Watch the replay of the best sven u played against. Then roughly follow the item and skill build and play as Sven. See how u get countered as Sven to learn his weaknesses. Note though that this tactic is not applicable for 3 star difficulty rating heroes like invoker and meepo unless u are gifted or have the inclination to be the best you can at this game.
Svens gets dumpstered If you have good stun ability and preferablly magic damage
He can die really easy in the early game just keep killing him steal his farm and jungle
^The problem is no one wants to listen in low mmr they carries are rambo,how many times I say them just get back he popped bkb and they go in like there is no tomorrow.
Because It's a insta-lose pick He is worse than any hero in any role only good at early game mid&late game completely useless
SD is a high skill cap hero. It's understandable why players at low mmr hate having one in team. Even at 4k, there are handful of SD player who really know how to play that hero.
haha dont play with that SD and Rubick hater, just chec his acc. How can u lose so much with jug?
Professional low bracket player here. In my town people call me Sven slayer. Best way to fight sven at this bracket is ban him bro cheers
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^This.everytime I play against or with sven as teammate,sven player wins.