there's this guy called Donald Tusk and he's a prime minister or something in one of the organs of EU and now they keep talking about taking refugees and now in the middle of the lesson a picture came to my head where tusk suddenly calls "YOU ARE GOIN' NOWHERE" and casts ice shards and i started laughing uncontrollably in the middle of entire silent class when we were reading one of the edgar allan poe's poems where he kills his cat and buries his wife in the wall
still hovering around 4k, i'm planning to make a breach this week
because i promised to myself that i will reach 4.5k on birthday of my former closest friend (that girl i told you about)
it's on 11.10.
so i have to grit my teeth and get fucking good
Send this SHEKEL to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get 6,000,000 your A TRUE SCHLOMO
does anyone know or remember the page in which i linked a lot of russian fail compilation videos or something in this thread, i want to watch them again
nvm found it PogChamp
that's true, but..
it's easier to deal with smaller aspects of the game
like yeah, when you play a real match, you use and improve in all the skills
but i think that focusing on one aspect at a time will help me learn faster and then i'll just need to put everything together
for example, if you play ember, you won't practice sleight-chains combo in real matches and fail in first 5-20 games until you're able to consistently get it right.
instead you can just go to lobby and try it 100 times over and you will get it into your fingers easily
ye whats goin on guys
Japanese Spuderman
there's this guy called Donald Tusk and he's a prime minister or something in one of the organs of EU and now they keep talking about taking refugees and now in the middle of the lesson a picture came to my head where tusk suddenly calls "YOU ARE GOIN' NOWHERE" and casts ice shards and i started laughing uncontrollably in the middle of entire silent class when we were reading one of the edgar allan poe's poems where he kills his cat and buries his wife in the wall
i once buried my dick in someone's wife
Arin how's your MMR?
still hovering around 4k, i'm planning to make a breach this week
because i promised to myself that i will reach 4.5k on birthday of my former closest friend (that girl i told you about)
it's on 11.10.
so i have to grit my teeth and get fucking good
Elegiggle i cross my fingers for ya
go xyclopz
okay supporting retards is getting more and more difficult
Send this SHEKEL to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get 6,000,000 your A TRUE SCHLOMO
I'd like to take a moment to congratulate Miku on hitting high skill
^^ You're not a true jew, they would never waste SHEKELS like that, you filthy spy
eyyyyyy elllmmmoooo hotsalza u stalker
I come back after a week and there are still no bbcodes![:disapprove:](/assets/emojis/disapprove-cce1e8768de73715d21e4cc053d9d3db23b4f9e13b2b787f69a877b8f2f42a5d.gif)
its happening boys
helena abuot to play with bulldog 4Head
rofl are u serius
4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head 4Head
dank memes incoming
what the fuck really
i don't even know if that's really good or completely retarded
why is he even playing with her how did that happen o.o
its bulldog, how would he get viewers if not playing with females
rofl big 4head
Her being like must be a part of the 'act' but it's still funny hahah
LMAO bulldongs strim 4Head
playing against syndertard 4hEad
does anyone know or remember the page in which i linked a lot of russian fail compilation videos or something in this thread, i want to watch them again
nvm found it PogChamp
youtube channel is called "we love russia" afair
i watched ~10 last episodes, time to watch the rest
okay i won't get to 4.5k in sunday
unless some miracle happens
rn i'm 4044
at least i have shadow fiend in my hands again
i wish i was a decent sf player
what new anime do i watch
im smthng like the opposite of what ppl call "decent sf player"
wanna coach?![:horse:](/assets/emojis/horse-243fc8112c18a5fa763e0add035b740f3ea583a3d843ad6170fdc4a32fc798e4.gif)
actually, would be anyone 5k+ up for 1v1 with a low 4k scrub like me? it might probably be boring stomp, but i wanna get better at laning
░░░░░░░░ ▄▄▄▀▀▀▄▄███▄
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dammit ;(
i think i played sf 1v1 with you when we waited for some other party mates
yeah and you ran into my range once we were 5 :d
i'd rather practice matchups with different heroes
ye, i alrdy alttabbed at that point ^_^
practicing 1v1 matchups is not rly that good as a way to improve ur skill, btw
how so? it's not like i'm gonna win a ranked match based on laning phase, but it helps
i wanna know how to deal with various heroes
it's just another aspect of the mid lane i have to learn
playing a real game gives u both lane mechanics and all the other skills u need. 1v1 is too.... narrow, id say
that's true, but..
it's easier to deal with smaller aspects of the game
like yeah, when you play a real match, you use and improve in all the skills
but i think that focusing on one aspect at a time will help me learn faster and then i'll just need to put everything together
for example, if you play ember, you won't practice sleight-chains combo in real matches and fail in first 5-20 games until you're able to consistently get it right.
instead you can just go to lobby and try it 100 times over and you will get it into your fingers easily
^"you wont"
i did exactly this thing with ember, to be honest. i mean, i used real matches to practice it.
thats why ppl in solo q dont like me, probably
1v1 its ok but play different heroes and get bottles etc as in a normal game