General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win game with Anti Mage at solo queue?

How to win game with Anti Mage at solo queue? in General Discussion
one and half gun

    bogi best cigani KURAFTE KOKALA


    waku waku

      you don't, if you play with a friend who is supporting you then you might have a chance though


        Why you even talk about him Flop he is This player is not eligible for inclusion top player rankings. lmao


          Just because he juked his winrate, doesn't mean he isn't a significantly better player than you. He is 5k+ for a reason.

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            wave is fucking badmannered but I'm sure he's a really good player... I just don't know why he turned match sharing off recently

            one and half gun

              meh i'll enable it tomorrow or something

              im not eligible because i played in lph 30 times bogi, why are you so mad


                what an amusing thread



                  Donald Duck

                    I'm scrub. But only 4 fights in all the match? *Farm all the day*



                      god damn that winrate with bimbam and stack

                      Ples Mercy

                        ok, first things first.

                        U suck and u dont realize it. Buying quelling blade on AM and no stout shield is just asking for feed. Despite having a shit laning phase u went for lategame build for am, which also is one of the reasons u lost. Ur team was utterly shit but so were u, u have no reason to flame.


                        nice try, even though i love to make bogi mad, i can confirm that this screenshot is not real. Bogi added me not 2 long ago, i trolled him and he finally deleted me when he realized that i didnt want to stop making him mad, basicly i know how he writes @ steam. Suprisingly bogi's 'steam english' is different from his 'db english' and by that i mean its utterly broken.

                        Ples Mercy


                          Waves reaction to fuzzies post:

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                              like that time when wave asked jussi to beg me so I can add him. ROFLMAO


                                poor Kami need to know more abusive tricks to win


                                  @benao.... I really think SEA > US and is equal to EU in terms of skillcap...I even have a screenshot of Demon saying the skillcap is way higher in SEA compared to US so yeah just saying


                                    I have been having decent success with a stats build on AM for the last 6 games (the other 4 were back when I was worse than that stuff in between your toes).

                                    I normally get 1 point in Q and E until level 12 while maxing blink and stats to make last hitting and survivability in solo queue possible. Normally results in a 16 min BF.

                                    I'd also like to point out this may only be viable in trash scrub trench shit stain 3.6k tier (which im in)

                                    I have had decent success with it in the last 6 games though!


                                      EU West >> US >> SEA.

                                      Pretty much sums up how much a retard you are. Its China > SEA > EU > US btw. If you need confirmation you can ask Singsing

                                      la the yeezy

                                        #learn2english holy fuck stop raping the language


                                          ::D :D :D :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :P :P :P :P
                                          Your face would make a priceless screenshot the moment u opened the link Wave hahahaha. Btw I cant get why trying to cheat for stats I really cant get the way u are thinking all of u abusers also some other dudes like Vroksnak and many others for what reason exactly? So that other people can refer to u as a pro,imba,fantastic player on a forum...? :S
                                          Really cant understand how can u be so ignorant, u cant be more than 20 yrs old seriously


                                            i dunno if posting logs about you discussing your abusing of matchmaking is something to be proud of or clever in general but maybe that's just common knowledge on here, what do i know

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                                              that was a painful read, god you're all gigantic faggots

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                This thread :D


                                                  Antimage is an outdated hero from 2011-2012 - he was quite good at that time but now he's just garbage. A lot of heroes got buffed and AM basically stays the same. I advise you not to pick this hero.


                                                    You don't need photoshop to fake logs. It's not that hard to change your name and pretend you're bogi or wave.


                                                      Everybody has bad games and good games , if you're a good player and you're in your bracket , you'll eventually carry yourself out of the trench that you're in.


                                                        Ohmygod this thread.


                                                          @smallstepscourrpt - AM got a notable buff.

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                                                            His ultimate was already good - there was no need for such buff. He's still a non factor in the early game, still has nothing besides autoattack(even his ult relies on it), still has that shitty passive for magic resist. Should I mention that he has only one viable item build? You get my point.

                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                              I can confirm that too, Bogi hits more more more enter on steam chat, so i cant imagine him writing this long sentences in one row on steam...

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                ^^Shitty passive for magic resist? Come on that's one of the best passives in the game.


                                                                  ^until enemy team has ET

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                                                                    Yea that's why most of the time you need like 1 point in spell shield. Not to mention that against some lineups it does nothing. This shit reminds me of the old passive Sven had which used to give him and his team like + 3 armor.

                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                      i wish steam added ID identification next to steam names so ppl cant impersonate others, how desperate to set up sandboxie and talking to yourself

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        ^ET aura works against base resistance. AM shield is bonus. So it's not that huge.

                                                                        one and half gun

                                                                          thats not me in the conversation, i deleted fuzzy wuzzy/chris/neo punk months ago from my friendlist

                                                                          why would i add him again

                                                                          one and half gun

                                                                            see i can do it too [IMG][/IMG]


                                                                              @ EA > Fuzzy Wuzzy , that's not how wave types at all , either way all these screenshots are pointless as wave just showed you how easily you can just fake them.

                                                                              one and half gun

                                                                                p.s the conversation with bogi is real


                                                                                  wave MUTED How I m mad,you are making fake steam chat conversations on internet to try to answer me somehow cus you are mad and don`t know anything smart and normal to answer,isn`t that sad a bit? :/

                                                                                  Blunt @ Fnatic How is bying queling blade asking for feed? I was 1v1 vs Tidehunter I had ring of health in 2 min I didn`t needed stout,sometimes I buy shield sometimes I don`t. Thats optional its not like always you must buy,you need to buy just if lane is very hard and if they haras you so much. Burning from DK buying queling blade at competetive matches so plz..don`t make dumb comments I just started to love you after youtube video. I didn`t had shit laning phase I won lane and I had 20 min 140 cs with 4 team feeders and I died just 1 time whole game, basicly 2 time last one was at fountain at mega creeps.

                                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                                    im not saying quelling blade is a shititem, im saying that quelling blade with no stout shield is shit. And yes you're proving my point, while you went AFKfarmmode you let ur team go 4v5 instead of going for earlygame build and help.

                                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                      Usually is shit but vs tidehunter easy lane I really didn`t needed stout,through it`s just a waste of 250 gold. Whatever for sure I didn`t lost game cus of stout shield :D so what they were 4v5,that don`t aprove their stupid feeds it`s ok some swap kills and advantage in towers and etc. but you really need to watch replay that was worst team in like 100 my last matches nobody could win that game with Anti Mage even EE or Xboct or whoever is one of the best Anti Mages in the world.

                                                                                      C O M A N D A N T E

                                                                                        Bogi i do believe u don't deserve to be in 4.5k+ MMR. I DO BELIEVE U DON'T EVEN IN 3.5k. Why? 1) Slark abuser, Brood, LC abuser. 2) Let's analyse your last games, ok?
                                                                               Vlad's/Bfr Slark, are u fucking serious? And u keep getting BFR on him for no reason in a big amount of ur games.
                                                                               51 minute game, storm Bloodstone Orchid -> with 9.9k Hero DAMAGE?
                                                                               Devourer 40 minutes games. 7k Hero Damage. LOL u can get that in 1 ult and some auto-attacks.
                                                                               65 last hits, 8.6k Hero damage. OK. I keep going on.
                                                                               Slark, 40 minutes 19k Hero Damage. I guess u're the slark that takes him for safelane and afk farms for 35 minutes and fights for 5 minutes, considering u choosed Shadow Blade.
                                                                               Bloodseeker, 15k HD 50 minutes game. Sure Bloodseeker needs radiance for farm. OK.
                                                                                        + Half of your games u don't pass the 150 CS mark, unless you take a hero to just afk farm for 40-50 minutes.
                                                                                        And finally let's watch ur KDA 2.78 LC, 2.77 Lifestealer 2.2 Storm (ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS) 1.6 on SF, lol.
                                                                                        P.S for anyone being a jerk, i don't consider myself a pro. I'm judging his stats.
                                                                                        I think the problem is in ur game. Grow up for fuck sake!
                                                                                        WTF IS WRONG WITH U?! !!! 7.2 k HD ON SLARK IN A 50 minutes GAME! What in world do u do with a killing hero for 50 minutes to have 2 items, SNY and MKB, in a game u won, beside farming which u didn't do good either?

                                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                          wave last game= 26 days ago



                                                                                            i was matched with this bogi garbage at 4900 rank, he is total shit. so impotent carry slark unbelivable. which is his best hero, oh my god.

                                                                                            +hes one of those players who go kill neutrals when team is going roshan !!!! RANK 2500 STYLE, whole team flamed him. I even paused game to tell him to come. No, it didnt work.

                                                                                            realistcly u need to loose 200 more if u olay only slark. 2000 more for others, thats ur place trash

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              there is no way u were close to 5k mmr. close thread.


                                                                                                52% winning rate 800 games the best u can get is 4k

                                                                                                one and half gun

                                                                                                  efextoide N<3 down syndrom


