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General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    offlane tb :/
    sorry but it looks like you got carried here. low hero dmg, low building dmg
    also aeon disc first item? did it do sth for you at that point? i buy it as 5th or 6th item in very special situations

    4Ld3N R3ch4rg3

      Sadly techies abandoned. Should have been a long game because of him.

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      meteor hammer

        Extremely long game considering you were never that far behind. Meepo had no clue what he was doing.

        I guess it's just the techies that stalled the game out, but you have pretty good tools to siege against him

        Fee Too Pee

          Arc warden game that win after <25 minute? what the fuck is this? a yoke?

          Highest damage, highest gpm , xpm. cong fucking grats u can abuse arc warden.

          But seriously, u probably carried the game, since u can play arc warden off couse.
          Hard hero with crap winrate. Dope. carried the game


          useful or not

            pretty good huskar game. none of them can actually handle of dmg a huskar, early game snowball. Wp!


              9/10 stomp, both you and gyro snowballed out of control
              imo bloodthorn is better than the new mkb on TA
              28 assists on bounty kicking in hard btw, 2,8k gpm on the whole team seems pretty sick

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              Bad Intentions

                Not sure what to say of a 10 min game but good job overall. Seems to get good farm and focused on taking the main objective of destroying that ancient! with only soul ring and phase boots too!


                  that is an excessive amount of terrorblade games

                  Looks like your storm snowballed that game. I...actually don't know what to say about your item build, because I don't know if you were meming it or if you were completely serious about it.

                  If you were meming: Good meme
                  If you weren't: What in the name of God were you doing?


                    ^diffusal in this void game seems completely uneeded
                    i wud have either gone bkb then mkb or rushed mkb if u were feeling that strong
                    otherwise i think ur item build is spot on
                    good farm, good fighting, u hit buildings, all good


                      How you win 3v5? You must be a god.


                        ^they were retarded and am hit 1k gpm

                        KGBlue Lives Matter

                          Nice job avoiding getting trashed by Nyx as Injoker especially when he went Blink Dagon and based on ur damage and assists looks like you did your job in team fights very well.

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                            cm goin communist


                              You got carried by jugg and sniper, smart choice by going blink dagger


                                Standard Meepo stomp

                                You were 4719 one month ago but that last match was in High Skill... Acc buyer?


                                  COMMENT ON HIS^ LAST MATCH
                                  @MILNoR, it was a pt mmr game, i only play pt mmr atm


                                    Nice pick with offlane omni Milnor. The other team had much psych dmg and it seemed like you did okay on your role with many defensive items. Wp.


                                      Looks like a good old-fashioned stomp; I feel like that win was sure by minute 20.


                                        both teams draft like "lets 5man push at 10 minutes and finish before 30"
                                        nothing happens for 40 minutes
                                        looks like od was the only reasonable player in that game. shame his hero cant push towers :/

                                        meteor hammer

                                          Pretty even game until 20 minutes, then your team started owning pretty hard. You got blink dagger at the same time, coincidence???? :thinking:

                                          euls and lotus are really smart pickups for a couple reasons: euls counters retard voids with no bkb and dispels mom. euls dispels storms shit if he goes on you AND lets you blink out. lotus lets you save retard teammates that storm goes on, and lotus lets you remove ns blind from people

                                          euls also lets you dodge omni which is nice, diffusal cant purge euls anymore (fuck you jugg)

                                          ur blink timing is a bit slow but ive seen worse, do your best to farm pulls and get as many bounties as possible

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            Good CM game. Sexy 5th item pickup, i think i need to try that. Good job on not dying too much. Defensive nova? Not much damage but overall high impact gameplay that definitely contributed to the dire win.

                                            Memes King

                                              bad veno and get carried by jugg :thinking:

                                              Bad Intentions

                                                Pls more insightful!


                                                  your item choices are horrible, jugg owned not much else to say! You should also always get gale at lvl 1 or 2 not 11)


                                                    really long game with big advantage swings. all of there cores were sixslotted 500+lasthits and good kda.
                                                    looks like the enemy supports and offlaner did better rotations, 35+ assists vs 15-20 on yours.
                                                    somebody on your team i assume bought a rapier and ck got his hands on it it seems. alot of buybacks late and a death push, somebody had to finish this. could have gone either way

                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                      Good LC game. Solid damage contribution heroes and buildings. Sexy aghs pickup. Looks like youre ready to move up from normal skill? or are you far off? Good job overall.


                                                        I think im on the edge. Isnt it 3.2k average games?

                                                        Offlane veno vs solo safelane omni while bs goes jungle xD
                                                        Enemy team triggered first minute for sure, you could abuse all chat to secure the Game early

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                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                          Unfortunate game, seems like you got stomped
                                                          I do find the kotl pick weird into such a greedy lineup, you can't let the kotl have no farm


                                                            Seems you gave sven some proper trashing. Apart from that, you started killing during the first night as you really should as the batman. Gj


                                                              I think the left talents would've been better @15;20


                                                                Hit creeps


                                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                  Got hit by heroes


                                                                    Position 5 roamer PogChamp

                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                      Hmm lets see, good gpm, good hero dmg and standard items but seems to have died too much and lost the game. I can only guess that you have the tangables but your execution was poor? Tough game.


                                                                        Spamming Terrorblade and hitting buildings. Hmm... I think you can do better than 400 GPM.

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          Looks they left am alone, which is pretty much always a bad idea

                                                                          They have counters, but void seems pretty clueless. Interesting offlane for your team

                                                                          Your build is good. Slardars build is hilarious


                                                                            Looks like you dominated your lane and the game pretty easily. Sick GPM/XPM wow.

                                                                            Completely carried your team 40k damage/7k building.

                                                                            31 min 6 slotted. rekt


                                                                              AM was against a dual lane Morphing and Void. So I thought he'd get more farm than them and they wouldn't be able to kill him atleast. Sardar had a quelling blade and was going into AM's lane at game start, so I told him to come trilane top so we could pressure and take the tower early. It worked. Their safe lane NP gave up and went jungle. Both Slardar and Void had no idea what they were supposed to do. Appreciate the positive feedback, anyway. That was my last game to calibrate in the new ranked.


                                                                                items spot on imo
                                                                                if the game wudve gone longer id have gone blink but its rlly satisfying to see proper support itemization instead of the aghs rush crap i see from practically every support in my bracket
                                                                                imo instead of going agro tri, it wud be better to get am fed by abusing the weak ass off lane from dire
                                                                                that being said, safelane trilanes r much harder to execute so im not entirely sure which one u wudve been better off doing.
                                                                                also void trying to make pms with 2 slippers and stout ROFL


                                                                                  Seems like a good comeback; you carries your team, basically, and your items were decent. Nice game overall.

                                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                                    High impact BS. Starting with the tangibles, good gpm, xpm and tower damage. Died a lot but should be expected from BS but overall good no. of kills and objective gaming.


                                                                                      bad lineup and lanes. Tb offlane isnt the best. Good tower damage,low hero dmg. Got carried by invo and jugg


                                                                                        pubtrained out of winning laning stage. very onesided match.


                                                                                          Bad draft, especial 2 hard carry

                                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                                            glimmer cape+crest >>>> vlads + super urn imo. the super urn is pretty good but your heroes have pretty much 0 need for vlads (no high base damage hero like morph/tb especially or lifesteal abuser like pa). glimmer is really good against morph and am wheras vlads does very little

                                                                                            you did a good job of not dying against dagon puck + morph. it looks like you rolled over them for most of the game and then they started coming back, but it was too late


                                                                                              Looks like your good old-fashioned stomp; great item timing and kda; I respect the meme divines.

                                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                                You are the main reason why your team won. Really good game impact. Sexy item pick up on pike. Solid tangible stats. Overall, great job.

                                                                                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                                  What is up with all the terrorblades?

                                                                                                  Anyways did the most BD, so bice job securing objectives


                                                                                                    looks like slark somehow won his lane solo. maybe u should've gone duo hard lane, but they had a tough team to stay on top of to prevent snowballing


                                                                                                      atium : Hi mate, I know glimmer cape is good, but honestly we already winning. Cause this solid draft (Vengeful Spirit + Sladar + Weaver) sticking with Windranger. It's deeply reducing armor stratagy. That is why we won early til mid game. Yes, I won't die by Morphling, and Puck. The way I play supporters is never let wards IDLE at stock, buy it as soon as possible. Keep 3 lane have vision, you will have more thing to do than sitting at lane. The Minimalist !

                                                                                                      Vladimir's Offering isnt really very good at this game, but it was always good on VS, because this one stack with Vengeance Aura. So, the job is sitting at low ground, and let your cancer teammates hit rax, and tank their job.



                                                                                                      @baby : Axe offlane versus one Medusa safe lane never win. You have good space by Earth Spirit, and Spirit Breaker feeding almost whole game. Honestly I dont like this combo gank (ES + SB), pretty weak. By the way, good space creator.


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