General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff hero rankings are bugged?

Dotabuff hero rankings are bugged? in General Discussion

    Why do dotabuff hero rankings list ppl who play below legend rank, have bad kda and less than 100 games with a specific hero on the same Page with 9k+ players who play it every game with much better kda and winrate. Are those rankings completely bugged?

    pain is reason to fight :/


      pain is reason to fight :/

        Look at my AM :) NOT EVEN TOP 100 BUT TRASHY BOY DIVINE 1 800GAMES 76 RANK

        Malcolm X

          yeah i think the medal or bugged or something cuz i'm currently legend 3 and it shows i'm Legend 1 , also about experience top 100 ,how tf ur not in top 100 LOL , that's weird , definietly Sus