
                                                                                              Phantom assassin can be good cuz u force him to buy items to counter u instead of going into skadi shadow blade and sange n yasha n skull basher ,
                                                                                              SLARK IS TERRIBLE VS OMNIKNIGHT.
                                                                                              Legion commander can own a slark cuz his slark depends on escape, legion offers lock down,
                                                                                              BLOOD SEEKERS ULT SHITS ON SLARK
                                                                                              Over all best heroes vs slark id say
                                                                                              1. SVEN
                                                                                              2. URSA
                                                                                              3. Omniknight

                                                                                              god bless

                                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                I ain't got no time to read all this shit, but no hero can really beat a Slark in a 1v1. You need proper teamwork to kill him.


                                                                                                  I us ally just rekt home with either phoenix, omni and both ESs. Just chain stun him and he can't get away.


                                                                                                    just chain stun a slark guys it's ez 4Head


                                                                                                      ^^^ bricks ++++.


                                                                                                        Play as a team and u counter slark. When you Play with a known stack against a slark, I'm sure you'd feel its much easier to counter him.