General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to I rank up

How to I rank up in General Discussion
rank 1 AML mafia player

    archon player here, how do i rank up? i play my best in unwinnable games and hope gaben notices my effort :3

    mute all

      just keep on winning..

      rank 1 AML mafia player

        i have negative winrate rofl

        i yoink it then splur go off

          your item choices suck, just looked through few of your recent lost rankeds, the common pattern seems to be lack of bkb and getting raped by shadow shaman lol, bet you get all baller dunking on these archons, get cocky, then get caught into hex and noodles, die and lose

          rank 1 AML mafia player

            i laughed because you are right. i die onec and the game is over


              watch guides on youtube about map awareness and other macro stuff, watch pro players play your fav heroes, i'm sure you will learn something new, just keep on learning and improving, that's the only actual way to gain mmr and rank up without losing it later

              exit code 0

                To consistently win mmr, play better thAn 9 other ppl.

                Damn man ur winrate is far worse than mine and I’m at 700 mmr atm lol.... matchmaking is hard.

                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                  Shaman is broken, u get disabled infinitely. Ez games.
