General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win games?

how to win games? in General Discussion

    need some suggestions about, how increase my mmr? from 10 games maybe just got +2 or something like that...

    (Bot) Beerus

      just from looking at your profile, you're trying to play too many heroes at once. Learn 2-4 heroes (1 HC, 1 mid, 1 offlane and whatever else) then only play that 1 hero for each role until you get good enough to where you can win games.

      you're a jack of all trades, but a master of none. Time to learn a few heroes inside and out.

      (Bot) Beerus

        you look fairly decent at ember and TA, try playing only mid and only playing those two heroes.


          Destroy the enemy ancient :rage:

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            Try to specialize on a role. Based on your profile, u seem to love playing position 1 or 2 which is carry and mid. Try mastering at least two heroes for each role (pos 1 and 2) by spamming them. That way you will be able to learn and recognize the power spikes and timings on the hero that you are spamming. Even if you are hard countered or on a losing lane, you will learn how to be efficient and how to comeback on the game. Based on my experience, you should be able to win 8 out of 10 of your games. Good luck! :>

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              thanks mr bot n daijin appreciate guys,im gonna try it.