General Discussion

General DiscussionHow are 1-2k mmr players so dog shit?

How are 1-2k mmr players so dog shit? in General Discussion
big dick


    Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

      How do you calibrate crusader 3 on a smurf ?

      big dick

        The answer is fairly obvious. Also it is not a smurf. Can't you read my name?

        Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

          It's not because you change your name to Miracle that you are Miracle.

          88% winrate on high-skill cap Arc Warden in 8 games.

          87% winrate on high-skill cap invoker in 22 games.

          Scores like XX/X/XX in every games.

          You are a smurf man and yet you calibrated crusader 3. Then you complain about this tier.

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
          big dick

            You are kinda dense.

            Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

              You openly lied on this forum taking people for the trashes you encounter in your matches which is a mark of disrespect.

              Bye, "DOG SHIT" smurf.

              Edit :

              You are kinda dense

              Then you inherited this as well from your daddy. Regards, son. :O :O

              Wanna play the insults games ?

              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                crushader kEKW

                big dick

                  crushader kEKW

                  I will have you know that 2.2k is the average mmr and I am 2k mmr, which means I am almost better than 50% of players and Dota has 9 million players, which means I am better than 4.5 million players.


                  '96 Neve Campbell

                    This cant be real


                      This guy is a smurf..look at his invoker and arc he intentionally feed so that he could get low rank..

                      big dick

                        No shit it is a smurf. No-one understood I was joking?

                        Seriously though, how are 1-2k mmr so bad? Like almost every thing they do is incorrect. Every 5 seconds they make a mistake, and it is not a lack of experience because most of the players that do not private profiles have more than double the games on my main. I even saw a player with 7k games.

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                        Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                          They are as bad as you are according to the calibration.

                          big dick

                            Actually I calibrated Guardian 4, so they are better than me according to the calibration.


                              Well considering you can calibrate up to Legend (?) I believe, that's rather disappointing.

                              big dick

                                Well considering you can calibrate up to Legend (?) I believe, that's rather disappointing.

                                The original goal was to calibrate as low as possible so I could stomp noobs for fun for as long as possible.

                                Rh Adakhnek

                                  if ur in like the bottom 10 20% of players theyre probably either very new or just unintelligent people

                                  theres a lot of tricks stupid people use to stay stupid, they leverage their brains to ensure they never have self critical thoughts or bother struggling with improvement


                                    Ok so you clearly have far too much time in your life that you'd rather spend as many hours as possible stomping noobs than:

                                    A. getting better quickly at the game and pushing yourself to your limits;
                                    B. getting better at literally anything else in life.

                                    Tells a story.

                                    casual gamer

                                      C. It takes me 50 minutes to find a match. Every game. These matches are then extremely unbalanced in mmr and are +/-30 with no regards to how fucked the game balance is with 4ks and 6ks in the same match


                                        @ ban 1515

                                        Are you claiming to be "not a smurf"?

                                        I'm not saying the player experience is perfect for everyone. But I doubt a leaderboards immortal player like yourself would find it enjoyable to make an intentionally low calibrating smurf to stomp noobs you could 1v9 against.

                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                        casual gamer

                                          no im not this random dipshit op

                                          casual gamer

                                            i am just irritated to be playing unranked games on a new account instead of on my main


                                              Tbh I feel you, but I guess you don't play much support? Do you still have shitshow queue times with all roles selected?

                                              Since 7.23 I'm waiting for the shitshow to calm down before maybe trying ranked again.

                                              casual gamer

                                                nah i’m queuing 1/2/3 but i should probably just get over myself and queue everything

                                                i’ve been meaning to spam ww anyway

                                                Pale Mannie

                                                  be smurf
                                                  stomp people like the fаglord you are
                                                  complain that they're bad and easy to stomp

                                                  2/10 bait
                                                  try harder

                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                    Ok so you clearly have far too much time in your life that you'd rather spend as many hours as possible stomping noobs than:

                                                    A. Help your family doing household choir
                                                    B. Go to university instead of playing too much dota
                                                    C. Go to church and fix your attitude
                                                    E. Hang out with your friend (if you have one. And if you do, its probably has a ugly attitude like you)

                                                    Tells a story.


                                                      OP gtfo !

                                                      You literally fed for 100 games in a row just to calibrate low. Nice clown.

                                                      You could buy crus acc for 10 dollars you know?

                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                      LFGC | INFERNAL BABY

                                                        Well, is it hard to win games on 1-2k completely by yourself? I thought that it's kinda easy :/


                                                          WhY dO pLayEr BeLOw mY skIlL cAP sO baYeD lel


                                                            Hayley made divine 1 gratz btw :)


                                                              omg this guy

                                                              big dick

                                                                if ur in like the bottom 10 20% of players theyre probably either very new or just unintelligent people

                                                                theres a lot of tricks stupid people use to stay stupid, they leverage their brains to ensure they never have self critical thoughts or bother struggling with improvement

                                                                Unfortunately I was playing in the 20-45% percentile range and most of the players with public profiles have over 1.6k games, so they are just stupid I guess. It is fairly funny when they blame their team for losing when they are all dog shit. Maybe that is why they are so bad: always blame team.

                                                                Ok so you clearly have far too much time in your life that you'd rather spend as many hours as possible stomping noobs than:

                                                                A. getting better quickly at the game and pushing yourself to your limits;
                                                                B. getting better at literally anything else in life.

                                                                Tells a story.

                                                                My main is immortal. Who is the bigger no life? The person who spends all their time playing Dota so they can beat all the other Immortal no lives playing all day or the casual that just plays for fun? I play other games and have other things to do. I smurf so I do not have to spend so much time on Dota. Also by your logic, you are wasting your time playing unranked when you could be "getting better quickly at the game and pushing yourself to your limits".

                                                                Ok so you clearly have far too much time in your life that you'd rather spend as many hours as possible stomping noobs than:

                                                                A. Help your family doing household choir
                                                                B. Go to university instead of playing too much dota
                                                                C. Go to church and fix your attitude
                                                                E. Hang out with your friend (if you have one. And if you do, its probably has a ugly attitude like you)

                                                                Tells a story.

                                                                Same as above. Also, I go to university. I am just on Summer holiday right now. That is another reason why I do not play on my main. I only play Dota during the holiday and quit for the rest of the year. There is no point of getting higher mmr when I just quit and will lose my skill anyway.

                                                                You could buy crus acc for 10 dollars you know?

                                                                Yes. I totally did not do that.


                                                                  cool smurf boss


                                                                    You’re telling me that your main is immortal and you actually intentionally made a smurf in the bottom half of player skill, so that you could stomp noobs forever?

                                                                    I mean I don’t have a hegemony on the idea of fun, no one does. But wow. Sounds to me like you may be depressive. You might wanna get that looked at.

                                                                    WALANG PANDESAL SA CUPCAK...

                                                                      Quality post


                                                                        Honestly if you are depressive, there’s absolutely no shame in that. I have around 5 years’ experience working with vulnerable young people, and my own background is depressive.

                                                                        The behaviours you’re describing strike me as depressive. Spending 100 hours calibrating well below your actual rank to fulfil your reward centres and posting on dotabuff about it. Now I don’t know you, but that’s my genuine read.

                                                                        My advice would be to seek counselling. One of the great things about being on summer break is that you have time to do so without the pressure of lectures/ studies.

                                                                        And on the balance of probability, based off the quality of your post, and assuming you’re studying in the same hemisphere as you live: you’re in a country like Australia or New Zealand rather than say South Africa, in which case these countries actually have good access to mental health services as part of their welfare state.

                                                                        If you do have good access to these services (or even if you don’t and have the money), I would strongly recommend looking into getting counselling.

                                                                        Or I could just be way off the mark, which I hope I am. Have a good Christmas/ summer break.

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                        big dick

                                                                          The behaviours you’re describing strike me as depressive. Spending 100 hours calibrating well below your actual rank to fulfil your reward centres and posting on dotabuff about it. Now I don’t know you, but that’s my genuine read.

                                                                          Yes. I totally spent 100 hours calibrating this account and did not buy it. Totally bro.

                                                                          If you were not a casual gamer, you would not understand. The best way I can put it is, there is no point of spending x4 the amount of effort to have fun when I can just smurf.


                                                                            If you are that good, you obviously have the advantage to rank up over time. since you "the pro" + 4 dogshit vs 5 other dogshit. If not, you are just one of the dogshit. Tbh, you smurf cuz you bad at ur own rank.

                                                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                              The best way I can put it is, there is no point of spending x4 the amount of effort to have fun when I can just smurf.

                                                                              You cheated not only the game but to yourself.

                                                                              You didnt grow.
                                                                              You didnt improve.
                                                                              You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

                                                                              You experienced a hollow victory.
                                                                              Nothing was risked, and nothing was gained.

                                                                              Its sad that you dont know the difference.

                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                Dota 2019

                                                                                big dick

                                                                                  I just realized that smurf detection makes it so easy to boost accounts. I just gained 170 mmr from 1 game.


                                                                                    Mhm, spending your holidays playing on ultra low smurfs and bitching about it. Same sorta deal really.

                                                                                    Enjoy your holiday sir

                                                                                    Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                                                      I mean I don’t have a hegemony on the idea of fun,

                                                                                      Can I reuse this figure of speech or is there a copyright ? This one is lit.


                                                                                        I may have a way with words, but I’m not published or anything. Yet ;)

                                                                                        Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                                                          Native rhetorics with words have to be complemented with rhetorics knowledge, which you seem to have acquired (Schopenhauer ?).

                                                                                          The 'I don't have the hegemony on <insert_concept>' is definitely going to be useful in the upcoming debates during end years celebration.

                                                                                          Good luck with your writting if you go for it !


                                                                                            Hyvää Joulua ja uutta vuotta kaikille smuffeille!


                                                                                              Oh dayum I have not read Schopenhauer since 3rd year philosophy. I found him rather droll but perhaps I just thought his outlook was extremely bleak xD

                                                                                              Ha thank you, you are very kind. Perhaps one day. In the meantime my poet skills are useful for charming people ;)


                                                                                                Because I can only make one decision at a time I'm trying my hardest


                                                                                                  Because I can only make one decision at a time I'm trying my hardest

                                                                                                  its ok you will get better

                                                                                                  ᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌᠌ ᠌

                                                                                                    49% wr "1v9" "all muted" anime poster with 6k games dares to open his dirty mouth and talk about calibration. DB forums are trully full of degeneracy.