Well in my case I like to be alone. I don't want to depend on anyone. So I want to jungle the most. But because of lp system. I choose pos 3 instead
Well if u want to jungle u will depend a lot on your team when enemy marches down mid min 15 lul
idk if there is any correlation here... I seem to be a "mediator" as well and I enjoy carry.
About my role i mainly play pos 3, but i was depended on my brother's position. What he played i played hes way better than me but hes not playing dota 2 for 2-3 years by now. The only think is that i want to be captain or shot caller for the team and many randoms don't support my decision making some times and i get sad and thats it. My personality outside of the game is calm, relaxed and friendly i can be the friendliest person in the world, but i could be easily lied to since i prefer people to talk to me the way i want and if someone is friendly to me i consider him friendly not that he's a liar or else while i can release all my demons in the game, ha↑ ha↓ ha↑ ha↑ ha↑. Also my play AP and cm, tournament playstyle, attitude are a lot different than everything else.
Hi i study to be an psychologist and brain dr.
if you really want to make a study dont use the MBTI its basically fake and not science.
use big 5 its science based and amazing!
Hi i study to be an psychologist and brain dr.
if you really want to make a study dont use the MBTI its basically fake and not science.
use big 5 its science based and amazing!
hello, still not enough results?
I got infp and my main role is pos 1. I choose heroes which I can join fights fast so my team doesn't throw due to my absence. (spec,weaver,..) and I can say I'm good in it comparing to my bracket
I also ply pos 3 with Huskar, WK, BB. so I can join my cores
I also ply pos 5 very well I always watch my carrys but when I focus my %100 on carry and he fails, makes me ply pos 1 next rounds.
%60 of players want to ply pos 1! maybe only in my bracket.. that's why we face lots of carrys who throw ez
if you really want to make a study dont use the MBTI its basically fake and not science.well psychologists say that MBTI is best test for recognizing personality but that was for years ago..
use big 5 its science based and amazing!
I believe it has 2 problems:
1. ppl change through times
2. in each type there are much difference (I can be half infp - half intj)
but at a whole point I believe this is an acceptable test.
It's good to see a psychology student here! I will try big 5 and will write here about it
4800 games with ursa, meaning = eating same food everyday, fucking a same woman everynight, jerking off with the same porno everytime...
Its ironic because companies often use "tests" that are inversely reliable to the functions of tests.
Meaning: People like tests that Don't work.
MBTI tests sell about 1 milliion plus tests per years.
It does not work at all.
What it does is: it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings.
The problem with real tests are the people don't do well on them.
The reason it seems to work is its loosely based on real tests that work so good
that if you take 0,05% of the real test and make a small fake test its still seems good because the real test is so damn good.
That being said all social science based "linguistic tests" meaning language tests or even logic tests are not optimal
what should be done is brain scans and specific types of Execetive function tests.
obviously this cannot be done by normal people which leads us back to why laymans use fake tests that are free fun and hurts noone.
Dota 2 is a very classic case of working memory mistaken for IQ.
People think dota 2 is a high IQ game when it's very clearly mostly about good working memory, attention and execetive functions + fine motor skills
it's the same in university there's a huge connection between working memory and good grades
and Iq does not correlate to good grades.
ill at some point probably makes videos about how it all works but its so much work and to "busy" doing neurosciences meta studies on higher cognetive functions and physical exercise (and playing clock. :P)
Dont get me wrong though.
There is a very clear and obvious connection to higher mmr games and personality traits
I played alot with all of the best players in the world and analyzed many of them and they all share alot of similar personality traits.
i cant go into to much details because of time, but the biggest ones are Nontilt, still learning menatlity and good communication skills.
what I thought before: IQ and EQ are directly effective on Dota but as u said IQ might not be a direct one.
write some more lines about specifics of pro players interesting to know!
and link ur disscord to dotabuff
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Hello there!
There was quite an interesting video posted by Jenkins a few months ago where he talked about the types of personality traits that were necessary or common among different positions, and the importance of matching your personality to your role for the best chances of success. So out of pure curiosity, I've decided to conduct a mini study into the links between Dota 2 roles and personality types using the MBTI system.
If you're interested in taking part in this, I've created a survey for you to fill out here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeqWA0kYzRZrLg7JJS0Hg6b95tQBEpCT3AqKkTJ92-RRu6rWA/viewform?usp=sf_link
After I've gathered enough results, I'll compile any interesting findings and share them here later!