General Discussion

General DiscussionOFFLANE 7.21

OFFLANE 7.21 in General Discussion

    Any offlaners here advice what the new meta will be?
    Any ideas how the offlane works now?
    Any ideas if there will be new heroes will come back strong in the offlane?
    Any ideas what items good for the offlane?



      pudge offlane that goes phaseboot inti blink dagger
      with 68 base dmg, pudge are just too good


        hmmmm maybe in pubs. but in competitive dota i saw batrider picked like 3 times i think idk it's just that batrider maybe good this patch?


          Offlane is my jam. Haven't played a ton of games this patch, but it seems like the meta is very much strong "run-at-you" heroes. Lots of the heroes from last patch fit the meta well, but some got nerfed. I think the important thing is that melee heroes are becoming a lot more relevant with the movement speed changes, so carries are more likely to be lifestealers, juggs, CK's, Ursa's, MKs, etc. That means that offlaners that shred beefy heroes like Timbersaw, Underlord, Brewmaster, Slardar, Doom etc. will probably see an uptick. Slardar feels like he's gonna be my boy this patch.


            I feel like this patch the offlane meta is gonna be aggressive lanes with tons of kill potential. Heroes like Night Stalker, Doom, maybe even Timber, that are able to get kills almost entirely solo are gonna show up.

            In pubs so far I've seen that Night Stalker is kinda fucking busted if he's played correctly. He does an absurd amount of damage late game just based off of his stats and his ult which enables him to be able to build the team items such as AC, Pipe, Crimson, Vlads etc. without having to sacrifice being useful in fights.


              lc is fun but i doubt it’s good. ns is very strong

              Inflation Agent

                nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx nyx


                  thank you bois! keep this thread alive for some offlaners out there! :) i saw pasha used brewmaster and it was still kinda good tho but it still depends on the heroes


                    here we go,
                    wait another advice from all offlaners here


                      Offlane is still in my opinion the most important lane in the game currently. Most carries left to their own devices for more than like 20 minutes can generally win games for their team.






                            Ck is kinda good. His has pretty decent sustain and can chase people quite easily. An ult from him can delete almost any kinda support with one w. If he still alive well just use it again since it has a very low CD. He also can tank most of the shits throw at him.


                              nyx in a core role gigalül

                              Forget me not

                                Riki offlane is the way to go.


                                  Hoooooooly shit Nightstalker is insane this patch. Check my match history. Hero carried me through my calibrations hard.



                                    Ursa has higher winrate in the offlane - so does Necro.
                                    I guess having a stupid 330 ms bear run at you when you're playing AM isn't very fun.
                                    That stupid movespeed also allows him to escape most situations and if he hits 6 you're not killing him in lane.


                                      I remember one sad sad sad game where my team picked venge spectre safelane against a beastmaster ursa offlane and this was before beastmaster boar had been buffed.


                                        Yo! sven is such a fucking god in this patch too guys! like he is just so important in teamfights especially his third skill so useful


                                          Sven only


                                            I somehow in my 7 calibration games and 3 normal games have not yet met a nightstalker.


                                              Where is Clockwerk? This here is never played

                                              dad with a little free time

                                                MK offlane rocks. It just depends if there is a melee in the safelane. You can just bully them out of the lane.

                                                Marko Bulat

                                                  ^nice bait mate


                                                    ^^Herald response about meta xd


                                                      Sven definitely. Don't get me wrong i am AWFUL (truly awful) at Safelane Sven but something feels nice with him in offlane..

                                                      Axe is still good but i feel he has lost his punch a bit since they nerfed the blademail a few patches ago...