General Discussion

General Discussionwhat are the best hero's to firstpick?

what are the best hero's to firstpick? in General Discussion

    the topic says it already, what are the best heroes to firstpick?

    Marko Bulat

      Beastmaster, Tiny, Sven, Io, Jugger.


        Pos 5 heroes that are strong pushers/have a lot of CC/have great auras/are lane dominators.

        Shadow Shaman, Jakiro, Crystal Maiden, Grimstroke and Vengeful are all solid first picks. You never want to first pick mid, and almost never want to first pick core. You CAN first pick offlane if there is some super broken hero of that patch like Magnus in 7.20 or Chaos Knight right now, but I always prefer a pos 5 first pick in a pub.


          hand of midas > hero picks


            Superman is the best hero


              Either heroes not worth countering (position 4/5) or heroes that are flexible/you are planning to use them on not traditional lane - for example if you pick Sky mid and somebody Kunka for roamer, they will be trying to counter Kunkka mid, so they might be hardcountered by Sky.

              I dont like to firstpick offlaner, as I want to see at least 1 support to know I can survive in the lane - I would prefer to flex pick mid (wind) than to force offlaner to firstpick and be completely destroyed on lane. Especially now with Naix back in meta, who counters a lot of STR offlaners and with decent support will not let the offlaner even sap XP.


                When i first pick i usually pick either pos 4 or 5, 5 is pretty much any support i like to play lich aa warlock, position 4 could be clock roof phoenix bara kunkka es undying. Phoenix might be my most flexible hero.

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                  dazzle ns

                  ls (ban razor or ursa)

                  Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                    Who cares about other heroes, first pick ls or ns and you will win 70% of your games

                    Marko Bulat

                      While nobody bothers to counter NS, LS is very shit against Ursa or Razor i wouldnt really first pick it.


                        u can win ls against razor start with lace and rush boots-> phase

                        ursa is whatever buy halberd lul

                        Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          Jugg: a safe first pick core. He is currently OP now imo
                          Ogre/Lion/Grimstroke: a safe first pick supp.


                            NS is easy to counter as well, especially first pick - you pick strong lineup able to push (ideally ranged) and NS is completely useless in the game.


                              oh you need to know: its a basement pub, so noone cooperates, and heroes like io are garbage most of the time.

                              smurfs = no balls

                                shadow shaman, lion, ogre


                                  alright, I will share the truth: it is silencer. Silencer counters ALL heros because all heros have spells and use intel to cast them


                                    mostly pos 3 and 4 heroes


                                      Anything less than 5k ck or naix are good to go as cores, they don't have any single hero as counter but rather would need a good team composition to counter


                                        NS is easy to counter as well, especially first pick - you pick strong lineup able to push (ideally ranged) and NS is completely useless in the game.

                                        ?? ns teamfight is insane hello

                                        Where is my Hu Tao

                                          clinkz. Can play it offlane, mid, safe lane, support, roaming. Nothing counters him always win.


                                            CK, naix hands down!!! unless one is bad on these heroes. On the support offlane side I'd say earth spirit, shadow demon and pangolier. Special mention to pangolier as he is a great mid as well and bottle n aura carrier this patch, which the other heroes in your team will usually lack.


                                              @giant head

                                              How is his teamfight insane? If the team is split a bit in teamfight, he can silence one target, maybe 2 if there is enough chaos and ministun/slow somebody. Otherwise only right click. And for the silence he needs blink/BKB/SB to get to the target otherwise he will be just stunned and will not be even able to use his silence.


                                                support clinkz - ahahahahaa

                                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                  alright, I will share the truth: it is silencer. Silencer counters ALL heros because all heros have spells and use intel to cast them

                                                  But what if I don't use a single spell the entire game?


                                                    ? u just click r and click w and run over a cliff into the stunner and ur officially the best hero in all of dota 2, hes tanky af and has a (three) FIVE TO EIGHT SECOND AOE SILENCE that he can move around to fuck people over, plus he does 99999 damage.

                                                    if ur buying blink or sb as an early item in most games ur wasting the heroes tankiness

                                                    js his teamfight is easily comparable to another offlaner like sven

                                                    CAESAR KING OF APES

                                                      Meepo. Then enemies pick 5 counters & you play him as a support, and they have no synergy. EZ WIN.




                                                          ook aak


                                                            Lion is always safe to pick first. His gimmick is nothing special: a ton of nukes and a ton of disable.




                                                                Pick me , I am your hero.