General Discussion

General DiscussionCoaching

Coaching in General Discussion

    6K player coaching,analyzing matches and or theorycrafting depending on the wishes. Add me on steam if you are interested. Reasonable fees.

    Ryūjin no ken wo kurae

      how to get vhs?

      Glimmer of Dawn

        I can vouch for OP's play and theorycrafting ;) excellent player


          how about no


            It literally takes me two minutes to add random inmortals and ask them for input lmao

            gluck with your job tho


              @zarse doesnt seem like its working.


                "It literally takes me two minutes to add random inmortals and ask them for input lmao"

                rofl. It's that easy is it? And performing this "random immortal summoning" results in highly relevant and sound advice that improves your understanding of the game propelling you to a higher level of play that is of equal value to being individually coached?

                Glimmer of Dawn

                  Being a good player doesn't automatically make you a good teacher of dota.

                  Just like being a good mathematician doesn't automatically make you a good teacher of maths.


                    my teacher always say "if you understood something,you can easily explain it even to a child" tho


                      and yes i ever felt
                      getting teached by teacher who doesnt understand math and "does" understand math

                      the one actually does have so much difference imo lmao,like explaining it in ways so easy+more fun and easier to understand

                      saying dis because my math is really suck and i cant learn from teachers who dun understand

                      Glimmer of Dawn

                        my teacher always say "if you understood something,you can easily explain it even to a child" tho

                        Disagree- Some people are really bad at explaining things they understand perfectly. A lot of good teaching is about explaining things in one way, then reexplaining it in another way. This helps students understand ideas more thoroughly and from different perspectives, and not to just hold a statement in their head as true.

                        A dota example would be how people learn item builds: proper itemisation is a super deep concept that many people simplify into build orders that may or may not be the most efficient item build for the game.

                        getting teached by teacher who doesnt understand math and "does" understand math

                        the one actually does have so much difference imo lmao,like explaining it in ways so easy+more fun and easier to understand

                        saying dis because my math is really suck and i cant learn from teachers who dun understand

                        Having bad teachers definitely sucks, just as having great teachers is the best thing ever. But I never said it's more important for Maths teachers to be good teachers than have good Maths skills.

                        To be a good maths teacher, you should be good at maths as well as a good teacher.

                        Being good at maths doesn't necessarily make you a good maths teacher.
                        Being good at teaching doesn't necessarily make you a good maths teacher either.

                        Replace maths with Dota and the statements are still true.


                          Codex you overthink far too much ; you're stupid in more ways than one because of that. Not everything is shades of grey, many things are very black and white.

                          Someone who fully masters a topic can teach it to autistic chimpanzees ; that's a fact... Arguing about it only shows how little of the world you've seen so far. So don't !

                          I'm not sure you've ever met a real expert in any field whatsoever -- much less someone who's mastered their field -- through studies and various conferences I've had the chance to meet a few (my astrophysics professor at Columbia, Brian Greene, for instance) -- there's an ocean between understanding something and having mastered it.
                          The average time it takes to be an expert (not a master) at something, is the 10000 hour benchmark, or so the studies say.
                          Mind you those must be fully invested and interested hours, where you constantly challenge your understanding of the topic and try new methods, approaches and angles, all while polishing what you already have a firm grasp on.
                          Teaching and learning go hand in hand.
                          You only understand something correctly once you've reached the point where you can teach those that aren't advanced as yourself.

                          Most people think they understand a topic they're familiar with, but actually didn't even scratch the surface of what's to know and learn. This applies to any topic ; most people don't even understand the language they speak on a daily basis.

                          People understand jack shit about pretty much everything, including their friends, partners or children and family members. Why the fuck do you think people fight so often? Misunderstandings.

                          "I listen and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand"


                          KingeY on a smurf.


                            TL;DR: Your shitty math teachers aren't bad teachers, they just have no fucking grasp on the subject past the material seen in class. Especially true for middle/highschool teachers, who are arguably failures within their fields.


                              belle delphine for life

                              Glimmer of Dawn

                                Indeed some things are very black and white. And of course, I may be stupid in some things but good at others. My knowledge can only go so far. But I do try to excel in everything I choose to do, and I take pride in already being a good teacher, even though I still believe I have a lot to learn to be the best I can be.

                                Someone who fully masters a topic can teach it to autistic chimpanzees ; that's a fact... Arguing about it only shows how little of the world you've seen so far. So don't !

                                Alright, now you're just exaggerating. Plus I am speaking from experience: I trained with a man who was 6 years my senior, had a PhD in Maths, and was still a hopeless teacher whilst training, primarily because he hated how a school functions. He also never tried to empathise with his students, preferring to get down into the nitty gritty of the mathematics itself and expecting students to engage with it simply by standing there and pointing to the board and saying: "LOOK HOW INTERESTING THAT IS. COME ON GUYS." Well guess what, that's not going to work in a rough school where most boys end up going to lay bricks at their dad's company.

                                So no, the fact that I'm arguing that a master of Maths might not be a good teacher is actually rooted in the very simple idea that good teachers have a strong ability to convey what is in their heads whilst being engaging. In a similar way, a lot of my lecturers in Maths were clearly much more interested in the research portion of their jobs than the teaching, whilst those in Philosophy were much more engaged with the students and often took a personal interest in the musings of their students. Guess which ones were perceived as the better teachers?

                                Of course, I have seen the studies on expertise. Err, how is that relevant? Okay, so you may say Brian Greene is an amazing teacher and he has his whole class engaged and he's super interesting, but you're correlating one point (Brian Greene is a real expert) with another (Brian Greene is also a fantastic teacher) and being like wow that fits! Which isn't just philosophically suspect, it's statistically suspect. Case in point, students attending university have more desire to be there, they've selected their subject and are likely in a more privileged class than your shit out of luck rough area school.

                                I got into teaching because I taught in a L2P of my own initiative. I was a well respected "expert" in DOW2, but by your standards I'm not really an expert, with only 2500 hours across the three DOW2 games. Luckily for me, I know some people who do have 10k hours played, because the old boys club is a pretty tight knit group. This guy has a casual 10,925 hours in game.


                                A true expert then, by your own study! And boy was he a tough player. Probably 3rd place in the world in his prime. Now I wouldn't claim to be his equal, but on my SM main I could take on any player in the world in my prime, with even some epic vods on youtube to remember those years by.

                                And yet, Tex (Man of Faith) wasn't too interested in the community, whereas I was. He didn't post much on the forums and could care less about fame or fortune. He was just a guy in the middle of nowhere Canada who was happy with his lot cleaning pools, whilst I was the one who was famous, engaged with the community, casted DOW2 tournaments and revolutionised the way people understood DOW2 by writing a guide which transposed the relevant ideas of Nimzowitch from Chess onto DOW2, developing DOW2 from a fast tech game into a Heavy early game and gen bash pressure game.


                                You only understand something correctly once you've reached the point where you can teach those that aren't advanced as yourself.

                                Yes, but if you're an arsehole and don't give a shit about kids, the kids won't give a shit about what you have to say. I realised that teaching in a school is far harder than teaching in DOW2, because those people in my L2Ps are self selecting to show up to my lessons, whilst those at a school don't care to be there unless what you offer is in their interest.

                                But you may say, a dota player doesn't have to be engaging to be a good teacher! Well, he must have good communication skills, that's not a critical part of being a good dota player but important for being a good coach. He has to understand the student, where they're strong, where they're weak, and understand what parts they need to improve whilst giving them an effective plan to improve. Although these abilities are more likely to be present in an expert of Dota, these abilities are not a necessary requirement to be good at dota.

                                Case in point, look at the long list of top tier players who I've watched streams of and learned from, I find wagamama and Merlini to be the best and most engaging, whilst I detest and can't bother with people like Mason or EternalEnvy. I learned so much from wagamama and Merlini precisely because they are good at explaining their ideas and making their content engaging.

                                So yes, I often engage in overthinking. But at least I try to do my thinking properly.


                                TL;DR: Your shitty math teachers aren't bad teachers, they just have no fucking grasp on the subject past the material seen in class. Especially true for middle/highschool teachers, who are arguably failures within their fields.

                                Sounds to me like you really resent teachers. Did they let you down whilst you were at school?

                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                  Hell no. I'm just a person that cares very little for filters and any form watering down.
                                  Primary/Middle/Highschool physics, maths etc teachers are failures in their field for the most part ; that doesn't mean they're failures at life. You'd be hard pressed to find an example of otherwise -- not many middle school Fields medalists.

                                  You're talking about me mistakingly making a simple correlation - but you're already making the mistake of confusing correlation with dependence and association, causal or not ; I work in advanced stats...

                                  Also, had you read instead of skimmed, Pr.Greene served as an example of a true master in his field and by no means was an example of the correlation between mastery and the ability to expound.
                                  You made that shortcut on your own ; for a philosophy graduate that ought to be used to perusing material... I'm rather surprised.

                                  You're making a point of talking about schools, when teaching is not limited to educating in an institution.
                                  You yourself, bring to the table the example of your acquaintance that hated how school functions.
                                  If he retains an institutionalized approach to teaching despite that, he's indeed a shit teacher with little to no expertise in his domain on top of a serious lack of interest for his pupils.
                                  Also, having a PhD literally only means you wrote a thesis worth thinking about, never does it mean you've mastered your field -- I am far, far from having mastered mine, as are nearly all candidates or researchers.

                                  Lastly, giving a shit about your audience is unrelated to the shits they give about you and how engaging or compelling you are.
                                  You're misunderstanding the distinction between good teachers and bad students.
                                  You're the one making very wrong relations here...

                                  To wrap it up, I've played at least 2 hours of DotA a day since 2004. If I had to guess, I'm around 12-13k hours clocked in actual game time. If I add to that the many, many hours spent thinking, talking, discussing, writing, arguing and dreaming about the game I'm easily at 30k hours.
                                  I'm friends with many pro players, coaches and and a good deal of people come to me for information about mechanics, drafts and more specifically patches -- I'm the go-to reference -- and many value what I think and know about the game in addition to my thoughts on humans within the industry (is X person good coach/player/analyst).
                                  I AM AN ASSHOLE -- a huge one -- it's a fact ; yet I teach top tier players things they never knew, they never knew (I love Pocahontas) and they listen, however I choose to word my phrases and whatever tone I employ.


                                    Others here know me as KingeY since quite some time, but you're relatively new...


                                    It's old, but I can't really show you anything more recent since I'm still under contract and that org wouldn't take kindly to me plastering my current conversations over dotabuff. I'd also be devaluating my own work.

                                    But you get the point. I'm probably the only person at the time who made that specific call about Ceb and Kips was asking for draft information against Mineski when she was coaching Vega Squadron.

                                    Preemptively doing this as to avoid doubt being cast from your part.

                                    Good night - fellow teacher