heroes dont matter so much you just suck, but its better to play like Arc warden or Naga and just split push until ur full slotted.
I would totally say that you can dominate since start if you counter your enemies at the midlane. Also playing the META works. To be honest QOP, Kunkka and DK are pretty easy heroes to counter. I would recommend you to try out with Pugna since is a hero that can easily push waves/towers and can dominate since minute 1
ur main objectives should be
hitting towers
getting rosh
u should play a hero that do these stuff or u gonna suffer
@tears dude what your real account mmr and how did you get to VHS in your second game tho your performance in game 1 is underwhelming?
6k+ it doesn't so much how you play as long as u win first few games, valve knows your mmr already, on my last smurf was in amulet half my unranked games, and i lost 6 calibration games with griefers, still got like 5500 mmr.
amulating in unranked
what a no life degenerate are u
very cool valve. every breath this animal takes is cancerous. yet u refuse to perma ban his ip while his mother abandoned him already
Also Kowareta I have a suprise for you, I do actually know Tokyo Ghoul, what a great anime!
It does make me wonder however, if perhaps you have also been mentaly abused by your parents like the main character in that great anime (for being too gay or whatever) and have now turned to the dark side of ghoulism by spamming people online with posts that are on the same level of inteligence as russian spam bots?
Please, do get back to me this time with an answer, in case of it being too dumb my 6 year old son has promised to provide me with a translation
dont hurt me like this, im gonna make a smurf and amulet my games
fuck my life, i got abused by my parents. they told me to clean my butthole with bare hands.
they will start asking u politely to end your life in next ban alerts buddy . fucking sack of shit
@AS2000 since when are kunka and dk easily countered ? No offense but you should stop giving advice if you cant climb out of herald..
dk and kunkka are easily countered, there are a good amt of heroes who trash them in lane, shit like viper or monkey or razor.
huskar is p strong rn, u can solo carry the game if u scale properly and take roshan when u can. idk other shit like leshrac maybe. heroes that can flash farm, hit buildings are nice. i also like playing ember type heroes
idk how u fall off as dk that hero is a beast with items
maybe you just are very active but fall off because u don’t farm so much?
Look at this gameplay of Razor I have found it very basic build with minimal last hits Best extreme Damage - https://youtu.be/_exY7ILjaTE
you can also Try Riki with Damage Build as Mid. Watch this gameplay - https://youtu.be/JWKg56OCROQ
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When I play mid with heros like qop kunkka and dragon knight, I tend to be impactful till then 30minutes mark. After that I tend to rely on my carry pos1 to secure me the victory
Why cant I dominate from strt to end n don't depend on position 1 for victory.
How play like that n what to do..