General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice pleaseee

Advice pleaseee in General Discussion

    guys, how can I earn high mmr? I have new accont and i Played more than 60 games? or 70 games i think and I always used alche, sf and pa on the game how can I assure if my mmr is high? btw i got high kills and low deaths :))


      Normal skill 49% WR
      2/9 PA
      0/9 Alch
      5/8 Alch
      2/8 Alch

      High kills low deaths ROFL . U animal go back to ur 1k account

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        Make new account, if u dont get vhs in 20 games, make a new acc and play till’ you get into vhs bracket. Might consider changing your hero pool.

        I recommend picking OP heroes like LD and lycan and np and qop so you can stomp games and get into vhs easily

        flourishing new leaf

          You get better at the game and slowly rise


            ^^ I cant believe your are giving such advice to someone who has 49% winrate in normal skill bracket. What do you think will happen ,if by any miracle,this guy gets VHS? He would have 20% WR with 0/15/2 KDA.
            Just go back to ur fcking 1k account and learn how to play game instead of creating new accounts chasing for VHS.


              A very good indicator is your lasthits. 180 Cs in 35min alch game well played sure lose. If can't even last hit properly how to believe that u can take fights when decisions during the fights have to be made in split seconds.

              KWEK KWEK

                sorry for my bad record when i used this alche. on that match there are ganking me because of i killed their mid 2 times then they burst me on the early and no one wants to help me on that time :). Im just asking advice not my bad record on my match

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                KWEK KWEK

                  and please look my teammates all carries :)


                    OP I think you are young. There is no shortcut to higher mmr. You have to get better at every aspect of the game. You probably read somewhere that creating smurf will get you high mmr. It wont.

                    Only skill matters that comes with experience also seeking tips in the internet and applying them into your games.

                    There is NO SHORTCUT to mmr. I hope you understand now and stop wasting time on new accounts.

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                    Maya says I'm lacking in ...

                      Play jungle np like me, I too was an archon player before creating this new account. Play jungle np = instant DIVINE

                      卍pudge king卍

                        create a new account