General Discussion

General DiscussionBan techies, report mirana hard supp not playing role, report pudge f...

Ban techies, report mirana hard supp not playing role, report pudge for being bad in General Discussion

    Here's a starter pack for a typical game. lose 30 mmr for 45min, take 2 hours to get back to the starting point. Why am I even playing this game :)


      -this mirana need 20sec to get good arrow, and miss arrow at first wave instead of hittinng LC with 30%hp and 1 tango, if he go with me hitting LC at first wave walk, im not that toxic at that match..

      -this game they let me solo, i think im being toxic here if i have pudge or dark willow(weird guy) with me.

      -being toxic here because of pudge, and has a chance to win but lesh wanna do something ratshitdoto so im being toxic again.

      conduct: 9328
      gameplay reports: 5
      communication abuse: 3

      Where is my Hu Tao

        potm a pretty good support now honestly. If she just stop shooting arrows and keep right clicking harrassing.


          potm is good, maybe you play a hero with synergy instead? however i know the feeling when u get potm pos 4/5 who max starstorm instead of arrow and rush aghs/maelstorm manta builds its not supporting

          Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

            ^Starstorm is a realiable nuke that deals nearly 500 dmgs to one target and 300 dmg AoE to the rest every 12 seconds.
            Arrow is an unrealiable disable that can deal 510 dmgs to one target at max range every 15 seconds.


              Mirana is good u can secure always range creeps and can farm easily and can roam .have a escape skills and good gank ulti.idk y toxic player report mirana picker as a support


                @pride yeah but if u play as a support its more important for you to have mana on lane and the stun duration is increasing with lvls aswell. the starstorm maxing is old build for support mirana back at the time the arrow would max stun at lvl 1
                a single point of leap is almost always required. u have to prioritze skill levels too.
                i never report mirana during picking phase, only techispickers, hard sup invoker/junglers and natures prophet. i never ever enjoyed a game with natures prophet on my team, not reporting him if he plays offlaner or mid though but i know im not gonna enjoy the game.

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                Vladimir Putin

                  I've had some Bane+Mirana games (me as Bane) which were just glorious.


                    yeah its an known combo they best way to counter it is to go abbaddon legion lane, ez hard dispels.


                      Its just sad that an ogre will still turn out somewhat useful even if he makes mistakes, while mirana and pudge missing hooks makes them worth two ranged creeps in lane xD. I won't even get started on the item choices like aghs rush pos 5.

                      flourishing new leaf

                        If people don't ruin my games I would win almost everygame as mirana. But people like to whine and shiit on others. Same as furion support or carry or whatever, people hate and MAKE you lose. And lots of other picks or gamestyles. That's because you're a group of fuccking taards with no skill to back up your whining shiitty wannabe failed play.

                        SHhUT UP AND DO YOUR BEST AND YOU WILL WIN!! You learn even if you lose and adapt to that shiit for NEXT TIME where you WILL WIN. If it's a PROVEN LOSING STRAT, there's a 5/9 chance the other team will have it (compared to your 4/9 teamstructure) and YOU WILL EITHER WAY GAIN FROM IT!!


                        Report only intentional feeders and people that ACTUALLY play to lose. And yes, YOU CAN easily differentiate from unusual/adaptive gaming to fuccking afk(then never appearing even when throne falling) or excessive purposeful dying or as clear as day when the mootherfuuckker follows you around the map doing nothing but ruin your map movements and jungle farming. YES, that's who you report. AND UNLESS YOU ALL DO IT, we will keep having the shiitty game THANKS TO YOUR OWN COLLECTIVE FUcCKING DELUSIONS.

                        This is the bullshit i experience everytime i play dota EVERY FUCKING TIME everyday at all times.
                        This is what YOUR thinking and doing is generating!
                        Notice the chats, the items, timestamps

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                          Can i ask why you choose to take fourth pick as hard support? Ofc the cores will demand what they perceive to be the best hard support synergiesed with you.

                          Maybe the slark would hav gotten more items if u provided more than 8 kills and 1 assist while he only as one perma dmg?

                          Why arent u making headress kinda standard item on every hard support seems to me u very focused on making dmg urself rather than supporting rushing mana boots.
                          Im gonna just assume your 46 cs is all from pulling and broodmother spiders to be a bit less judgemental.

                          Really hard to report someone for role violation after game

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                          flourishing new leaf

                            It was last pick. I was writing on dotabuff and just chilling. Didn't feel like picking.
                            As to why it seems like I don't care? Because I shouldn't. Picking order is irrevelant. If they are afraid of a certain pick, they should ban it. If they can't play against it potentially they should go something else. What that means is that one should pick the best possible pick anyway. Not expecting getting help from some random people. Yes, we all depend on each other to win. That doesn't mean I have to hold your hand all the way to the finish line. You play your part, I do mine. If you're good with that particular hero you're going to get the most out of him. If you pick early and it's important for the team composition to deal with a certain X-hero that you are in no position of in combination with the others, the responsibility falls on the last. Whoever or whatever role he might play. Your role is to do your best regardless. Like is Mine.

                            Maybe slark would've gotten kills and not fed and fed me in lane too might I add if the idiot had any skills, any brains or even a sliver or hint of a good idea. He has no stats as slark, he has no orb of venom, he never got a wraith band and he's at 1200hp min 20. Pretty much ~1200 min 30 too.
                            You can conclude by that that I am right. He's supposed to max the passive and stack. Now tell me, how can he do that effectively when he's got no hp? no slow? when he misses leap? when he runs instead of trade? I even slow targets with my first skill! But nope, clearly he's too good for that and you give him your support in that it's my fault he doesn't get kills while I do? Maybe I effectively trade positioning, skills and hp with the enemy and kill him off? Thought of slark being dead or running and how he's going to even get the kills? Should I just keep afk watching?? Cause hey, better be a retard and just watch if a kill is not going to fall on slark hmm, yes smart. I would need to afk all game then. Is that what you suggest?

                            He doesn't even deserve report for role violation. None do. But they gave up min 0 of the game and slark didn't have the skills to back up playing carry. What slark does deserve report for and a ban for ruining the game is hogging all the NEUTRAL ITEMS.
                            But guess what, I am the one getting reported this game, as I always get.

                            Fair? No, this is what dota is now.

                            Ps. I was muted too.


                              Orb of venom is hevily nerfed and if u picked jakiro u could benefit with a slow and magic dmg to fuck with the timber.
                              Your chilling on dotabuff and not feeling like picking first is you doing your best?

                              Edit: oh dear god null talismans on pos 5.
                              If you want to improve your behavior score make sure u make supporting items, then you would have my commend at least.

                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                wow banao with his insane drafting skills, poggies
                                when we saw u as coach???

                                Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                  while mirana and pudge missing hooks makes them worth two ranged creeps in lane xD

                                  Ofc mirana is not a ranged pick that can harass, pull or bring the ennemy wave between your t1 and t2.
                                  She can't either contest with ennemies' pulls with her 3 charges repositioning tool and AoE nuke.

                                  You must be right.

                                  Edit: @benao: you are supposed to draft first pos5 specially if you pick dis.
                                  If you went for some AA counterpick because they have a fucking huskar spammer it could have been arguable though.

                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                  flourishing new leaf

                                    Everything can be countered with skills and playstyles. Harder sometimes? Definitely. Impossible? No!

                                    There's no GOOD reason to cripple oneself just to deal with a certain pick. It's more, you lose gold not picking. Mid and carry should be crazy to first pick so as to not lose that little advantage! It's equal to 50 gold+ which is equal to 20+ hp! 1 hit that can change the whole exchange in lane.

                                    Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                      You are right, it's good for the mid or pos1 to give the information of the matchup to the ennemy so that the pos5 gets a flex disruptor after.

                                      Telling the ennemy mid that he can pick huskar/broodmother and will have the matchup advantage will make the game shorter I guess.

                                      Telling the ennemy offlaner what carry he will have to shutdown is also a good way to win.

                                      Do you know the story of the huskar finishing games minute 15 and doing 1v5 with 2 items and aegis ?

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                                        is huskar really that strong in higher brackets? i spam necro so i havent had any issue with that hero yet at least


                                          no offence flourishing but it seems to me like u expect the carry to keep doing his best when you sacrifice him during laning phase to receive kills and farm.

                                          flourishing new leaf

                                            If you're not skilled enough to play around whatever you get, change playstyle or adapt at all then you shouldn't be playing that hero at all, or even that role. It's that simple. All you noobs think that you're good cause you can rape in a favorable matchup but is that your skill? No, that's your team giving you a freewin and you being at most standard. Learn to play, then come back and talk.

                                            flourishing new leaf

                                              I expect my carry to be carry regardless of the situation. Same for mid and same for support. That's the least you can expect of someone. But dota has turned into this current shit where people are aligned with others due to this fragmented bracket system and think they are more than what they are. If you're good you're gonna win with a hero you know how to play. If i could get rolse 1 or 2 AT ALL which i can't due to this stupid matchmaking system, I would and I used to pick MID AND CARRY RIGHT AWAY. The support finds out how to adapt to my hero and role and can that way be as effectively as possible EARLY game and enable me the rest of the game. And if you're wondering, yes, I used to pick SF mid firstpick and lane against Lanaya, sky, LD, brood or whatever and pull my weight!


                                                If i were the slark player id just forget about maxing his essence shift, max dark pact and hit the jungle and then see you getting your amazing 8 kills and all those cs solo? not a chance.
                                                you are making a last pick of a hero without impact enough during the laning phase on the behalf of the carry player.

                                                With your logic why arent you playing around the behavior of the slark and showing him your will to support by for instance buying a simple headress why are u buying so many iron branches lmao, my guess would be that u just walk around behind the slark putting the tree behind him so stimber can chain and kill the slark under tower while u finish him off under tower as the good support you are.


                                                  I think ur forgetting to mentioning ur first picking sf during the time when there were no roles so u would just elbow your way of the mid role.
                                                  link your main acc bro this is obv a "fresh start acc"

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                  flourishing new leaf

                                                    I would still play him mid. Everyone knows my main account >.<

                                                    If I had myself as support I would win everygame. I'd be happy as fuck too. And I am playing around slark. He's just bad and misses every opportunity I give him. Dude, he has 0 hp build too. What more can I do for him. He doesn't punish people trying to or harassing him. He gives away hp. Doesn't matter how much I trade. It's his play and behavior that is wrong. I can't give him an essay of why stuff like they are or how they should be. He has to realize that himself instead of whining that lane is shit. It's not even shit. Totally winnable and considerably ez lane even. He makes it hard for himself and then gives up.


                                                      Dude u fail to see u soaked 50 out of potentially around 150 cs while u got 8 kills and he at most one?
                                                      You seem to understand that u cant really trade with timber so u make null talismans to keep harassing him?

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                      flourishing new leaf

                                                        I soaked? THE BASTARD WAS DEAD!!! DEAD. SHOULD I JUST WATCH THE CREEP DIES UNTIL HE RESPAWNS YOU FUCKTARD?


                                                          May i ask if u bought some regeneration for him after taking kills to buff his motivation?
                                                          No by buying null talismans u sending the signal what u think of him as carry and not really giving him any hope to turn his awful game

                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                            I checked some of your latest games and ud be what i consider to be the worst type of support. Mid player who is playing support but think his role still is as it is on mid.

                                                            Its people like you who are the reason i never play safe lane carry. It really takes your energy u queued 10 mins for safe lane carry and the support just dont give u any confidence at all.
                                                            You know u have to pretend to keep playing in ordee to avoid reports.

                                                            Like this is dotabuff i played with a guy i met here and it was so fucking awful. Not gonna mention any names but i picked necro off and he treeant. I buy headress as core starting items and the guy would fucking ask me to give him tangos on top of that. Jesus christ

                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                              Im gonna download the replay of that game actually, luckily this seems like the low behavior score beacket but if people with high behvior score played support the way you do id just quit play to raise my mmr

                                                              Failed to see but the guy actually tried he bought ring of terrasque even

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                              flourishing new leaf

                                                                welp, you're just braindead. I told you everything you needed to know. You still want to believe something else because I'm smart with my item choices bringing the game to a stalemate until min 25 despite trash cores.


                                                                  Dude i finally got u trolling u cant keep doin this on main acc right?

                                                                  Nonono spoke too fucking soon

                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                  flourishing new leaf

                                                                    I am banned on main. Don't feel like playing 4 games low prio.


                                                                      yeah exactly. just played a game as offlane and my 4 didnt want to pick his hero. (snapfire btw!!!) guess what , enemy pos 5 just picked ench and ruined my life. how am i even supposed to lane without a boar?? hmm im bad right? im not skilled :( i need to be better :(

                                                                      what about u throw out your keyboard and just playing with mouse banao?? stop being lowskilled and get better with playing dota only with a fucking mouse.

                                                                      flourishing new leaf


                                                                        Only playing core from now on. Just can't deal with trash anymore. 1 hour queue yay.
                                                                        That last furion game was carry furion, guess what my support did. Picked MK farmed and came to ruin my lane. The hard support even went bot xD ahahahhaa fml. People don't treat me like a carry(right) because they don't like my picks :(. And furion is so imba as fucking carry too sigh..

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                                                                        flourishing new leaf

                                                                          kowareta don't you get lag playing from Iran?


                                                                            lag? i dont know, im kinda used to my equipment. i have 120-130 ping, and 45-55 fps. i saw a girl streamer crying about lag cause she had 50-60 ping i guess :-? so yeah its probably laggy for you high blood big brain europeans.

                                                                            Googooli VII

                                                                              120 ping is blessing here in iran,also add packet loss too
                                                                              @flourishing new leaf

                                                                              make new account if your account is corrupted by toxicity . dota is for entertainment ,you play for that not to ruin your mood by some random people.

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                              flourishing new leaf

                                                                                I used to play to US East for several years back when inhouse was a thing played with 150 normally so i get you. It gets easier when you play LAN or with 20 ms after. Feels like you're in a cloud.

                                                                                This is my new account ferry... but still the same happens :/. I just can't play in peace. Well that's what I feel like and what I experience.


                                                                                  sometimes when network is not busy, i got 90 and it makes me get 2x lasthits in lane.


                                                                                    120 ping works imo, i have tried it whats bothering is the variance of the ping tho, currently playing with around 50 ping, i ping 1ms on russai but dont think its worth playing with russians lol

                                                                                    Disturbed Jawker

                                                                                      russians aint so bad

                                                                                      flourishing new leaf

                                                                                        I like russians too, but I don't like adapting all the time. The dota played in EU West is different than Russia. And way different than US East. US East is filled with monkeys that just don't push their advantages and go lategame regardless of how the game evolves.


                                                                                          lmao nationality doesnt matter as long as they can understand english and communicate, lots of western players understand english but yet dont communicate other than flaming


                                                                                            Nationality doesn't matter? 1/3 games consists of 2-3 russians in the game who then discovers there are other russians on the team, and commence operation spam russian on mic, and completely ignore the rest of the team because they either can't speak english or can't be bothered to speak english. On a european server. I don't care where you're from if you try to communicate either with commands, chat or mic, but I do absolutely fucking hate people who proceed to speak their native language at the cost of communication with the rest of the team. Russians do this the most. No sane person wants to listen to a foreign language they don't understand like a nagging radio when they try to concentrate. Luckily this happens less in my current bracket than the lower brackets.


                                                                                              u sound low behavior score


                                                                                                I WILL NOT EVER REPORT SOMEONE FOR BEING BAD. EVERYONE HAS BAD GAMES.

                                                                                                flourishing new leaf

                                                                                                  Never have I or will I ^