General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to keep Broodmama's webs count?

How to keep Broodmama's webs count? in General Discussion

    Is there any way to know how many webs are on the map besides manually counting them?

    Free Israel2024



        You must learn about how to talk to the game with telepathy so whenever you want to know how much webs are on the maps you could just talk to the machine.

        '96 Neve Campbell

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            i just tested it for you and there is nothing smart you can do about it. only thing you can do is selecting your hero and tabbing through your units. after 2 tabs you should see webs and from there you count your tabs until you get to your hero again

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              also you could bind your first web into a control group and if this one disappears you know that you have reached max. webs

              so always when you set a web you can press like 5 for example to check if the web is still there


                wasnt there always a counter in status bar


                  Cancer player problem. Cant relate

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                    look at your most played hero lmao

                    KUKULAMIN KA BUT THE K IS...

                      dont u just stop caring about webs when u get aghs in 10-15mins?


                        Why u care about webs? U can always spam more of em