General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Coach 6.5k mmr

Dota 2 Coach 6.5k mmr in General Discussion
All Might

    Hello Guys,

    My name is Dojo, and I am a Dota 2 coach. My rank is currently Immortal 1180 (6.5k mmr)

    I would like to offer my Dota 2 services and expertise to people who would like to improve in the game, and to help you maximize your chances of winning with every game you play.

    I can help you with:
    • Reach a higher rank (To play more competitively, to have fun, to be able to play with friends who are higher ranks, etc).
    • Helping your become a leader to tell your team what they need to do in order for you to win the game instead of being just part of the team.
    • When to make plays. When to play passive and aggressive, and how to make a come back.
    • Getting better at your preferred role.
    • How to farm better.
    • Better itemization.
    • Best time to pick a hero, and which hero to pick out of your roster.
    • How to counter pick, and when to counter pick.
    • When and where to put observers, and sentries to light up the map.
    • How to improve your in game communication, and teamwork with your team.

    For me this is a side gig where I can have some fun, make some friends, and make a little extra money on the side.

    I would like to offer one hour lessons for players of any level for $30 per hour.

    I know I am new, but I would like it if people give me the chance to help them get better. If you are interested in this please private message me, or leave a comment on this post.

    Side Note: I actually made this post when i was divine 3 but got destroyed for being such a low rank, so I thought i would wait till I hit a higher one hopefully this one makes an impact lol.


      Wow nice bro

      picking fun heroes

        Awesome marketing skills. I wish you some clients dude

        sure *some friends

        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

          now i understand why NA dota is so garbage. 6.5k is rank 1k on that server. holy fuck dude
          what is 7k then? top 200? seriously?

          honor guard

            Nice earning some bucks from a free game prolly worth it keep it cool man

            All Might

              Thank you -, and honorguard i appreciate that haha. Kowareta so aggressive bro lol, take a chill pill.


                i WaNt 30$ PeR hOuR wItH mY 6k MmR aNd PpL aRe AgGrEsSiVe To Me, I wOnDeR wHy HiHiHi

                friendly advice, start learning how to flip a burger. might help u to feed your family when u bashed with reality that nobody gives a shit what a 6k player on NA server has to say about a video game :)

                literally u can buy an account for that amount, or buy a goddamn arcana and enjoy your time 100x more. are u living in cave or sth? how can u be so unaware about marketing :)))

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                  kowareta you should sign up and get ur rank win rate over 30% ;p

                  All Might

                    Kowareta no one is aggressive towards me except you lol, take it easy man why you so angry. Just tryina have fun out here, take it easy brother.


                      yeah, sadly u are so stupid to get obvious sarcasms.
                      great job man
                      nice bro
                      keep it up
                      babaye :)

                      i didnt even said anything aggressive to you in my first comment :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                      卍pudge king卍

                        I offer a mere 5 usd per hour coaching and may play on Ur account if you really are that lazy


                          Seriously? 6.5K is is NA 1200 range?
                          BTW this is advertising, against Code of Conduct... Not like mods check unless you tag them on the Discord xD


                            Lmao $30 an hour. Cash grab

                            A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                              get at least 3 digit immortal before offering to coach, thanks


                                Your price is 3 x too expensive.. i'd be surprised if you had any takers.

                                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                  That $30 is enough for my family to survive for 1 month.


                                    30 dollar the hour lmao

                                    Wasn't there an immortal from either China or Russia who gave lessons for 7 BUCKS AN HOUR?

                                    Gluck on the market


                                      Hey bro I'll fondle your nuts for 29$ hows that sound?

                                      Baba Yaga

                                        30 dollar is too much for an hour.


                                          with your skill 5dollars per hour is more than enough


                                            do you provide lube when you're fucking people over for $30 an hour


                                              Everything was fine until u mentioned "30$ per hour" ... PER HOUR... imagine how much does it cost just for 5 hours and u (who didnt even make it to a ranked leaderboard) expect low rank people to be an immo player in few hours

                                              This is when some low rank players consider to buy a divine acc around 30$ or lower, or they would just watch gameleap / bsj tips on youtube for free.

                                              honor guard

                                                Guys plsss its his full time job tutoring people from a free game with pepega community let him earn his $30 per hour rate he barely eats anything jayzus ;'(

                                                Jose RIZZal

                                                  look at heen and the playing coach of nigma right now, they arent top tier immortal. but they have good knowledge with the game so I think he is cabable as a coach

                                                  Jose RIZZal

                                                    But seriously bro? $30 per hour? You need to be experienced or someone with pro player achievement for that amount of money as an asking price. If you go to Fiverr a lot of immortal players are also offering gameplay with that.

                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                      stop bullshitting plz, dota is not soccer. you dont praise the coach for winnings. nobodys says oh heen what a godlike drafter, what an amazing call by heen. its the team captain. just because he called out as "coach" doesnt mean he is doing sth special :))

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                      Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                        30 dollars per hour, so like 150 if the person will learn anything? Why not just go to BSJ and learn from a rank 50 instead, or just watch some free vids to learn. I can't find a scenario where someone would pay that much to get coached by you.

                                                        All Might

                                                          Thanks for the feedback everyone! Special shout out to the guy who said "Ill fondle your nuts for $29, and Androgynous real funny comments I had a good laugh over that you made my day haha