General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies should be either removed from the game or completely reworked

Techies should be either removed from the game or completely reworked in General Discussion

    There is no greater tragedy for me than to return after a long day of work/studying to play one or two games, just for fun (although, still ranked) and encounter a Techies in either my or opposing team. What I believe is the issue is that Techies and his wretched gameplay simply does not fit the game of Dota. He's not playing Dota (Defense of the Ancients), he is playing Minesweeper, a game I personally quite like, but, I don't want to play that in Dota. You see, when I launch the game of Dota, I want to play Dota. Shocking - I know.

    The issue with Techies in my team, is that it forces me as a player (That usually searches for pos 4 or pos 5 match) to take the supporting entirely on myself and somehow carry the team of 3 people (As, I remind you, with Techies we're effectively playing 4 v 5) and simply makes the experience bad for me. It is either this or if it's a level 30 Grandmaster Techies then I can just sit in my base and watch him solo kill the entire enemy team and do nothing (and I don't want that, I don't care for easy pts).

    The Issue with Techies in the enemy team, however, is far worse, as this time I won't even get the satisfaction of not doing anything in my fountain. We are forced to simply pretend portions of the map does not exist, as it is practically impossible to dig into those schizophrenic's head and guess which bush has he placed 69 mines to blow you up in just one second. Besides, while I myself am able to do that most of the time and not have too bad k/d ratio against Techies, there's nothing I can do about controlling my carry to not go into certain spaces. Believe me, I try pinging them, or telling them in chat, but as most of Dota players go, we have memories that of a goldfish, it lasts for about 15 seconds. If enemy Techies is bad, then well, it's 4v5 and you get an unpleasant, easy victory, for which you didn't need to do much.

    Now, before probably the experts shall rush in and either try to nitpick my relatively low rank (Ancient 1), I would like to tell you that I used to play on different account and I had Divine 4 rank there, which I would say, isn't bad. I'm getting up there again and given the position I'm playing at it's somewhat slower process.
    For other people that would like to be extremely smart and point out Techies' relatively low w/l ratio available on this wonderful site, I would like to say that I see most low level (Hero level) Techies players are pretty bad and since that means the game goes on as 4 v 5, that would explain the low w/l ratio. If it's not that, then it's probably something else I can not pinpoint. All I know is that, if we have strong enemy Techies, it is a GG, 85% of times, probably even more.

    What I see to be the way out of this garbage-tier gameplay is:
    a) Remove Techies altogether, which well, let's be honest, is not likely to happen.
    b) Rework him so that he's extremely different from what we have now, make him more similar to other pos 5 pos 4 heroes, that can't singlehandedly eliminate entire enemy team without any items whatsoever in 1 second.

    If you are an energetic soul and would like to prove that the issue is "in my attitude" or in that I am probably bad at countering techies, that playing against him is "mind games" or other incoherent pseudo-argument like that, I more than welcome you to try and change my mind, however, I'm sceptical you'll succeed.

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      Tbh heroes like Techies makes dota special, love the absurdity and OP-ness of it (when hes a good techies), I hate that Dota is league-ing up and simplifying heroes, adding more basic and balanced mechanics, all the jacked up absurd OP annoying shit is part of the charm. My advice if u hate any hero is to try and play it, when you experience all the weaknesses and counters the hero has you can respect those that pull the hero off a bit more.


        I have played Techies quite a lot in my lifetime. I have about 12 000 games total throughout the years and I am more than familiar with the Hero. However, I would have to disagree with you on the "OP-ness" of the hero being fun. In my, and probably majority's opinion, it is the most fun when the game is balanced well enough for skill to play the biggest role in the game. Ideally, Dota would have all heroes equally balanced and equally "in meta", but well, as we all know, that is extremely hard to achieve, so we get what we get. However, I believe Techies goes far beyond simply "being in meta".


          Skill does play the biggest role tho it always has, Techies is not OP he just feels OP and frustrating to play against when hes winning, its also a mental thing, your blood pressure jumps to 200 the moment u have to play against a Techies which might affect your decision making, having played a good amount of Techies I also know the pain of being countered or losing map control early and not being able to drag the game out so when I play against him I have a good idea of what u need to do to make the Techies player frustrated.

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            And how do you counter Techies? What ranks do you do that on?
            I completely disagree with you on the techies being OP part. There are no heroes in the game I have as much issues as I have with Techies. And Dota is a game of 5. Let's say it is just me who is bad at playing against techies, then why is that an entire team loses almost every time there is a good techies (Good meaning the level of hero is quite high) in the enemy team?


              The hero hasnt changed in a long time there is lots of info you can find yourself on how to counter him. You have the most issues vs Techies but stats show that most players do not. The hero has fairly low pick and win rate that only drops as ranks go up, you can check this on dotaprotracker, dotabuff etc. You meet these good Techies, but are they good, or were they just good in that game you played against them, the last Techies you played against has 850 games and 51% win rate, less then 50% win rate in his last two pages of games, this is that skewerd perception of what is OP that Im talking about.


                "Hero has low pick rate"
                - He's 34th most popular picked hero and that given the fact he's banned almost every game.
                "Most players do not have issue playing against techies"
                - Where do you get that info? I say most games I play against good techies, the game is lost (Dota is a game of 5 players, if everyone else can not handle techies either, then maybe most players, in fact, have issues dealing with the hero?)
                "...But are they good?"
                -Obviously yes, for the same reason I've mentioned above, especially since it's like that every other game with high level Techies.

                The last techies I played against wasn't exceptionally good, lost the lane, didn't get much kills until later and it was more his teammates that won the game. Singular example can not serve as a proper argument, there might be billion reasons for why he's having such w/l page. Argument of struggling with high level Techies almost every game I play against him, however, still stands as you have yet to explain to me, what is that "proper Techies frustration method" you were talking about earlier and why is that majority of games against high level Techies is still lost in a game of 5 people.

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                  you can counter techies in so many ways, you just don't want to learn how

                  Nah, I'd win

                    rank detected, opinion rejected


                      I've said multiple times I'm all ears to hear your thoughts about how to counter techies.

                      Аня Тейлор-Джой

                        Yes! Please remove techies, annoying hero.


                          You have a 50% chance of banning one hero for every game. I think you know what you should be trying to do with your ban, if this is how you feel... Techies does change the way the game works. It is one of the best defensive heroes in the game and the key to winning against techies is to push hard and fast... So that he doesn't have time to setup 10,000 mines around the Ancient. Basically, as you are playing 5 on 4, you just need to push as hard as you can when you have the opportunity. Not just get tier 1 towers and go back to farming in the jungle. You have to go straight at the tier 2 and then tier 3 as fast as possible. With no chance for the techies player to setup a kill zone. And don't clump up and don't hit the towers from the front of the towers, circle around to the sides and behind to avoid most of the mines... Push like a Broodmother pushes and Techies doesn't do anything in the entire game.


                            @Aimstrong why most of high ranked players have absolute garbage personality?

                            lost from within

                              ^rank detected, opinion rejected

                              Nah, I'd win

                                @Aimstrong why most of high ranked players have absolute garbage personality?

                                Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                  They've been through a lot that's why.


                                    TL ; Dr : If you have a hectic life, just stick to unranked and enjoy the game. Games are lot more enjoyable when there's nothing to lose.

                                    Climbing MMR(i.e. playing ranked games to win) requires dedicated effort, you have to consciously make an effort to improve. Add the tilt of bad games + losing mmr, you are just torturing yourself.
                                    I haven't touched ranked since I landed my job, queue 4-5 unranked games a week or so and enjoy the game.

                                    Countering techies is easy on paper -> Stay away from lanes he is afk mining, keep sentries, split when pushing, don't push from front, etc.
                                    But, all of that requires you to be in a good mental state, which is not possible if you have a long day at job. Add the tilt of watching your teammates / yourself dying on techies mines repeatedly, which just results in more bad decisions, which results in loss streak with mmr loss, which results in bad mood and the cycle repeats.
                                    Dota has a lot of stupid cheese strats that are easy to abuse at low mmr, and anyone planning to climb mmr is gonna be abusing those to max.
                                    I myself went from 2k to 3.7k spamming techies. Ez life xD

                                    Coup De Grace

                                      Let your carry pick WK, jugger, LS. Techies probably picked first or second hero so you guys have a chance to counter him. I totally agree with you about playing against him so boring. And try to push fast before he mines ancient like one of the guys mentioning that above.


                                        Pushing lanes every game asap is really hard, especially when your carry player is usually the type to farm the first half of the game.
                                        As to the person saying to stick away from rankeds, I disagree. I usually have the most fun in rankeds as pubs tend to be a bit too casual for me. I'm not saying I'm super good or that I win every game of pub. It's just that usually pubs are a place for people to not care about anything and go like, idk, anti-mage pos 5 or something. I much prefer everyone trying to work for the victory so rankeds just do it for me. Neither do I really care about losing or gaining mmr, as I said before.

                                        I can't really control the picks of my pos 1, 2 or 3 and being the pos 4 5 player, I get to pick first, therefore, I can not counter Techies pick-wise.


                                          You say this..

                                          I usually have the most fun in rankeds as pubs tend to be a bit too casual for me.

                                          But then you say this..
                                          It's just that usually pubs are a place for people to not care about anything and go like, idk, anti-mage pos 5 or something.

                                          and then you say this..

                                          I much prefer everyone trying to work for the victory so rankeds just do it for me.

                                          and you finish with this, while whining about losing games.

                                          Neither do I really care about losing or gaining mmr, as I said before.

                                          You contradict yourself 3 times in 4 sentences.
                                          I think you might be retarded.

                                          §ȺŁ₸ƴ ʗȺǷͲѧΐԤ

                                            Beating techies is a game of cat and mouse. Being a techies player myself (over 100 games of ranked) it just requires you to buy a lot of detection.

                                            He's not that hard to beat. He has extremely low damage until level 25, never goes a right clicker until LATE game and can be countered by simply paying attention and not pushing towers without detection.

                                            Techies is one of the greatest heroes in Dota because he can counter hard pushes and aggressive teams.

                                            If you want to beat him you just need to learn to always push with detection and not go full tilt when he picks you off (Rage Buy Backs!)

                                            He should be buffed rather than nerfed. Give him enough damage to at least do some last hitting!!!


                                              Give him enough damage to at least do some last hitting!!!

                                              drinku stroberri mirku

                                                Get Bristle, make hood and whenever you hear the mine sound, turn to the opposite direction of where you were going. Get proper vision for the remotes, make a heart so you can reset after he blows his stack, drink tears.


                                                  Get Ursa and go forward to mines (Enrage or Earthshock). You dont have to hear mine sound or turn your back on it :lick: :axe_laugh: :laugh:

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                                                    You contradict yourself 3 times in 4 sentences.

                                                    Where? I say pubs are too casual, where people don't want to work together and would rather try some unheard bs builds and picks. I prefer playing a game where people try to win, but I don't care about losing or gaining MMR, as long as the game was interesting and everyone tried their best, I can appreciate a lost game as well.

                                                    Maybe I'm not the retarded one here? At least I can process what I've read.

                                                    Noticed it was coming from nearly 60% winrate Techies player, so I understand the salt

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                                                    Slim Shady

                                                      ^ Its just ad goku man, you can always count on him for some ancient wisdom dont worry about it, he has some issues