General Discussion

General Discussion@Johno For when you want to listen to advice.

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@Johno For when you want to listen to advice. in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    "Last hiting won't give him 3500 MMR, I can assure you that. Learning how to last hit and lane properly will probably give him something like 1.5-2k MMR.
    He's way below 1.5k mmr tho, so for him to learn how to last hit is not enough. That's just one of his problems. He has several more."

    Yes it will. How are you going to lose a game when you have ~75 cs min 10 and opposing carry has 40? Unless you literally make dumbass decisions like tower diving and 1v5ing enemy teams just having more farm will win most games, not all cus other lanes will lose, but many. I've seen how people at 2500-3k farm and it's atrocious.

    saving private RTZ

      I think OP is lower than that, IIRC he was sub 1k mmr but i may be wrong


        Yes MingLee I agree with what your saying here.

        Vague - Well to be more clear then I will say this - It's like there is a certain item for a hero I must get in a certain situation and not all those situations are very clear to me right now because I don't know how to base my decisions around items, ie; What are the reasons for buying certain items.

        I am told not to buy this item by someone then the next I am told to buy this item and im like - Was I not just told not to buy that item?
        Like when I bought a linkens on a hero a few days ago, I can't remember which but I was told that linkens is a must buy for this hero everytime so I followed that advice and then got told by someone not to do so.

        This is what I mean by itemization, I know there are many scenarios in dota and ones that call for certain items to be bought such as bottle mid or sb on slark to hunt and gank and for healing purposes along with his ulti.

        However there are many many guides in the steam library and many have good ratings and many are very wrong according to some.
        So with experience and more games I will pick up on this a bit and maybe get some where.

        For now there are many things I am not aware of and this is a learning curve for me.

        But keep in mind, I do not wish to be trolled or trash talked into the ground by anyone, there really is no need for any of it.

        I thank you for the advice you have given me and I wish to keep the peace if you don't mind.

        By the way I am a Libra and they love absolute harmony.

        saving private RTZ

          Horoscope or whatever the thing is called is actually the most retarded thing human kind invented. I think is more retarded than even religion


            and some items are completely terrible, like desolator and daedelus on razor.

            if you're unsure of what item to get, then look up several guides and see what they have in common. not buying the perfect item in every situation is not an excuse to build flat out shit items, as opposed to building the same but reliable items every game. an example would be vanguard on bristleback, even against magic lineups it still gives a HP increase and HP regen. it's not the best item, but it's not on the same level as an assault cuirass on an ember spirit where you'll lose games because of your item choice.

            same with skill build. if you have no idea what you're doing, look at guides and see what they all have in common. an example would be getting static link every fucking time at level 1, or noticing that almost every single item that razor gets, makes him more survivable.

            razors other 2 spells are far less useful in comparison in majority of situations that someone who doesn't know what skill to level is far better off getting the most reliable skill every time instead of trying to gauge whether the situation is right for a less common skill or item build and fucking it up.

            another example would be not getting rikis ult until level 10 and getting a crystalys on him instead of a stat item like drum or yasha. since you obviously can't focus on improving at several things at once per game, if you're focusing on things other than item or skill build, then go on autopilot and follow the item and skill build of a reputable guide and then focus on whatever it is you're trying to improve e.g. your last hitting ability, map awareness, et cetera. and when you've got better at those, then you swap over. once last hitting and farming becomes second nature with enough practice, you can then focus on what would be the most effective item or skill to level up.


              @ Dire wolf, I'll just say that you don't know his MMR and you don't know how bad he is.

              We are not talking about MMR with 4 numbers here.


                BEnAo StRiKeS bAcK~~~ ahahahaha fuck that was a good read

                but seriously Johno.. all the best, keep ur head in the game, be consistent, dont tilt when u lose and if ur committed to climbing u will see some results. keep us updated on any +/- mmr u see in the next few weeks .

                acc buyers in my team

                  You can't coach a person who is too autistic to listen. #rektm8

                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                    Sounds like the problem is in coach 4Head Elegiggle

                    Bad Intentions

                      Dammnn wat the hecks going on here :O

                      Yo John, listen man, i sometimes spy on ur gamez n see wat ya doing, heres my 2 cents man

                      Try to specialize three heroes man, just three at a time, master them man, focus on KDA man and use dem to take objectives


                        Le kappes

                        saving private RTZ


                          WINNING MENTALITY




                              WINNING MENTALITY

                                now what are u talking about like this doesent need to be that serious if someone feeded on your team or smthing like that :P