General Discussion

General DiscussionThe more Dota I play the worse I get

The more Dota I play the worse I get in General Discussion

    Early last season I reached all the way up to 5400 mmr. This season I am sitting on 3600 mmr - where I have been stuck ever since slowly declining after reaching 5400.

    Any advice?


      did you get diagnosed with some kind of progressive memory loss illness

      Crimson Sky

        You're way above me so I probably don't have anything useful to add but it seems your KDA is usually really good even though you lose, maybe you're not doing enough to forcibly end the game? Obviously I know that is a team effort also.

        But other than that just maybe play the meta heroes, I'm total scrub and just stomped a game with Naix he is very strong right now.

        I know you aren't supposed to blame team mates but seriously looking at your games you always seem to win mid or at least draw and your team mates have like 17 death that is savage af. Are you in F behaviour score bracket or shadow pool or something?

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        Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

          What the fuck, how does a guy drop from 5.4k to 3.6k. You remind me of this guy i played with on a net cafe who dropped from 5k to low 3K


            Dude, thin the other side of this incident, play it, train it, smurf it, you should be able to rekt all those players in that bracket.

            *another to mention is you can learn ton of things by just smurfing at any bracket, i got myself from 3k-6k in less than half a year, however, i played more than thousand of 1k-2k games before I boosted my own account.*

            Sanft & Sorgfältig

              Same here i dropped from 5400 to 3800, before they Released badgers i even had 5.8k im getting worse and worse and i have no idea what to Do about it.