General Discussion

General DiscussionEZ4RTZ

EZ4RTZ in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    poor DD got banned for his comments :( ( I did not report him)

    nebunu la jokuri 77777

      "1+ year Dota vet " that shows who are Na'vi's fans.

      Also, no Puppey=Dendi loses mid so your ballerina fisherman isn't half the shit you guys say he is.


        ez rarez, ez life
        Navi definitely in top 16 this year

        harvard graduate



            most of pro players are overrated such ad rtz, dendi, burning, mushi), which doesnt mean they are bad

            King of Low Prio

              players like rtz and singsing are not really overrated (maybe slightly) because they have a very solid mid skills AND they have heroes that need to be banned. (rtz tinker singsing mirana/TA etc) When u have members on your team that force other teams to ban their specific heroes it helps you secure a advantage in the drafting. It is the same reason why Alliance was able to take TI, they had the bulldog furion that either needed to be banned OR lose the match :P. Dendi while a good player his signature hero is pudge..........

              Quick maffs

                I dont think DD deserved a ban man

                Anyway that troll cast by notail was pretty funny

                nebunu la jokuri 77777

                  He was so smart...

                  ICE SKULL

                    why is DDsama banned? i saw nothing wrong in his comments.

                    at least ban melody and his fucktard friends who spam pictures in every thread

                    King of Low Prio

                      he got banned for what every keyboard warrior does when they lose a argument to a black person


                        ^ Some racist comments which he may or may not have actually meant I think. Probably the latter, but still, dotabuff...and forums in general rule.

                        Either way. This thread escalated deliciously, shows how unstable some people are when their tastes are questioned. Get real, dudes.

                        King of Low Prio

                          yea I dont think he is racist I just think he is stupid :P

                          Quick maffs

                            I dont think he was trying to sound racist when he call you a nigger dude, its not like the guy was hael or something, he was pretty normal ( at least outside of this thread )

                            Well, kind of normal

                            Anyway what would happen if i call you a nigga man ? would they ban me ? O_O i really want to try to see what happens

                            King of Low Prio


                              you will get banned regardless of if I take offence to it at all. Personally I did not care about DD but he kinda brought it on himself.


                                Vasile did I offend you for what I wrote? You must be one of those OG Dota 1 players who were considered legends am I right?

                                ICE SKULL

                                  Racial / Ethnic
                                  - This includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:
                                  Promote racial/ethnic hatred
                                  Are recognized as a racial/ethnic slur
                                  Allude to a symbol of racial/ethnic hatred

                                  ddsama did nothing

                                  Offensive Images
                                  - We do not tolerate this kind of content
                                  so why the fuck isnt melody banned?

                                  ICE SKULL

                                    fuck this shit im gonna go watch e3

                                    official ddsama theme

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      The stuff that got him banned was deleted.....


                                        sampson that is true but dendi's pudge is what made navi go through the finals in first place
                                        i agree with you though. but for me dendi is still a top tier player, but looks like recently the meta is putting more farm oriented heroes mid so i dont think hes good at it

                                        Quick maffs

                                          So wait wait wait, if you change your name to nigga, and they say something like " hey nigga how are you doing " would that person get banned ?

                                          Man this is so complicated

                                          Quick maffs


                                            Unfortunately, yes, i hate this kind of farming mid ( PA, Morph, naga ) its soooo boring

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              no doubt dendi is a great player. Like u said mid has shifted to more of a farming role while the offlaner/supports are the teams pickoff heroes. Which leaves dendi's playstyle to hinder him significantly.

                                              ICE SKULL

                                                ddsama never said the le epic african word as an insult

                                                he was making an example that sampson kept chasing men who like men who used the le epic african word and flaming others just to report them

                                                in the end ddsama got banned for using the le epic african word.

                                                in a nutshell, dorkly will be banned because he is using the le epic african word too so please avoid using the racist le epic african word.

                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  doesnt matter on the intent certain things are not allowed in most public organizations. It is like putting up swastikas because you think the design looks pretty, you will still get in trouble for it. Take it however you wish that is just how society works.


                                                    so smart..


                                                      yea i liked it more when puck was a 'perfect' mid cause he has mobility, nuke, silence, and a teamfight oriented ulti
                                                      but know he is barely picked and when he is, its for offlane i guess

                                                      it was way better when mid lane was more aggressive, 1v1 fights now its like 2 carries free farming, bottlecrowing until they have their core items


                                                        I grew a lot of respect for the answers of DD and Hurricane. Lost respect for Dorkly because he obviously has not gone through any hard times in his life (and if he has and wrote the things he did then he should consider visiting a psychologist) and Sampson fully discredited himself alone. I expected more from him and he should know that just because you sympathize someone that doesn't mean you are his "fanboy". It just means that you like him as a person until he proves differently.

                                                        And Hurricane this comment of yours was pure gold:
                                                        "You dont even have balls playing this mini dotabuff tournament, making people mad at you even more. But anyway, no one expected you'd show up anyway, all you can do is using your fingers to flame and stimulate your boyfriends anus". ΄)

                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          You have respect for someone who uses racial slurs to insult people who dont like the same professional dota 2 players as you. I called him a fanboy because any decent dota 2 player can see that in the current meta Dendi is not a great mid player (in which I was called a dumb nigger for)

                                                          Your bias against me is pretty obvious when you think that DD and Hurricane spoke in a curious and professional manner.


                                                            "poor DD got banned for his comments :( ( I did not report him)"

                                                            Copied from Sampsons other thread: "Is there anyway to withdraw a report? While doing Dotabuff spring cleaning I put the wrong report to the wrong account."

                                                            You're trying to say you accidently reported DD and you now feel bad about it? They banned dd, one of the most normal and non flaming people here on forum, while people like Sampson are still free to comment. Where is this forum going...

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              No I reported you for actively stalking me but clicked the wrong button Hurricane.

                                                              ' one of the most normal and non flaming people here on forum'

                                                              HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA I have no beef with DD but he flames more than me

                                                              Quick maffs


                                                                Yeah i agree man, so boring nowadays


                                                                Ok let me start telling you that you dont know me, and saying i didnt gone through any hard times in my life is a big mistake because more than half of my life itself was a hard time believe me, i do not think that someone is a fanboy for liking someone, i like singsing a lot, but i do think that someone is a fanboy when they start getting mad and flaming other people for no reason.

                                                                If someone flames sing you know what i would do ? "Well in my opinion he is a really funny guy but if you dont like him whatever "

                                                                If you check the start of this thread you will realize that they got mad because we both didnt like dendi, we didnt hate him, we didnt had ANYTHING AT ALL against him, we just didnt like the guy because is our choice to like or not like someone. DD at the end explained himself and he regreted reacting that way, and if he did overreact he did it cause of his lost relatives, that its why i dont think he should be banned.

                                                                Last, i dont have " sides ", i do not support Sampson in everything he says ( actually most of the times i flame him in some way and we both have argued a LOT in this forum about different things ) but i support my own opinion about something, i was arguing against DD here but if he created a thread about something that i agree with i would be on his side in that thread

                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                  Sampson just to see how objective i am towards you, yes i agree that DD flames A LOT too but in this specific case you should admit that you were wrong. Personally i don't care about Dendi outside dota i really don't, but i respect him as a person and that's it. Get over it and trust me, a lot of people in here become very friendly once you admit that you were wrong and lost your argument, temper and justification overall.

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Sneaky that its what i am talking about, you respect him and that its nice ! but why i need to be the bad guy because i dont respect him ? Why do i need to respect him yes or yes ?

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      because I do not share your opinion on a person I am wrong? So if you do not share my own opinion on dendi does that mean that you are wrong?


                                                                        ^^^How was sampson "wrong"? he's allowed to not like a player if he wants to, he never said they were bad. sure he's a troll, but everyone else is just as bad for reacting to it. obv he reacted quite insensitivly to DD's post, but at the same time that's dd's life, and if he chooses to post it on a public forum you've got to acknowledge there might be people who don't care

                                                                        to paraphrase LD; "This thread has gone off the rails"

                                                                        edit: dammit sampson making me put an extra ^

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                          All the answers you are looking for are in the first two pages of this thread. You keep mentioning the word "fanboys" in a pitiful and ironic way all the time, both you and sampson and that's why your opinions lost big part of their value. I liked both dd and hurricane because they countered you with logical arguments over and over again and you still do not want to admit your "defeat" in this debate because your ego is too much.

                                                                          Do you really think that it's that hard for someone to understand in what way you are talking to him or what do you imply each time? Anyway, i'm not going to spend anymore time trying to reason you guys because you obviously lack the element of being humble and listening to other people's opinions too.

                                                                          I'll just go by with Chu4Lyfe's opinion:
                                                                          "I gotta respect the NaVi squad. First pro Dota team I ever saw (1+ year Dota vet ^^') and made me love the game more". And of course the fountain hooks that we'll never see again...

                                                                          On topic: Last game of DK vs EG was really good. People in twitch chat were spamming things like rat god is real and shit like that. It was really funny. If Tiny had a better build with dagger maybe things would be different.

                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                            Just let this crap topic die. There was nothing closely resembling logical or even an "argument" here. Move on.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              'Ban this fuckin fag Sampson'

                                                                              'Sampson not accomplished anything in his life'

                                                                              'Why should i respect a piece of shit like you Sampson?'

                                                                              'Meanwhile Dendi is a total oposite of you. He's a warm, carring and friendly person trying to make people laugh, he's not cocky'

                                                                              'all you can do is using your fingers to flame and stimulate your boyfriends anus'

                                                                              'disband with your bunch of pussies already too'

                                                                              'I think low iq people like yourself should not try to disscuss things they dont understand.'

                                                                              'We saw your picture once on this forum, it can't get any more nerdy then you bro :D'

                                                                              these are the comments coming from Hurricane and DD NOT including the comments that where deleted. Please show me the logic, respect, etc in these.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                Hurricane wanted to ride my dick like he does Guiri but I told him no and now he stalks me like a angry ex


                                                                                  If i would start quoting your flames, it wouldnt stop on first page of the thread. I think people like you are pathetic keyboard warriors and if you showed a bit of respect and brain usage, i wouldnt have any problem with you. Why do you think everyone has this attitude towards you hm? Think about it a bit.


                                                                                    Let. This. Topic. Die.

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      Somehow I became a flamer and a horrible person only AFTER the vote to kick you from the team, how coincidental..................

                                                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                                                        prove to us that you are not just a upset little child that got kicked from the team. Link one quote where u 'called me out' prior to that date.


                                                                                          The fact that you people are asking for my topic to die while 2.5 pages of it are not even related to it hurts me.

                                                                                          Im reporting all of you


                                                                                            No. I didn't like you even before we got in the same team, same as most people on this forum dont like you. I tried to understand you and give you a chance, but i was wrong. What happened in the team only confirmed that you cant work in a team (you got kicked out of your university team too due to your bad behavior). I work great in teams where people actually want to win and try to improve. And now look at your winrate with other people, it says enough.

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              Hurricane the only stack you have ever played with is Guiri's yet you are still 3k......You are the one who butchered my winrate with groups last month LOL. Hurricane why exactly was it your OWN stack member who kicked you? I dont work well with people so they kick you and not me? Logic????

                                                                                              PS: No I was suspended, I am far too valuable to be kicked from the team :P


                                                                                              The mods have already made their rounds through this thread.

                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                Man are you really saying that my argument was not logical ? How is something positive to be a fanboy PLEASE explain it to me

                                                                                                "A passionate fan of various elements of geek culture (e.g. sci-fi, comics, Star Wars, video games, anime, hobbits, Magic: the Gathering, etc.), but who lets his passion override social graces."

                                                                                                "Someone far beyond a simple fan.
                                                                                                No, not the tye of fan which keeps people cool.

                                                                                                An arrogant person who goes into an outburst every time something he likes is questioned. "

                                                                                                "goes into an outburst every time something he likes is questioned"

                                                                                                This is what happened in this thread, and just the fact itself that you are NEVER going to agree with me until i say that i like dendi is lame.

                                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                                  i dont give a fuck about you cunts

                                                                                                  unban ddsama


                                                                                                    sampsoN stop crying already

                                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                                      crying about what? DD calls me a nigger and gets banned. I had nothing to do with it. Dont post stupid shit and mods wont ban you.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!