General Discussion

General Discussionskill question(Normal vs high vs very high)

skill question(Normal vs high vs very high) in General Discussion

    I was into dota2 with friends in the year of 2013 ~ 2014 in Australia, and now I got back to my country and tried to put life back on the account but it failed.

    A lot of things changed including new heros, side shop is no longer in the map, no longer fighting for 'one courier', and new system(dota plus) appeared etc.

    My old friend(who is still playing dota2 from 2013 years) asked me to play together but he is Ancient 2 and told me to get a 'very high skill' but it seems that I am not that good enough and not even running for ranked match.

    My question is how to get a high skill or very high skill match?? Is there any way to see the hidden mmr ?


      you should play at least 100 hour to calibrate your mmr.
      and you should play for a long time to become very high skill .


        to get High skill you must be 3200 mmr or higher, Very skill you need 3800 MMR or higher