General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling players . How often do you have bad lanes? and what are the...

Morphling players . How often do you have bad lanes? and what are the hardest mid matchups? in General Discussion

    Morphling is a great hero but how often do you find yourself trying to recover from early game morphling hate? And which mid hero do you think is the worst to play against. Techies? Od? Sniper?

    Do you also feel weird going morbid mask when so many players are for or against it?


      I am not a Morph player, but I have seen that an OD with Blink Dagger can really take you out of your game. That instant prison plus the OD ulti is so much Burst Damage that it will ruin your day. No matter how hard you have farmed, of course unless you have bought items for it like Linken's Sphere or Aeon Disk etc. The OD prison thing can be very annoying during the laning, but I don't know if it is a deal breaker before lvl 6.

      Basically burst damage is the bane of Morphling. Lion, Lina ultis etc. But I don't know if Morph has an absolute nightmare lane against anyone 1vs1. It is a very versatile hero, but if you do get a lot of harassment on the lane, you may have to have more strength than ideal which will cause you to miss on probably some last hits. Which can gimp your game even if you are not dying...


        I am not a Morph player. But I am Ursa offlaner. My Ursa love this water hero :lick:

        i hate smurfs :((

          skywrath, OD, huskar, viper is rlly annoying due to their insane no brain skillset. morbid mask is good in the safelane but inferior in the midlane. and early game can go both ways for morph depends on the matchup, your skill, your support ( if ur playing safelane), luck for runes ( if ur playing midlane), etc


            sky is difficult first 10min but after you get manta is food. Huskar is fine as you can simply morph and waveform away when he leaps you and you can get eblade and make huskar not want to play the game. Lastly OD is a hard counter to morph and is absolute cancer to play vs as he doesnt give a shit about your armor. Lastly sniper is again food, waveform on him and he just dies.

            Oh lina is hard to lane vs he can do a good job of zoning you and when he gets six probably kill you if he lands his stun

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