General Discussion

General DiscussionThis time i lasted 5 games

This time i lasted 5 games in General Discussion
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      When you are rude to your teammates did you actualy get some benefits. like forcing them to play better or pay more attentation on map. If to flame your teammates doesnt give you nothing in return exept LP then you may considere to stop doing it. I actualy notice that some players start to feed or ragequit (a realy small %) when they are flamed by his teammates.

      Sory for my bad english i hope you will understand me

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        idk sometimes i feel like this "hidden pool" exists, just cause i can lose 5 games in a row literally not cause of me, and after that i just feed and pick stupid shit and lose more.
        i never get lp or get muted tho, happened maybe 1 time in mah life, but fuck volvo anyway, nice monkey matchmaking.


          Benao - you ARE in hidden pool, believe it or not will not make it any less true. I was too few months ago cause i flamed almost every single game due to having apes in my team and got reported a lot, so i know how it looks like. Every game i had at least 2 people who were completely useless, braindead or mass feeders so i went to make a smurf so things calm down on my main. And it worked!

          It's like you can communicate and play again descently, which i couldnt before. If you get braindead people in every single match, then it's a good chance you're in hidden pool.


            LP? I love being there. Best place in the dota 2. Unranked matchmaking is shit and ranked matchmaking is full of crying bitchez. LP is love LP is life.

            Giff me Wingman

              4k trash is mad

              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                oh well, can't wait for the next thread on lpq

                @ kitrak

                actually i've been wanting to quit dota for so long now so yea...if u get my drift

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                  wtf is low priority


                    I saw you in a game once, you spammed and shit talked like a kid having a was equally pathetic and hilarious..."Relax, you're doing fine"

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                      i dont think you could have seen him at 2k mmr?


                        Benao ur username has [GO F*** YOURSELF] in it. This is probably a reflection of your personality which is then further reflected in you getting sent to low prio.

                        Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                          On my first account 10% of my games was in low prio. Out of over 2000 that is. I was mainly reported for my drafts in CM and item choices.

                          Right now I have 4 accounts in low prio. I just abandon them now.

                          /\/ /\ T

                            I actually enjoy low priority! It's all random all the time, and you don't have to take the game super seriously. You can fuck around and have fun, play the game to play, not just to win!

                            I remember burning through my low prio in a five stack, some of the most fun games I've had