General Discussion

General DiscussionThis time i lasted 5 games

This time i lasted 5 games in General Discussion



      of the last 2 pages of games ive been in low priority 4 fuckign times (5 games each) and NOW AGAIN FUCK THIS SHIT AND GIVE ME MY FUCKING TI5 TICKET PIECE OF SHIT VOLVO


        7 games and back to low priority wp volvo

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            hidden pool?


              rumor says there's this hidden pool where then send BM people to get matched with each other


                i dont think thats true, should only be a hidden pool for acc cheaters


                  You were obviously destined to be there Benao


                    how do you even flame hard enough to get LP that much? I have only been there for abandons and I flame like crazy.


                      tears thread

                      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                        i've never played with/against you, but i see a shit ton of losses where u go like 0-30 or something ridiculous which tells me u fed on purpose

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                        ED WUNCLER

                          Good thing is that hes still posting in this forum knowing he need help! he cry for help everytime he post ! help me with my problems ! But there so much internet can do. Dota 2 and Dotabuff is not the place to deal with your anger problems. Real life is ur main problem and its why ur acting like a mad person when you play. When i play with ppl that dont play the game much they seem way more relaxed. The ppl that get mad about losing mmr are mostly the ones that play minimum 6 game everyday. Leave mmr play unranked and go have fun in real life :)

                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                            and yes hidden pool exists, thank god i'm not in it which is what makes my climb to 6k so much easier. literally 70% of my games on EU i get cooperative teammates who usually don't feed, don't pick stupid/useless shit (hint: stop first picking shadow fiend), and try hard to win

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                                the issue with their retarded system is when you get muted for trash talking noobs, and next game you can't talk and so people report you.

                                ED WUNCLER

                                  ^ reported. +1 . ty valve :3

                                  in life you have a choice : to be WITH valve. or to be AGAINST valve

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                                    ED WUNCLER

                                      or to take guns and change all the politic we live in and end up the fake capitalism. but you will prefer the first option

                                      ED WUNCLER

                                        btw : to get report back : commend ppl: i know you never used that option yet since ur a monkey. bur try it. i comended 4 ppl and the next day i had like 5 more report back.


                                          fuck it i'll just stream for every ranked game i play so you see the system is fucked up (have to get out of lp first though).

                                          Though im not playing anytime soon

                                          ED WUNCLER

                                            you wont win. believe me. You are alone.

                                            ED WUNCLER

                                              You need more suporters. And real life suporters that walk in the street to maybe have a little chance. listen your alone. it wont happen :)

                                              ED WUNCLER

                                                Your fight is something else but you dont know it yet

                                                ED WUNCLER

                                                  ppl realise when they lose shit. the moment you lose something = bang bang !

                                                  ED WUNCLER

                                                    and video games are the worsttttt with dota 2 to play. You will end up anti-social . geek and erdy and will kill urself with agun .

                                                    ED WUNCLER

                                                      You will believe ur the master of the world and everyone is stupid and deserve to die and you will end up killijng yourself

                                                      ED WUNCLER

                                                        i personally doesnt like spanish speakers , europeans speakers ( russins) ands all russians and their countrys. well i hate every1 that doesnt speak englisjh even if my engloish sucjk dicks., but guess what. in 5k mmr every1 speak antoher language but enmglish LOL and its true

                                                        ED WUNCLER

                                                          english americans sdpeakers are in 3.4k mmr moslty

                                                          ED WUNCLER

                                                            But you know what ! i play with 3.4 mmr and i play with 5k mmr as support . and some 5k support are as bad as 3.4k mmr. and tihs is like WOW when youi first realise it ! ur like ... it cant be! but then you realise wow... so every1 is retarded?

                                                            ED WUNCLER

                                                              well yea . 5k and 3.4k are retarded and 6k too. its just they play their own gameplay i guess. So that moment you realise how this game is shit and suck big dicks.

                                                              ED WUNCLER

                                                                dota 2 : remember its jsut a game : gg

                                                                ED WUNCLER

                                                                  but still the best game iv ever played! cuz i hate every other game lollll and console are shits. still i need to vomit on dota 2 now :(:( . my my.. myyy.. best friend ever.. dota ...2. and my alchohol.. no no nononono ... onononoonno !!! i dont wanna

                                                                  ED WUNCLER

                                                                    BUT HIHI i jhave to admit sometime you get a JUNGLE STORM thgat work in 5k. :) my last game,.. still my shadow hsman rapin tower was the reason we won. fuyck that dum b nig.a

                                                                    ED WUNCLER

                                                                      sometime dumb star players think they deserve everything like your top and run with tp cd and ur far and hex?? . i said : hex? RANGE? he didnt said any word till the end and we won. what a dumb storm. not liike i was out of poisition. you will say : ohhh buy hes 7k and yu wer eout of position. no shut the fuck up. i was not. some players are dumb playuers even at that level . now check thje game and my games(plurial) or gtfo.

                                                                      ED WUNCLER

                                                                        Like they expect you everything to weard courrier fly and shit at minute 4 AND to tp at that moment: it possible if ur team winning. else not. GG

                                                                        ED WUNCLER

                                                                          but still they sooo bad sometimes. i get peruvians SERIOUSLY I GET SPANISH SPEANKERS IN 4.9K.

                                                                          ED WUNCLER

                                                                            i have no idea what theyre saying but i report them communication everuytime and i alway win +2 report everytime :s

                                                                            ED WUNCLER

                                                                              You know in their country they drink alot more fluor. They have more pesticide and shits. the 1% did their job. Sometime your like : why are all spanish speakers are so retarded. Well. cuz they are intoxicated ( like us) but more.

                                                                              ED WUNCLER

                                                                                they have shitttts tons of shits in their fodd ( like us ) but MOAR there. i went to ecuador and its gazoliana all day everyday its smell shits in the air in Quito everyday. seriously full gaz air.

                                                                                ED WUNCLER


                                                                                  ED WUNCLER

                                                                                    FUCK YOU YOU DID THIS TO US ITS YOUR FAULT

                                                                                    ED WUNCLER

                                                                                      ALso for dumb peski and ru all shity countrys. they are alrdy infected mentally. we all are alrdy infected but we are not that bads infected cuz we still have rules in OUR COUNTRY!

                                                                                      ED WUNCLER

                                                                                        stop making babys !

                                                                                        ED WUNCLER

                                                                                          fucking too much humans on my earth.

                                                                                          ED WUNCLER

                                                                                            i hope the new pesticide give you cancer and get you infertile bitch.

                                                                                            5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                                                              @ kitrak

                                                                                              i've been climbing normally so i don't think it's necessary. looks like ur doing ok too

                                                                                              if u still want to we can probably do it in a week or so, though i do have a few reservations after i did the calculations for time it takes, among other things.

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                BENOA, do you realize that you sound like a total asshole and you probably are one in your games too.


                                                                                                  benao pls change ur name to normal benao this may halp u :( <3

                                                                                                  plz do

                                                                                                    wait wait, this one was good dude