General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win game with Anti Mage at solo queue?

How to win game with Anti Mage at solo queue? in General Discussion

    NEVERAGAiN ok here we go:

    How can you have with `slark abuser hero` 47.83 % win rate after 69 games?If hero is so op why you have 16% less winrate than me?
    How is legion commander op hero,this just showing how clueless you are about this game. Probably I deserve 5k-5.2k mmr and will get it back when I start to counter pick opposite team and when I actually start care about picks and not play heroes just for fun at ranked like anti mage and etc. Ok lets analize do it: They focused me every fight so basicly was they kill me and trade is 1 for 5 I did more dmg
    than our main carry Jugger. Clockwerk was snowbolling and had blaidmail so he was much more usefull. How dare you even comment this game with 1-11 prophet who feed slark?And Doom afk farming whole game,also I won midle. Are you retarded or you just trolling? Don`t you see it`s a stomp game and I took vladimir bf cus game was stomp I took it for fun `And u keep getting BFR on him for no reason in a big amount of ur games.` Really? In 200 games I bought it maybe 3 times, go check it. I coudlnt do much dmg more vs Enigma blackholes rp magnus and sf ultimate,Lina stun and ultimate.. I could just jump silence someone go back and again go couldnt do much dmg in that game position,but fact is ye I didn`t played like Blitz or smth so what Rofl this is even more hilarious,you are very bad at `Guessing` I was 8-0 and I was ganking from lvl 6-7. Check replay Normal hero dmg. second in my team after main carry whats wrong here? Your comments make no sense This game obviosly I failed for some reason,1 month ago can`t remember probably stomped by arrows or smth.

    You need to grow up your comments make no sense at all your talk is like 14 yo sad kid, it`s so fucking hilarious funny how you write all of those things with 0 game sense.

    bamboo♥ ҉҈҉҈҈҉҈҉҈҉҈
    Well you are wrong this is my mmr..

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      ^ wow you're worse than me gj


        hohohohohoho he claims its fake :D


          sano Well Lost 600 mmr in 7-8 days. Had 14 loss streak was throwning after that didn`t care about picks picked for fun + had very unlucky teams and that happened. Having very bad teams last 20-30 games happens,will be better soon.


            well I've had some unlucky games as well
            for example bloodseeker suicides 8 times to neutrals, we just wait in base
            and this wasn't SA, this shit was USe

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            Sōu ka

              there are probably more south americans on us east than on the south american server
              viva peru!
              this threads so fucking cute


                Lmao op getting shit on hard...


                  aside from the fact that am is a situational pick, u probably shouldn't be playing carries if u can't last hit properly without qb...

                  it's true ur teammates were bad just from a cursory glance at the games but u weren't playing much better than they were.

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                    Symphonia ROFL. qb is not buying just to lasthit easier it`s also better for split push and farm faster.
                    Yes actually I was much better than all of them,go watch replay.

                    Ples Mercy

                      @bamboo♥ ҉҈҉҈҈҉҈҉҈҉҈:
                      Bro, i can assure you that guy had 4,9kish mmr. Winrate & games doesnt say shit sadly. Best example is relentless, he has 52% winrate over 2k games and his mmr is 3,3k

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                        ^^that is correct but also quelling blade is always worth it as you will make up with last hits you wouldn't have got without it. Don't forget it increases your gpm fairly well and also your pushing power.


                          welp bogi said that literally right after :DDD


                            @ Bogidoto

                            Obviously...I was talking about stout shield as a beginning item. Getting a QB is fine but not recommended when you first enter the lane.

                            Your skill build is questionable. Do you not get 2-3 points in stats on a hero with one of the lowest STR growth in the entire game?


                            ROFL Tide no Gush till level 8. Chances are the other team had bad players too, but as I have pointed out AM is a situational pick and your team basically got shat on (bara + seeker...?) while you were desperately scrambling to find space to farm.

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                            C O M A N D A N T E

                              @Bogi No sense? HAHAHAHAHAHAH. Ok, kid. Grow UP. I'm sure u take slark to farm 40 min on safelane. I don't even have to watch a replay. And u do absolutely nothing with Storm Spirit, because The HeroDamage and KDA tells everything about ur playstyle.


                                MMR depends far more on hero choices than people like to believe. People like to think that because they can play at one MMR level with a few of their best heroes they just "ARE XXXX MMR" but that is far from true. A player who has reached their max MMR on a particular hero or two will find a big losing streak waiting for them if they try to go back a learn other heroes.

                                Or if a player in your game happens to pick a hero they are terrible at playing they will dramatically under perform, not carrying the weight of their MMR for the team.

                                Ples Mercy

                                  so basicly what u are telling me is, that i deserve my 4,7k rating because i play pretty much everything & even heroes like phoenix which i never played before and still win?

                                  fair enough.


                                    Fuck i just saw this thread, @WAVE AHAHAH YEA screens are totally faked, dat fuzzy wuzzy is so retarded, how could a guy waste his time making 20fake screens rite -_--

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                                      You don't need a QB on Anti-Mage to last hit. Start with a Stout Shield, Tangoes, Healing Salve and two Iron Branches. Build a quick PMS if you need last hitting help, but you absolutely need some shield to lane.

                                      You don't need a QB to farm faster. Blinking around the jungle helps you farm plenty fast.


                                        Guidebook Anti-Mage is a collection of useful hints on the Dota game character. With secret tips and tricks you can play easier and more effective!
                                        In our Dota Guidebooks you can find everything you wanted to know about heroes of different Affiliation. So download Guidebook Anti-Mage free app now! The app is made by fans of Dota for fans of Dota! We are not developers.
                                        Useful information about each character is collected in lists and also has images of heroes.
                                        - Special characteristics
                                        - Bio secrets
                                        - Skills and abilities
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                                        Play Dota with Guidebook Anti-Mage!


                                          I think you need to turn on Music and completely ignore your allies and what they do all game with antimage. Just farm and maybe get pick offs and have good map awareness. other than that, ignore them.

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!