General Discussion

General DiscussionName heroes who can counter slark in late game

Name heroes who can counter slark in late game in General Discussion
Big Daddy Pudge

    queen of pain

    Big Daddy Pudge

      queen of pain


        i found naga to be good against him because he will be the enemy teams primary farmer and even when he has items his ability to push waves is bad so that leaves it up to his less farmed teammates. so you will end up shepherding there team into there base preventing him from ganking and farming. also with a diffusal you can steal his mana to prevent his escape. then just rat there base. if spark rise to bank early you just song tp and sometimes can even get a kill on him if your team is willing to tp and help.


          To anyone who thinks medusa is worth anything vs slark, think again HIS Q PURGES THE STONED, (I don't know the official name for the frozen effect) added to that she is tanky which he can just feed off of.


            Enigma also owns slark with his ulti and midnight pulse with ref orb..


              axe with berserker's call then culling blade. gg wp