once u have aquila and treads (and lvl 7 min) u can start. but its not like thats when u should do it. if u have free mid u just farm mid. if not tell ur support to come and take mid xp, so nothing is wasted
cause u build aquila out of it. if i dont get then i dont get aquila at all, i only get 2 branches and 2 tangoes if i play against a mid that harasses a lot like 6.84 leshrac
like if i need bottle early against a strong laner like qop or something, wouldn't it be better to go branches+tangoes, then bottle and get aquila later?
when do you start clearing the ancients? I always wait for my boots to arrive, is that to early?
I think with the new Ancient passives you could only clear stacks past lvl 9
ANW wtf isnt this supposed to be a shitposting exclusive thread?!?!
without bbcodes there is no shitpost, we might aswell educate ourselves
and yeah new passives are ridiculous, you could end up with dragons and golems having all 6+ armor and 4k hp
once u have aquila and treads (and lvl 7 min) u can start. but its not like thats when u should do it. if u have free mid u just farm mid. if not tell ur support to come and take mid xp, so nothing is wasted
|| TriHard || TriHard || TriHard || TriHard || TriHard || Lets Build a Prision
rofl wtf is this
6,2k brood and 6k pl XD
whats so special about them?
they are 4Head
well, I'm 4Head too
Doom is so imba
they suck cock thats whats special. it took pl 30 minutes to realise using manta can help push towers
looks like an average game without anything weird happening there tbh
there is not that much of a difference between high 5k and low 6k
http://i.imgur.com/m6pJrOR.png doom is such a boss looking hero
5,3k avg 4,8k taking mid and feeding SeemsGood
why do you go wraith band first? doesn't TA have enough damage on lvl 1? i was usually going just set of tangoes and two branches
cause u build aquila out of it. if i dont get then i dont get aquila at all, i only get 2 branches and 2 tangoes if i play against a mid that harasses a lot like 6.84 leshrac
couldn't i get it later?
like if i need bottle early against a strong laner like qop or something, wouldn't it be better to go branches+tangoes, then bottle and get aquila later?
like you buy the same items just in a bit different order so you get bottle faster
This thread is so bad without BBcode it's unreal.
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5.7k guy in dual stack is 6.6k and feeds mid SeemsGood ty valve for your precious matchmaking
I love dual party in solo q. Those players TriHard so much and don't ruin games at all it's amaaaiiiizing.
matchmaking is actually broken
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gibe pu$$Y
hey guys guess what !!! i played dire for 8 games in a row lolz !!11!! xDXD
hey dont worry 9th game still dire !!
valve matchmaking definitely not flawed SeemsGood
who cares 2nd Keepo game
best song honestly
I made a gummiband ball out of boredom at work, it's as big a golf ball now
You mean rubberband?
ze german in me iz zeeking out
bu yeah, a rubberbandball
navi disbanded ROFL
and total biscuit has cancer. well thats sad
He came out with that quite some time ago, at least a year.
Edit: Okay, apparently it has spread again. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TotalBiscuit#Illness :/
he "just" confirmed that it's terminal
i mean hes a fucking retard but still cancer is no joke
i hope i'll be like him one day
you mean dying of cancer?^
omfg hahaha
oi aimstonk, a lady here said you scan like a monkey, what should I say?
actually yes
i don't know anything about totalbiscuit except that he exists and makes some videos
sounds fun, count me in