General Discussion

General DiscussionEZ4RTZ

EZ4RTZ in General Discussion

    "Hurricane the only stack you have ever played with is Guiri's yet you are still 3k#

    ROFL. You played few games with me and you know who do i play with? :D I'm playing stacks all the time, with Guiri or not. And i'm over 4k already. When you'll achieve overall 89% winrate with a stack, then you talk. Only time i had stack winrate under 50%, was with you.

    "You are the one who butchered my winrate with groups last month "

    I dont know if you're stupid again or not, but look at your winrate with other players. It's pathetic and the clear problem here is obviously you.

    Anwway, i'm done with you since you're a waste of time and energy and beyond any reasonable debating. I hope admins figure it out you're probably the second worst thing on this forum after that banned guy, and they kick you too. And unban DD sama pls.

    King of Low Prio

      those 3k stacks, keep up the hard work bro :)

      King of Low Prio

        plz link one stack that does not involve Guiri carrying you


          sampsoN why still crying? ffs


            I guess their normal rating is a bit lower, but they're my rl friends and i dont really care. 3 players are 4k, 2 are 3k, thats it. Arent your friends like 2k and 3k, melody and stuff?


              "DD calls me a nigger and gets banned. I had nothing to do with it. Dont post stupid shit and mods wont ban you."

              Probably you should stop posting "stupid shit", otherwise you might get banned. Considering I never was, and never will be banned.

              Quick maffs

                Man guiri is pretty good

                King of Low Prio

                  my mistake usually when they delete comments that go against their guidelines they tag a mute to it.

                  King of Low Prio

                    my friends list ranges from 2.5k to 5.5k I dont see what that has to do with anything. Again please show me one match at 4k that does not involve u riding Guiri's back.


                      Only me and Havoc in party or in stack with some other people.





                      That's just few. If you want more, you can freely go search for it on my dotabuff :)


                        Now you show me a game with a 4-5k+ stack where you actually won. I have plently to show.


                          And now it's e-peen showtime.

                          Sorry Traxex Darkness dude, but it's for the good (whatever this means in this forums) of DB.


                            my thread


                              If you go search for the first provocative post which has nothing to do with this topic, it's who else then Sampson. Everything just escalated from that. Its when Sampson enters a topic, it's usually over with a nice debate and arguing begins.

                              I suggest to the Dotabuff admins that they put a sort of vote in every topic, so if someone gets a lot of negative votes, he is removed from the topic. That would help a lot.


                                so smart...

                                Quick maffs

                                  Actually sampson was only saying that dendi is overrated ( something that a lot of people agree with ), that its not a provocation in any means and that its not flaming dendi himself, but well after that people got really really really mad


                                    "What about Dendi guys????he is the greatest dota 2 player right???He was in that movie :l"

                                    What has that to do with this topic about EG? Absolutely NOTHING. So, it's a clear provocation and should be deleted as soon it was written since it's off topic.


                                      Who gives a shit about who started what? The fact is that the thread escalated. No matter who started what, you guys continue to whine and whine. JUST STOP THE WHINING AND MOVE ON.


                                        "Who gives a shit about who started what?"

                                        In every normal forum admins remove guys, who start to flame, provocate or write off topic. In that case, Sampson should be removed from the topic long ago and debate could continue withouth any problems. But he's a troll and attention whore and i have to admit - he's good at making people reply.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          'dendi is WAY overrated '

                                          quoted from the OP

                                          You ignored it because you are some vindictive child who is still upset that he got removed from team


                                            some people like talking to friends.

                                            Other people like fighting with people they don't like on the internet.

                                            Quick maffs

                                              You see hurricane do you know what would i do if someone told me they dont like someone i like ? I would react like a fucking human being and i would say that its fine and that its his opinion


                                              I dont like fighting, but i cant stand stupidity either, and not accepting that someone doesnt like a person you like is being pretty stupid


                                                Jezus Sampson, and you're at university with IQ of 50? YOU were the first one that started talking off topic and everything escalated from that. That means you're responsible for provocating in a topic that has nothing to do with Dendi or Na'Vi. If you're too retarded to understand that, Admins should help you understand it.

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                Quick maffs

                                                  If i say " x player is overrated " i am JUST saying my opinion, if you dont like it you dont act like a bitch


                                                    Like or dislike everyone you like bro :) So Sampson, is Dorkly your new lover or sth? :D

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      Saying Dendi is overrated

                                                      and you think the appropriate response is

                                                      'STFU U DUMB N'

                                                      and you have the balls to question my intelligence LOL


                                                        I dont actually need balls to question your intelligence. Some common sense will do it ;)

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          See Hurricane this just shows all childish you are, the 2nd anyone does not agree with your opinion you start insulting them. Yet you keep screaming

                                                          MODS BAN SAMPSON NOW HE IS A MEANY THAT FORCED TEAM TO KICK ME :(


                                                            God bless your soul bro, you need it more then i do :)

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Yes we are getting married in some days, if you want you can come Hurricane

                                                              btw dont start with religion, or i am pretty sure this is going to get x10 worst


                                                                It's just a matter of speech Dorkly boy, i'm not a religious guy :) Tnx for the invite tho, aprecciate it ^_^


                                                                  I don't get why in nearly every thread someone has to say something provocative which then leads to an argument. Dotabuff is so toxic it's unbelievable.


                                                                    Aww, a lover's spat. Y'all are adorable.


                                                                      Some people are just attention whores, sad but true.

                                                                      Anyway, this RTZ PA mid is sick. His WR is pretty dope too, didnt think he'll actually use it in competitive matches.


                                                                        This is so good keep going boys.

                                                                        @traxes bro grab some popcorn! its gonna get better!

                                                                        @vaikiss rofl so smart so smart


                                                                          He played WR against DK yesterday. They lost, but I think he did pretty well on it. Getting a Blink dagger makes shackles pretty reliable.

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Still better than playdota


                                                                              That WR build he's doing it's pretty much the only way to make this hero work. And it sure works pretty well, he did good that match. Mjolnir, Ag's and Blink make WR a legit hero.


                                                                                There's still a certain level of respect you give the guy/team for going to every TI final thus far, which can be viewed as the championship in most sports. TI has a greater prize pool than the rest of the tournaments it's the only stage that really counts.

                                                                                They have looked really crappy as of late but the amount of flame that they've been getting (and the amount of fanboyism every second before they looked crappy) are both completely unwarranted. He doesn't look like a top 5 mid player atm, maybe even top 10 but you can't say he isn't for sure until after TI.


                                                                                  i said like a month ago that PA was going to be picked mid

                                                                                  EE really thinks outside of the box
                                                                                  silencer carry, PA mid, he also tested (with success) jakiro at #1 position (very situational though the game i watched he wanted to wombo yolo combo with Dark Seer, so he needed fast levelz)

                                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                                    that is kinda the point if Dendi was playing well I would put him in the top........but he is not that is just the reality of it. Dendi does not get credit for being Dendi he gets credit for playing well like all other professional players.


                                                                                      PA mid is not outside box : have last hitting skill and can sustain in lane better than other mid laner
                                                                                      The most EE thing i learnt so far is Void-mid kappa

                                                                                      DK just threw game with stupid draft and many mistake that can't run game, PPD only pick same line-up to punish them



                                                                                        To address that I have to give sports analogies (hopefully ya'll understand them). Teams like, say, Miami (back to back titles, good shot at winning a 3rd in a row this year) in basketball have to be afforded the same level of respect as all the other teams, even when they're playing pretty terribly. There were stretches where they lost multiple games in a row (which is completely un-championship contender like, and that was reflected in their play) and Lebron was having a tough time, but you still have to consider them the favorite or a legitimate contender for a title because of the fact that they've done it on the biggest stage and when it counts, they're there. You could give a similar analogy for a guy like Paul George (though it's the reverse of what we're saying - a less-than-worthy player being touted as a superstar, its essentially proving why this makes sense), who many at the beginning of the year thought to be on par with KD/LBJ who are wayyy ahead of the rest of the league. This guy was overperforming for a decent stretch of the year (first few months) and then was brought back to earth - and failed when it mattered most. Basically, by your logic, we'd be considering him a top player, even though what defines a top player isn't playing when it matters only a bit (well, maybe that matters a bit for lower tier players, but when we're talking about top players, we have to be looking at the biggest stages, which is TI or the finals or whatever).

                                                                                        Basically, it might sound kind of touche, but even when champions aren't performing at their best, they're still champions; top players are defined by what they do when the lights are the brightest, which a lot of these guys haven't done yet. Doesn't take away from what teams are EG doing since they've played really well recently but ultimately TI is what counts.

                                                                                        Though this really doesn't excuse the navi fanbase which is 99% full of 1k mmr shitcans and retards who blindly follow their team and ultimately embarrass the shit out of them.

                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!