General Discussion


LONE DRUID VS INVOKER in General Discussion

    What would a decent invoker player do against lone druid in mid? I need some ideas and other perspective from people about this one. Thank you!


      Tornado to dispel the life steal.


        You don't pick invoker. That simple.


          Nah, i dont pick invoker much often unless its really good to pick on that game. I just wanna know from invoker players what they have in mind laning with this hero.




              Get 3 level of exort or die trying


                Just farm?


                  Bear is melee. When you aren't csing, hit the bear as much as you can. Might be ok to prioritize it over some denies. You likely wont kill it, but if you do, it's worth lot of money and summon has large CD. If it goes back to base you'll have 1 or 2 waves of relief. Stack camps with a forge spirit if your lane is very difficult


                    make sure u play the creep aggro game and keep the wave as close to your tower as possible. if you have to go off your highground it's gonna be hard since he can zone you with bear.

                    play defensive and pull creeps when u can, get last hits, mostly lvls

                    Cheesy Wenis

                      When druid is levels 1-4 try to farm and deny as much as possible. If druid plays correctly they will out CS you though, druid + bear damage is quite high. When there is nothing else to do right click on the bear. It does add up.

                      When druid hits lvl 5 play very cautiously. This is when he can solo dive you under the tower and all he needs is one lucky root to kill you.

                      Survive until you get your Aghs and you win. Your group fight is much stronger than druid, just don't screw up the mid game and you will be fine.

                      DOTA 2 ARMORY

                        ^^^ 41% winrate on LD by the way

                        razer keybord gaming now

                          U harass the bear, if you make spirits he will try to last hit it so be careful, it dies from like 2 hits from sylla and bear

                          Just harass the bear so it can get ganked or so he will risk it when bear is far out or last hitting.

                          If bear gets low and u get +1 rotation icewall and cold snap and alacrity will kill it big

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                          i have 5 reports to use

                            hitting the bear is a waste of time LUL

                            mute all

                              stop hitting the bear lol..just try to secure farm and levels and dont die and your tower melts..

                              razer keybord gaming now

                                Dont listen to these noobs. U cant lasthit against sylla he has 80 dmg total with his bear level 1. He will own u, if u shoot bear u dont get lane aggro or anything, just do it instead of idle like a noob

                                And lvl 5 he will Lollapalooza you


                                  all noobs go for the bear, i go for the noobs


                                    Don't die, don't let ur tower fall and just farm.

                                    Chloë Grace Moretz

                                      Slot icewall so he cant dive you under tier 1 then win the game because you are one of the best characters in the game for defending tier 3 and lone druid falls off a cliff at 25 minutes.

                                      Blueberry Muffin Toasters

                                        harass bear, call for gank when he resummons, enjoy free cs for 90 seconds


                                          You lose. As soon as the bear can root you, don't bother showing in lane.