General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit help

Earth Spirit help in General Discussion

    Trying to learn this hero but I'm having trouble with my matches. Isn't there anywhere that I can actually learn heroes with a team that'll get me to be a nightmare with earth spirit? I've only played him a few times and lost every game, and I understand that this hero requires practice.

    asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...
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        quick cast - demo - 10 mins.


          I don't know how to play this hero. But as Ursa spammer I scare this hero silence skill the most. When you have learned to silence enemy is enough for this hero. :lick:

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            As an earth spirit spammer he does require a lot of patience.

            If you're not aware that you can double tap F to put a stone in front of you, that's a huge help.

            Not the strongest in lanes, but is incredible at ganking other lanes. If the enemy mid lacks any mobility like Zeus/invo/tinker etc it makes easy gank targets.

            When I was learning him I would buy items like glimmer or euls to help survive when going in to start fights, but as you get more comfortable you can itemize according to the game.

            The Q is really strong to reposition the enemy instead of the slow from using a stone.

            At the moment I've been maxing roll, then my silence, then the smash. but that's only my personal preference.

            My profile is a bit outdated and now have about 1.4k games with him. I would say my win rate is decent considering the amount of games so feel free to ask any specific questions. Ovbiously i'm only at ancient bracket myself, so I'm going to be far from the best earth spirit, but may be able to give some advice.


              ^^ES is messed up strong in lane.


                Nice hero