General Discussion

General DiscussionMy pubs are unplayable

My pubs are unplayable in General Discussion

    Every fucking game there are at least 1-2 immortals on the enemy team, while mine is filled with 2k-3k scrubs. I don't care that mine are filled with these noobs, but the fact that I get fucking immortals against me pisses me off. These kids just stack and stomp pubs, what a joke


      What a coincidence same happened with me . Though i want more immortals to come against me and shit players with me . ( Yeah im a sadistic ) . Thats the best way to learn .


        You can't learn when your entire team is feeding and you're getting 3 man ganked mid at 3 minutes.


          I play with Turkish people whats worse than that????

          your dad

            @vsem privet Nothing is worse than playing with Turkish people

            boni top fan

              Then 3 man gank their mid too, make him tilt..


                And you only get 14 mmr for winning


                  play ranked instead of unranked


                    You started off the match with a joke about Huskar raping windrunner...


                      this is so sad
                      alexa play dota 2


                        Ranked is the only way to play dota, unranked is a mess

                        Giorno Giovanna

                          Playing normal game and wonders about the matchup. *retardalert*


                            Seems like since there is such a small % of immortal players that they're just getting matched into lobbies that they shouldn't be in. I've heard a lot of high ranked players (like 400+) complaining that they get matched with like Divine 3 players and it tends to ruin games.

                            Although I did just watch Gorgc have a rank 1400 player beat a rank 20 player with Warlock mid sooo....

                            boni top fan

                              ^u probably know that there are lots of smurfs in the immortal bracket(i think it was bsj who mentioned it).

                              Honestly, dont play normal match, its just plain bad unless you play with irl/online friends.

                              I also experienced that, i was playing with 2 4k mmr guys then we got matched with a tier 8 full 5-stack party while our team got 2 low mmr randoms.


                                Dear lord Never play Unranked in Dota. Us East/West Servers here. People care Slightly more in Ranked Vs Unranked Think i had a legend on their team before was my highest. But Crusader 1 scrub here and Match making is broken anyways.