General Discussion

General Discussion@Johno For when you want to listen to advice.

@Johno For when you want to listen to advice. in General Discussion

    Can somebody help me? I'm a 2.7k SCRUB and I need a party-mate to get out of 2k cuz I'm not yet lvl 50. Can somebody help me? Thanks. I'm willing to learn, help, and cooperate.


      HAHAHAHAHAH benao, you really are worse than a child mate, how about do one! I did say I won't take trash talk matey. So do yourself a favour and troll somewhere else.

      Fucking kids these days have nothing better to do other than troll others!


        Johno, you got plenty of advices here, and several people already helped you a lot.

        You can always ask Havoc, Andro or me for help. As I said, I don't claim to be best player out-there, but I'm 100% sure I have always good advice for your MMR range, since I played there and successfully raped them over and over again.

        I would advice staying out from this topic from now on. Don't answer to flaming comments.

        Benao is not bad person, I can guarantee you that. He's just.. Well. Benao. But he's good guy, he showed me that several times. He's just brutally honest sometimes.

        Now work your ass off hard and get better, what are you waiting for?

        You're not gonna change over night, i mean, get better over night!

        Go work man, cmon! There's MMR to get.



          Exactly man, thank you for that.

          Unfortunately I woke up to another troll having nothing useful to say, and I won't take that shit.

          But yea this thread has been copied and pasted (the helpful advice that is) so I don't have to look at another troll's comments.

          Let's get something straight here though. I appreciate the help you and everyone else has given me and I have said that many times.

          But I have also said (countless times) that trolls/flamers aren't welcome and so I shall stick to that. Nothing personal, but that is how it will be.

          So yes that is exactly what I have been doing since you watched my games and another guy had a long chat with me on the fundamentals. I have been watching and thinking and reading over everyone's comments. I have a lot of information to work with.

          See you around dude.

          Thank you for your encouragement and the help mate, appreciate it :)


            No need to thank me. I just hope someone will help me aswell, when I need it.

            That's how it's supposed to be!

            acc buyers in my team

              I'm amazed that you would want to waste your time with a retard who refueses to awknowledge that he sucks.

              < blank >

                Welcome to Dota, you suck! - Purge

                saving private RTZ

                  Its a thing to refuse trolling its another to refuse truth


                    HAHAHAH so funny Kathy, you are the retard my friend. You still haven't admitted you were not able to recognise what needed to be done to help me. And still you post retarded childish comments that are of no help. Why oh why I will never know how people like you get so childish!

                    The penny still hasn't dropped my friend.


                      the penis

                      < blank >

                        Drop it like it's hot

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                          acc buyers in my team

                            s1ck burn.

                            < blank >

                              CLQ gonna give it to ya

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                bum farto

                                  Isn't penis dropping referring to puberty e.g. saying you haven't hit puberty cause pennie not dropped #kappa #nokappa

                                  Even so, lets not derail this topic. You also gotta realize that the way to troll a troll is to side with him, it makes him feel weird that you agree with something he's trying to rile you up with.

                                  A prank is not a prank if you're conscious and going along with it. Be water my friend.


                                    yee boi

                                    bum farto

                                      fuck boi

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                        saving private RTZ

                                          At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing 

                                          At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing 

                                          At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing 
                                          At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing 

                                          At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing 

                                          At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing 

                                          At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing

                                          At my level most people don't understand the basics of the game, they haven't even read up on last hitting, denying, defending on high ground with towers, pushing



                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                          saving private RTZ

                                            It's piss easy if you are used to having supports do most of the hard work leaving you to free farm and gain all sorts of benefits. This just doesn't happen at my level.

                                            It's piss easy if you are used to having supports do most of the hard work leaving you to free farm and gain all sorts of benefits. This just doesn't happen at my level.

                                            t's piss easy if you are used to having supports do most of the hard work leaving you to free farm and gain all sorts of benefits. This just doesn't happen at my level.

                                            It's piss easy if you are used to having supports do most of the hard work leaving you to free farm and gain all sorts of benefits. This just doesn't happen at my level.

                                            It's piss easy if you are used to having supports do most of the hard work leaving you to free farm and gain all sorts of benefits. This just doesn't happen at my level


                                            saving private RTZ

                                              Its piss easy . Piss easy. Benefits. My. Level. People. Dont. Know. How. To. Push.last hit. Deny. Defend. I. Do. Piss. Easy. Piss easy. Easy piss. Piss


                                              saving private RTZ

                                                Nice triple post.

                                                saving private RTZ

                                                  Thank you.


                                                    Lets not derail this topic hahahha! Fuck me, pennies dropping everywhere now. ^^^^^^^

                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                      Piss eazy.

                                                      can you piss hard tho?


                                                        Depends how much fluidity there is! Clearly not enough on here!

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          Ikr you're a hothead BrokeBack


                                                            Those mountains aren't hard enough nope.


                                                              This thread made me laugh so much!! :D

                                                              Its piss easy . Piss easy. Benefits. My. Level. People. Dont. Know. How. To. Push.last hit. Deny. Defend. I. Do. Piss. Easy. Piss easy. Easy piss. Piss

                                                              Its piss easy . Piss easy. Benefits. My. Level. People. Dont. Know. How. To. Push.last hit. Deny. Defend. I. Do. Piss. Easy. Piss easy. Easy piss. Piss

                                                              Its piss easy . Piss easy. Benefits. My. Level. People. Dont. Know. How. To. Push.last hit. Deny. Defend. I. Do. Piss. Easy. Piss easy. Easy piss. Piss

                                                              Its piss easy . Piss easy. Benefits. My. Level. People. Dont. Know. How. To. Push.last hit. Deny. Defend. I. Do. Piss. Easy. Piss easy. Easy piss. Piss

                                                              Its piss easy . Piss easy. Benefits. My. Level. People. Dont. Know. How. To. Push.last hit. Deny. Defend. I. Do. Piss. Easy. Piss easy. Easy piss. Piss

                                                              And you're still fucking trash sad whiny delusional piece of shit!!! Uninstall already!

                                                              waku waku

                                                                ometimes i wish Havoc-senpai would also review me but i'm not entirely sure if i would actually learn anything from this either

                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                  @Benao dude, you're wrong.

                                                                  He is not delusional, he already explained it. Its piss eazy to get 5k mmr when you have supports to work for your benefits. He is doomed tho, Valve hates him Kappa

                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    God i think i got prostate cancer from all this pissing


                                                                      Ayyy lmao I'm laughing too much!! People will start thinking I put my degree aside and make my living sucking dicks lol


                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        "I know how to last hit, but last hitting efficiently is another matter which I need to practice more at. But to tell someone solely to focus on last hitting in a game of dota is not going to improve on the key issues that I face. This is not addressing the many problems I already have which are affecting my game. That's all im getting at."

                                                                        That's your issue dude, everyone is telling you you are shit at cs in lane and you're refusing to listen. We can all guarantee that if you perfect cs in lane you will hit 3k, probably more like 3500-3700. If you can squeeze out 60 cs by min 10 (which isn't even close to perfect) you will be so far ahead of other 2k teams.

                                                                        Players say to focus on that because:
                                                                        1. It's singular and objective
                                                                        2. It's measurable
                                                                        Saying oh you need to focus on your camera control is so subjective, saying you need more map awareness is not really measurable without pouring through replays and noticing mistakes. It's extremely easy and effective to just say what's your cs and 10 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins and improve.

                                                                        You have to walk before you can run (or crawl before walking)


                                                                          I am not refusing to listen at all Dire Wolf. Dota isn't about one thing and one thing only which is what this guy wanted me to do and I explained that is not my top priority at this moment I need help with other things like itemization and decision making. Yes all these things come with time, but to say come back when your last hitting has improved and leave it at that without any other help is quite frankly stupid.

                                                                          As has already been proved through the analysis I have received.

                                                                          I am refusing to be called a retard because I wanted help with other aspects of my game, does that make me a retard - NO it doesn't, it makes me a noob who clearly wants to learn but wasn't given the opportunity by this trash talking guy.

                                                                          That is all very easy to understand, do drop this nonsense that I refuse to listen. I haven't refused anything but trash talking dick heads.

                                                                          That is all!


                                                                            You're the stupid one FUCK YOU AND JUST LISTEN FOR ONCE OR STIP POSTING!!!!!

                                                                            Get good at one thing and then, THENc come back!

                                                                            Gtfo my forum you fucking trash


                                                                              What a hilarious imbecile! ^^^^^ Nothing better to do other than troll. CHILD!


                                                                                "We can all guarantee that if you perfect cs in lane you will hit 3k, probably more like 3500-3700. If you can squeeze out 60 cs by min 10 (which isn't even close to perfect) you will be so far ahead of other 2k teams."

                                                                                Last hiting won't give him 3500 MMR, I can assure you that. Learning how to last hit and lane properly will probably give him something like 1.5-2k MMR.

                                                                                He's way below 1.5k mmr tho, so for him to learn how to last hit is not enough. That's just one of his problems. He has several more.


                                                                                  i came to this thread, i saw benao flaming someone, i left the thread
                                                                                  not gonna read this shit

                                                                                  acc buyers in my team

                                                                                    Oh boy, trash johno still getting attention.


                                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                                      ye im not gonna lie benao is one of the worst posters.
                                                                                      i miss the wave vs melody / wave vs blunt posts. those were the days


                                                                                        Noooo trash Kathy, you are the one seeking attention here clearly! otherwise you'd be elsewhere (trying to coach) this thread is not about you or your game so learn some human manners and go back to school.


                                                                                          i must admit that wave was a very dedicated flamer


                                                                                            rip wave


                                                                                              hes alive and kickin' somewhere in dotes, just not posting anymore


                                                                                                Btw, what happened to melody? Anyone know?


                                                                                                  he stopped posting, then he played on his smurf, then he left the smurf and apparently hasnt played dota since then

                                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                                    Yeah now it's just amateur hour now, back then there were week long threads of 1v1 people it was amazing. Wave still alive afaik he got a job out of city make big boy dolla so gave up some of dota for a bit.

                                                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                                                      Damn i loved wave spamming those Blunt-autism edited photos with that kid writing AUTISM with those toy blocks and with Blunt's face chopped over it.

                                                                                                      @Johno, well, then by going on your logic, wouldn't be the priority to get the items, and then what items to get. So First you learn how to get gold efficiently then how to spend it.

                                                                                                      Also, this whole "learn me how to itemize correctly" is very vague, at least from my 3k expierence, so better people might disagree. Every game of dota is different, there is no specific build for any game. This comes with knowledge of what items do, team composition, enemy team composition, how your heroes interact, how the game is going, well for you or bad etc.

                                                                                                      This is mostly game knowledge and game sense, which IMO can't really be taught. Anyway, you should try to accept some advice even if its harsh at first. I guess you like to feel the sentiment of fake confidence