General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Youtube starting career/hobby!

My Youtube starting career/hobby! in General Discussion

    Let's get some things out of the way:

    *It's my first video, course it's bad
    *I'm a mess, so I look really bad
    *I'm not asking for subscriptions here, I want some actual feedback so I can do better.

    Other than that, enjoy!


      Lose the cat headphones. You make me want to kill myself.

      Just because you're a "mess" doesn't mean you have to look bad. That's a terrible excuse.

      Lastly, if you enjoy this that's cool but if you're trying to get money give up.

      Guys = need skill
      Girls = need tits

      You have neither

      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

        dude u said that you are not a loser and get bitches left and right, but look at urself all of us know that its a lie

        Riguma Borusu

          Pure undiluted cringe.


            Lose the headphones mein nikkuh


              I watched 3 mins of it.

              New conclusion just give up now.

              And how exactly do you assume you'll be 5k in 200 games...?

              Assuming you maintain your ranked winrate of 54% in the last 6 months, (which you wont) it will take you 1300 games.

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
              acc buyers in my team


                dookie daddy

                  I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I can't unsee this thanks.

                  WALANG PANDESAL SA CUPCAK...

                    Its tough not being kawaii in this world b0iz


                      im afraid to watch it now


                        good luck m r kitty cat

                        dookie daddy

                          I think he got these I pre-ordered them when they came out and gave them to a weeb friend as a gift.

                          acc buyers in my team

                            oh my god. Why does that shit even exist? xD


                              Can you stop bashing this guy, he might suicide after such nice comments, kappa.

                              On serious note:

                              Really, don't waste your time mate. You're better of trying to Stream on Twitch.


                                And change headphones. xD

                                dookie daddy

                                  Ok let me be as brutally honest as I can.

                                  1. Get rid of the weeb shit.
                                  2. Don't overlay big text shit at random times.
                                  3. Stop playing with just your mouse, use your other hand from something other than yanking it
                                  4. No need to be so crass, sure i swear, but not just because I can.
                                  5. Pretending your not streaming, is the best way to stream, it doesn't feel forced.



                                    if ure gna wear ears you need the tail as well

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      ^ lmao

                                      dookie daddy

                                        ^ you and him should hit it off just fine #kappa #nokappa

                                        Not really hating on you it's just this whole neko culture is extremely cringey for 99.9% of the world and girls in japan might be cute and get away with it but dudes in the US is something altogether different.

                                        the realm's delight

                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                          WALANG PANDESAL SA CUPCAK...

                                            We're not hating its just.... y'know D:

                                            Lighten up


                                              Pro tip:


                                              dnt give a shit about ppl on dotabuff they're all retarded. Get some more anime posters while u r at it

                                              Livin' Real Good


                                                Not sure if you're worth typing to, probably not.


                                                  Worst video I've watched since 2016.


                                                    This is an honest opinion from someone who has been contracted to machinima and earned cash through youtube but gave up after a few years because of how hard it was to expand my traffic.

                                                    You dont really bring anything new, and its pretty cringe worthy if I'm honest, If you want to do youtube you need to be unique now a days or you'll get nowhere unless you pay people to promote you or you're part of the lucky 0.1%.

                                                    If you still wanna try be prepared to have literally no views or subs for a year or two and maybe after two-three years you'll have 1000 subs, that is unless you come up with some new unique idea that catches peoples eyes.


                                                      camera NotLikeThis DDsama OH nO NOTLIKETHIS MAAN


                                                        You got my subscribe, but please, change headphones. :-D


                                                          I hate your heropicks, but I like your headphones. =)

                                                          D the Superior
                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                            waku waku

                                                              You don't just look bad. You look like a stereotypical obese weeaboo with these headphones. That's not good, stop looking like that.

                                                              Maybe you should take some hints from this guy if you actually want to be kawaii though:

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                Kill it. Kill it with fire!1!2??2?@?111

                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                  Judging to the thumbnail you're a weeb
                                                                  Not watched yet

                                                                  Yowai Mo

                                                                    The post of Havoc made my day,
                                                                    "6. THIS IS NOT A GOOD LOOK, DO YOU NEED ME TO GET YOU ANOTHER PAIR OF HEADPHONES 4HEAD!!!"

                                                                    EleGiggle MingLee

                                                                    acc buyers in my team

                                                                      "6. THIS IS NOT A GOOD LOOK, DO YOU NEED ME TO GET YOU ANOTHER PAIR OF HEADPHONES 4HEAD!!!"

                                                                      Giff me



                                                                          you gonna make it
                                                                          fuck the h8ers



                                                                            dookie daddy

                                                                              @blunt give your work address or smth to 1234 and get him to PM me when I am online I will send it out to you.

                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real santa is real


                                                                                  I haven't even watched it but already laughing out loud on the train just from the comments haha 😂

                                                                                  Gonna watch it now brb


                                                                                    Didn't even reach the 4 min mark.. Bet bitches went crazy though

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                      Those headphones are shit though, from what I read (comments on quality and shit)

                                                                                      Their only good part is looking awesome and even the lights malfunction in lots of them (again, from what I read)

                                                                                      I wanted to buy a a pair but being so trash 2k mmr quality and costing over 1000kr was not worth it


                                                                                        for a moment i felt better about myself after watching that

                                                                                        acc buyers in my team


                                                                                          Yowai Mo

                                                                                            I took a serious look on this video for 3 min and holy shit this sony vegas 13 shit that pops up makes me insane, jesus




                                                                                                Dont listen to the haters.

                                                                                                This video is actually amazing.


                                                                                                Please keep making AND posting more to dotabuff.

                                                                                                filthy casual

                                                                                                  Why start a youtube channel? who cares at this point.
                                                                                                  thousands of gamers watch other gamers play. ill never understand it. instead of watching you id rather just play. also do you honestly think those headphones are cool? holy shit sell those, or junk them

                                                                                                  Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                                                                    F O U R R I

                                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                      Well thanks for the words guys. (I guess....?)

                                                                                                      But I'm not ditching the headphones.

                                                                                                      Also, lying on the internet is very easy to do wilson.

                                                                                                      Kappa. XD

                                                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                                                        Next time don't use a webcam. Like there is literrally no reason to do so.

                                                                                                        I mean, i guees this is how the average addicted Dota 2 player looks like. Ok, maybe addicted is a harsh word, lets say committed. Because you have to have some committment to do this.

                                                                                                        I would honestly even try to just post gameplays with no commentary next time. I don't think its nessecary.