General Discussion

General DiscussionRead This Thread to Increase Your MMR (100% Legit)

Read This Thread to Increase Your MMR (100% Legit) in General Discussion

    Forget about the shitty clickbait pepega.

    Dota 2 is a game that stressed heavily on microaggressing your opponents throughout various avenues of play and situations. This can stem as far back as character selection and team cohesion/composition. It is vital that Dota 2 players take advantage of not only counter picking against certain matchups, but also sealing down their own win condition and strategy for the match overall. When looking at your initial movements and play, you misstepped in so many directions that this game is almost irreparable at this point in time. For one, you have close to no actual comprehension of how your characters work. This alongside the fact you do not understand the mechanics of crowd control and queueing up abilities will ultimately set them on the path of defeat. Also you just fucking suck.

    First and foremost I want to tell 2 simple questions:
    1. What role do you play?
    2. Why do you play that role?

    The reason why I asked you these questions is because I honestly believe that the vast majority of Dota players are playing their role for totally arbitrary, if not random reasons. Why does it matter? If your actual real life personality does not match with the personality type required for the role you played, you absolutely will capped out at the mmr that is far below your potential. Why is this the case? It's basically that I believe, even outside of Dota "There is no point pretending to be something that you're not" And don't get me wrong I'm not saying that if you are socially awkward person, you should not try to talk to overcome that.

    That being said, let's take a look at these personality traits that I hope you can find and match it to the Dota 2 positions.

    Pos 1: Calculated (A person that knows what they're trying to do without thinking about it and calculate every movement they made)
    Pos 2: Cocky (A person with high confident that can secure kill even by himself alone)
    Pos 3: Mischievous (A person that likes to play around and possibly can make enemy triggered, to create space for your teammate)
    Pos 4: Empathy (A person that have an ability to understand what their team and enemy thought and knows what exactly they're thinking)
    Pos 5: Strategic (A person that knows how to make a plan, knows where to place and dewards, knows when to attack, basically the captain)

    You must be asking, what if I have more than these types of personality traits? Yes, I'm aware that's a normal thing because human is such a diversity creature. But you should choose what define you the most, what personality traits you have the best.

    I hope you can look into yourself and match your personality with the role you play, and hopefully you will gain mmr in the next game.

    Source: Jenkins

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      I was laughing all the way till i read the last line. now im sad.

      is this a kind of joke or you are serious about it? :S


        mmm sudoscience and pretend psychology LOVE IT!

        Act IV Waiting Room

          > If you're a scorpio you should only play mid


            Nice I am the avatar, master of all aspects of human psychology


              Yes this is serious method guys I earned a lot of mmr and will reach immortal next week.


                there is sth wrong here, he assumes what he understands from dota is generally optimal and based on that starts labeling stuff. roles, personalities, etc

                but its totally bullshit. like, beauty of this game is the uncertainty and decisions u make. like, generally nobody goes diffusal blade on gyro. but u win ti just because of that. there is no predetermined rules to follow except one, destroy the ancient before enemies.

                if we all agree position 3 job is to create space and tilt enemies, FINE, we can say so u need to have that kind of personality to make it work. but im pretty sure 90% of you wont even agree on that!!!

                on the side note, i believe open ai just won 99% of games with playing dota totally different than others.


                  I thought that "hey, this was jenkins video on the other day"

                  Then I read the last sentence. Just give the link to the video in the first place geez