General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Good farm, KDA, tower damage and hero damage. I would have maybe gone for another defensive item, like linkes or manta, but seems like you didn't need it.

    kunst 2

      Pretty good hero for Turbo, one of the very few supports who can do stuff there. Build is absolutely correct so there is no much to say.


        Dominated as dusa vs an AM. Orchid was a nice item choice that game


          outplayed a five stack nice. looks like u fed off squishy supports and carried your team damage wise. 60k damage is insane.

          Bad Intentions

            You had the tangibles. GPM, XPS and the standard Medu items. Seems that you lacked that thing you need to translate that into your teams win. Not sure what happened to your game but your team really needed you to play a high level to win that game.


              playing carry can be really boring when your team wins the game without you :/

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                Dedicated support helped a stomp, great team coordination
                But with such a stomp, how did the game lasted so long?

                Bad Intentions

                  @melt im offended by your comment! lol i kid i kid. Yea, well i did dc from time to time but did enough job on the buildings n stuff :]

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    Why do you argue in here?


                      Nice attempt to going doom support. Just a little advice that u could use smoke before warding. Seems u ded too much because of attempt to aggresive warding on enemy jungle. Thus the enemy team gain the upper hand slowly

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                          quality game
                          your jungle pl vs shadowblade necro and deso bounty

                          you build aghs and kaya in a game where euls and forcestaff would made it so you dont die instantly to the big bad wolf.
                          also, you commetted to buy 6 wards in a 44min game where clearly nobody else was attempting to ward at all. its a start i guess

                          casual gamer

                            Bit of a one-sided game

                            32 sentries is a lot to buy, but if you feel you are getting value out of them there's no reason not to i guess. You bought twice as many sentries as they did obs (lol). Ideally you would have someone else helping you with this too, unfortunately that often is not the case

                            Considering you are playing 4/5 omniknight your item build is good. You will get more value out of kiting people around than trying to tank up when you are so far behind a core's net worth. I have no clue how you have so many kills unless you are just ksing LC with your heal lol


                              Pretty uneventful game. See you rushed pike, nothing wrong with that, though I personally stop for drums on ench for the stats. Gg pretty boring but a win nonetheless wp

                              casual gamer

                                can u do the game i just had instead, that ench game sucked and i was dced for half the game


                                  you mean the one where you picked clock into a safelane tinker with two weak lane supports and so you probably killed pudge and mirana at the bounty rune repeatedly :thinking:


                                    Why dont I get a rating :/

                                    Dogmaster Sucks about that Tiny game. I really like how that hero is evolving. I see you tried to get some aginwith a butterfly, I can respect that. I haven’t played him yet this patch but I never know how to max the skills with tree grab and all. Better luck next game

                                    👇Edit:I hate jungling but mirana took my offlane and insisted axe was a jungler, I just farmed the enemy jungle and cut the creepwave, but mostly played in lane thats why the blink was fast. And attacks proc counter helix on illusions btw haha pretty fun. So much pure dmg

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                                    casual gamer
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                                        Dogmaster Sucks about that Tiny game.

                                        Good thing idc turbo


                                          another ez game when alchemist Abandoned
                                          why u need treads when u has tranquil
                                          manta is good to dodged but better u build Aeon Disk


                                            ^definitely proper items, maybe instead of ghost scepter id get something else considering they have a lot of magic burst, u cud pop the ghost scepter and just get exploded
                                            otherwise very low deaths and high assits, and decent amt of items as well.
                                            if u were rich enough i mightve gone euls
                                            also i hope u did the sd + luna combo right and used disruption on luna's manta illusions


                                              Hmm good morph I know that you’re fond of him this patch, though on paper you would think your heroes beat theirs. That shadow fiend wasn’t too scary but idk. Your willows build made me sad. Shame too cause shes so “balanced” btw I would think your draft would win but Better luck next time. I don’t play a lot of morphling but you didn’t really need a linkens I think and they have no silences you so I don’t know you must’ve died to euls requiem while agi morphed id assume.


                                                I'm not much of an Io player but I know you were going for the attack when an ally attacks. You stayed alive which is hard to do as Io a lot of the time and you had a decent amount of assists but you were the only support on the team so maybe more utility items to assist the carries rather the DPS would've been good. Overall good support Io game and way to keep those cores alive during fights to win 'em. Good job.


                                                  it was requiem yup
                                                  i had to deal with this cancer dual offlane with only limited help early on
                                                  ended up with a completely useless mid hero and too many deaths on the team
                                                  we were doing it at one point in the mid game, i kinda gave up on farming cuz they were chasing me across the map, so i just fought and won a lot.
                                                  but it snowballed in the enemy teams favor off of a whiffed chrono.
                                                  if we had a legit willow we cudve gone for pickoffs but that guy was worthless so we kept getting picked off by an arrow or euls requiem and i cudnt counter initiate
                                                  got my eblade too late, by that time they had euls and bkb to counter it, and were getting too tanky
                                                  poorly executed on my part too



                                                    good line up on your team when their too fvckin greedy
                                                    nc roam over there
                                                    17% bash it's work
                                                    dat pango that was so good tho


                                                      U won't have won with another heroe than zeus this game

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                                                          Nice PL, great pl game too. Wp not much to say, I won’t mind supporting a carry like that. good effectiveness, good draft for pl in general

                                                          Also I’m not one to show off but holyshit take a look at the last rubick game, most fun I’ve had that in a while. hero can be a God sometimes.draft was a mess but game was intense. Dream rubick game for me, Im not even that good at the guy. I even “yapzored” some kills but I stole chrono like 4 times and set up a lot so I feel I deserved it lol

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                                                            Can I get a rating before this thred goes too deep :)

                                                            👇Yep career high. I didnt die cause I was imposible to die from colatteral or burst because of attribute shift. And with my items and backtrack/time walk I always had a way to get in then get out, then get in again lol

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                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                              Holy shiet man, career high in your assists? Good job of only dying 9 times. Standard item pickups. High hero damage. Good job on being a high impact support.

                                                              Suicidal Ideation

                                                                That poor tinker.. Phase and aeon disk seem weird on TB but doesn't matter with that storm snowballing


                                                                  the only guy not in a party? that sux. good building dmg and heal, you have higher lh than morph!? that TA stomps.


                                                                    Hard ass slark game :(( lion hex undispellable and meepo net + poof. Good thing your farm is decent but their draft just counters you too hard.

                                                                    Suicidal Ideation

                                                                      With SB/OD/Axe I think getting euls first might be a good call. especially with troll on your team


                                                                        Easy Ember, ez Magic, cancer level 20 Talent true strike. Haha

                                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                                          Monster broodmother game. Rare sight nowadays. Solid tangibles. Great HD and TDs. Id say youre the main reason radiant won. With almost 8k games too, a solid veteran performance.

                                                                          offlaner ≠ carry

                                                                            A very one-sided game. First core item 21' Skadi, no Conjure Image until Level 11: sounds like you're trying a new (or unusual?) build. Good thing it worked in this game.


                                                                              mid abandonned, feelsbadman
                                                                              also first time LD player in your team probably
                                                                              no idea how you survived for 47minutes. seems like you and slark did well at least.

                                                                              ☩ Vinblastine ☩

                                                                                I think it is safe to say that you were solo carrying the game. BF on PA is unnecessary tho, you need to completely take advantage of your power spike. Anyway goodjob and keep improving so you can reach higher medal.


                                                                                  You ended fast wel played, didn’t give the enemy time to counter you. Well played. I’m guessing the battlefury was for alcs eventual push. But good game well played another case of phantom assasin


                                                                                    @Bad Intentions : Thank you my friend, exactly this game is party MMR of strangers in channel chat. Only Zues, DW, Spectre is friends. We (ES and me) had a bad emotions to playing with these guys. This one noob Zues said he play pos 5 also, and he put 0 ward in the map, meanwhile I must buy it, for protecting myself. He bring 4 observer, and going to the fog of map, put offensive (this is typical cancerous support I already know). I hold the game, meanwhile this mid failed as fuck. My Broodmother not even sitting on ratting lane, always bring TP with orchid, and BKB. Fight them all !


                                                                                      Don’t rate this guy^ hes done already rate meh :)


                                                                                        seems like their line up too greedy
                                                                                        good guardian angel make ur teamfight to stronk
                                                                                        nc build item tho
                                                                                        u can get more Fantasy Point > 10.52


                                                                                          @kara-jishi(pos 3-5) : You belong with trash like you. Fucking DW dual offlane with Omniknight, and force Pudge play as Hard-support. That must be dumb best match. This Dark Willow oblivious cancer support.

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                                                                                            @VVYN : What the fuck is this, why Radiant pick like 1k ?


                                                                                              Man 4900 before ths learn some fucking english before you start flaming in this forum. You went out of your way to flame 2 posts that you werent supposed to comment on anyway. Nobody cares what mmr you were before the medal update, Anyone who takes time to learn brood can climb, but just take a look at your support winrates. What fucking planet are you from anyway? Why is your english as bad as your attitude? Id rather have a bad teammate whos trying than one like you who thinks like a 12 year old. The pudge in our game couldnt get farm so he volunteered to be hard support so willow could get hex for storm and it helped win us the game. Willow looked like she was off because she roamed bot a lot and we won the lane. Never have I flamed these “cancer supports” because I ussually play support and I know how hard it is to play underlevelled and underfarmed. So please shut your alien mouth and go be toxic in league of legends because Dota has too much of you anyways

                                                                                              Ps VVYN deserves a better rating than that. So person below me, except 4900 give him a rating on HIS game not enemy draft

                                                                                              Ill give one too...
                                                                                              Good ember game. Based on their greedy draft you would lean towards spells/magic ember. I don’t really get his build yet this patch between magic or cleave, both are good as from what I’ve seen. Good score good stomp ez game cause the enemy was fighting for farm and you made the most of it.

                                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                                Very high impact Ember. Starting with the tangibles, great xpm, gpm. HD is good, surprising TD.

                                                                                                Item prio seems unique but effective in the game.

                                                                                                Really made a difference in the flow of the game. Great that your tangibles translated to great gameplay.


                                                                                                  Ur item build is rlly bad
                                                                                                  Mjollnir isn't rlly helping u against ck if ur tb, it's only useful against PL.
                                                                                                  Imstead of that u cud have manta lance, which let's u remove Mana leak and blinding light, farm faster
                                                                                                  Linkens is also a gr8 item.
                                                                                                  Also phase wtf.
                                                                                                  U have less tower dmg than morph

                                                                                                  Basically u won this game cuz u got carried and didn't contribute much to ur team.


                                                                                                    You're 12k ahead in NW than the nearest hero in farm, great KDA, GPM, XPM, ES enabled your team greatly.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!