General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people pick heroes that they don't know how to play

Why do people pick heroes that they don't know how to play in General Discussion

    Guys, I came from a match where I was ember and I saw the enemy pick MK. I didn't wanna lane against mk so I asked my safelane to swap with me to lane against mk, keep in mind he hasn't picked his hero yet. He proceeds to pick viper and the game starts. He feeds the lane and has a retarded skill build, halfway into the game, he says he doesn't know how to play mid and viper, then proceeds to blame me for not originally going mid.

    So fucking dumb, why do people like this exist???

    '96 Neve Campbell

      Probably for the same reason that people who pick ember without knowing what the enemy is going to play mid exist.


        ember is not bad against mk in ur mmr! i used him when i was playing mid before this massive buffs!
        if u cant lane against 3k mk as ember, probably u dont know how to aggro creeps properly :)


          I used to do that and it's actually really helpful in discovering ur doto-player type. Try it yourself it should help you climb too :-)


            Just pure retard, picking hero in ranked games but doesnt know how to play it.


              ember can be played as safelane or midlane, I preferred not playing against mk is all


                I was asking if I could go mid and out of nowhere someone in my team picked ember and replied
                "that means you cant"
                failed mid 0-11, can't chain skills properly and we lost the game.
                dota 2 is fun


                  It's just a game chill and move on

                  Story Time

                    because they can

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      you have to start somewhere. you dont start with 100 games on a hero, you start with 0


                        because its working, because some heroes are balanced, like nightstalker, bery balanced, u dont need anything, u just run and hit enemies xaxa