General Discussion

General Discussion7.20 has completely broken the game.

7.20 has completely broken the game. in General Discussion
'96 Neve Campbell

    It's just the 1st day jesus fuck give Valve a break. This will all be solved in a couple months from now.
    So you are ok with the game being an unplayable mess for a couple months???

    Also OP is very salty because he cannot get to 3k oof.
    And you lack a bone of originality in your entire body... Hasnt this meme been done to death already?


      redditors are ok with it
      that's all that matters

      all of these changes are fun and enhancing and adding complexity to the game :-)


        I like it. Kinda sad the old storm died with it tho

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        A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

          my god, what have valve done.
          Luna+Io combo is absurdly broken
          Od and drow are now deceased
          Void now has passive echo sabre
          Dota 4


            are u guys new to dota or waht? this is normal


              "So you are ok with the game being an unplayable mess for a couple months???"
              nothing new here

              EVONiEE 疾風迅雷悪魔

                meepo now the absolute broken hero with no counter beside area stun. make 1 clone down to 40% with all stun we have, that clone gonna be full health in 5 sec canmot even lose any health due to massive lifesteal.


                  (im jk) wtf is wrong i doubt this is Icefrog too tbh having played this game for 12 years idek guys


                    Keeper ult is so beautiful .

                    Also whats up with people buying 4 bracer in top watch ?????????

                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                    CAESAR KING OF APES

                      Meepo can't do anything against huskar

                      low prio master

                        Only retar. ded fu. ck can make this topic first day of new patch. If you not like changes go f. uck yourself.

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          Only retar. ded fu. ck can make this topic first day of new patch. If you not like changes go f. uck yourself.
                          You seem like an intelligent, well spoken fellow.


                            Some heroes are broken but isn't it every patch

                            '96 Neve Campbell

                              Some heroes are broken but isn't it every patch
                              I dont think there has ever been a patch where over a dozen heros seem super problematic. In the past there may have been one or two heros that got overly buffed and then ironed out a week later. whereas there has never been a patch which has introduced this much unbalance.

                              EX Crusader player

                                It's been even worse. Not a big deal. Patch is fine. People will always find a reason to complain..

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  In its right place
                                  In its right place
                                  In its right place
                                  In its right place

                                  Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
                                  Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
                                  Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
                                  Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon

                                  In its right place
                                  In its right place
                                  In its right place
                                  Right place

                                  There are two colours in my head
                                  There are two colours in my head
                                  What, what is that you tried to say?
                                  What, what was that you tried to say?
                                  Tried to say, tried to say
                                  Tried to say, tried to say



                                    This patch is Garbage. They made a lot of changes simply to say "hey we are doing shit" Because Crown needed to be a Thing? Because now every game I see Morphs buying 4 wraithbands hitting like they do at lvl 25. Slarks with 2 items attacking faster than a 6 slotted slark because he ate the AA or Grimstroke over and over again. Nerfed heroes that needed buffs. SF has had a 44% win-rate for a lnog time now and his Buff reads "+1 armour" and Oh hey you get gold now on denies instead of XP. Because Gold was always SF's problem... Right. I really hope they fix this garbage. Heroes going into high 60%'s is unheard of. its ridiculous. and to all of you saying "free game" Its not free. Every loyal half serious player of this game buys compendiums and Dota+. so its not "Free" I want to see minor tweaks. Fucknig add one ability at a time. Not this overhaul bullshit. Don't fix it if it isn't broke dumbasses.

                                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                                      I love this patch. Any patch that makes Parma cry on db is great!

                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                        Man I love p9^ now!!!


                                          The game was stale. This breathes new life into it. The op heroes will be nerfed and it will be good again. This is an old game that was dying and now it has some freshness to it. You should be happy not crying.


                                            buff meepo plz


                                              If the game was perfectly balanced it would get boring so fast. The way you guys would run Dota would see it die within a year or two. After 11 months of a stale game, i'm a big fan of a patch to shake it all up.

                                              Player 30595310

                                                Have to say some words. If you are play more than 4 years you can see how game changed so much. 7.00 is the 1st biggest changed of the dota2. 7.07 is uprade of the 7.00 and similar like 7.00 not 6.88f. But right now with this 7.20 patch neither 7.00 nor 6.88. This is something different. I miss 6.88f days.

                                                Today i read almost entire update ( bored in hero changes in letter "L" because text so long.) and say some heroes so imba. For example If you pick dazzle and slark in safelane. Probably game gg. If you are good meepo player, just pick midlane hero and game gg. Or Luna is so imba. Picked 11 games slark today. Won 10 game, just 1 game dropped because someone picked nerfed drow ranger midlane lol.

                                                Supports can be play carry so easily right now. Its not fair. Just want to tell something. If you open dota 2 client and open heroes section you can see all heroes. you can select complexity, pusher, carry,support etc. when you select pusher you can see drow ranger am i right? With this patch drow ranger not pusher. if you select support you see lion. Lion's carry bar is not filled. Right now he is in midlane imba hero. As you can see game changed that so much.

                                                Last patch you cannot play puck, death prophet, chen so much. When i play dota2, i enter this website and always click trends. Hoped everyday almost every hero close to %50+- . But right now you can see 3 heroes upside of %60 ( meepo close to %70) and 3 heroes under %40 ( biggest loser Outworld Devourer close to %30). So valve dont balance the game. Its business. They have to change game because players getting bored day after. Valve gains money from this changes. And Valve didnt ask us. Are we happy for this update? Nope.

                                                If you ask me which patch was the perfect patch. I can perfectly say after TI6 this game is done.

                                                edit: played slark against troll warlord. Troll warlord's ultimate so goddamn imba. we killed troll but when he death his ultimate negative stack to me like vengeful's passive. But found a bug which troll's passive never deleted. his passive debuff my slark's ultimate so i never regenerated.

                                                i truly dont understand how you accept this game.

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                                                dracula flow 3

                                                  worse than hoho haha


                                                    Can someone explain why OD has 30% winrate? I feel he is actually better than he was, like you can get 1000 mana replenished just with astral and equilibrium. Also his Arcane Orb now does splash damage which accelerates his farm. I dont understand why he gets -12% winrate, like wtf???

                                                    Tu tayta

                                                      Because people are going crazy picking all the heroes that received the most changes while barely reading the patches at all. Give it a few weeks to see the real winrates.

                                                      Helpful reminder that Earth Spirit with stun on his 3rd skill debuted with 30% winrate, Ember Spirit with about 100 extra damage (before all the nerfs) to each one of his skills debuted with 38% winrate and freshly reworked Void, whose Time Dilation also had an effect on skills which you hadn't cast yet debuted at 40% winrate.

                                                      People are just idiots.


                                                        Trust me you will still play this game over and over what ever patch comes out


                                                          So instead of complaining how broken some heroes are, why don't you just think a strategy to gain some mmr


                                                            Lots of useless heros now. Lich. Ancient App. Complete garbage. Why WOULDN'T you pick Lion over either of those two? He can play hard pos 5 and end up doing massive damage later.

                                                            Dunno who is balancing shit over at valve but they need to go, like now.

                                                            No incoming chat

                                                              am isnt even good...STILL. i like the changes its fun

                                                              Cancer Malaria

                                                                I agree with the new Frost shield on Lich, BUT WHYY REMOVE SACRIFICE?? Thats like his signature lane winning skill, now remove GPM talent?? How the hell is the guy gonna scale into late game with no items. lich rework was unnecessary

                                                                Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                  I've seen a lot of broken hero.

                                                                  Broodmother Spiderling + Tuskar's Team work can one hit kill even with a lvl25 heart of tarrasque axe. At lvl 7, they can one shot any hero at that time. Can also kill roshan too fast.

                                                                  Rubick sometimes make a 7 seconds telekenesis bug due to his Arcane Supremacy skill. Not to mention, you can easily chain lock stuns by abusing that passive. A 44% debuff amplification is too much. Imagine if he steal Chaos Bolt and land a 4 sec stun. Thats a 5.76sec stun ffs.

                                                                  Dazzle with his Bad JuJu is stupid. A 50% cd reduction ulti is op, btw it includes his items. And everytime you cast a spell, enemies around you decreases their armor. You can cast Shallow Grave for a 5sec buff in 7.5sec cd. With a octarine core (add multiplicative), you have a 5.62 sec cd. Jesus Christ.

                                                                  I also witness a lot of imba. No one will pick lycan anymore coz balanar is better in all aspects coz of his 50/100/150 bonus dmg ulti. The unkillable Meepo with his trusty manta illusions tanking first. Cancer AM returns with his broken 4 secs cd Spell Shield.

                                                                  Can't wait to play dota 2 this weekend.

                                                                  Yami Yugi

                                                                    Lich staring contest.... Intriguing :D

                                                                    The tinker

                                                                      meepo is still broken after 7.20b and od is still complete dumpster in teamfights
                                                                      nice fucking patch


                                                                        gotta love 900 gpm bounty hunter who hit 100 creeps.

                                                                        Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                          At least some issues were addressed.
                                                                          I still don't think Drow's utli should be completely disabled like the old one was.

                                                                          Player 30595310

                                                                            Update 7.20b and i can't believe this happened.

                                                                            Slark: Now only steals agility when he kills the enemy himself.

                                                                            When pudge or silencer in area of enemy death each one get attirubute but slark needs kill enemy himself. this is not fair man.

                                                                            EVONiEE 疾風迅雷悪魔

                                                                              before 7.20 drow easily kill any creep with her agi ult, it is clearly better than instantly kill creep cause she usually can 3 shoot lane creep at 20 min.
                                                                              the aspd aura not helping so much for controlling lane and cs.
                                                                              she is not even a viable fast pusher rn

                                                                              Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                                She can only push fast with mael+aghs, but you probably don't want to invest in those items without any synergy or potential to be a high position hero...

                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                  Lich staring contest.... Intriguing
                                                                                  I feel like this is overrated. Its shackles but worse, has no teamfight ability and has replaced lichs best ability


                                                                                    fuck this game can't wait for wc3 reforged to play instead of this garbage game.

                                                                                    Disturbed Jawker

                                                                                      Just looking at mana regen is bloodstone better or worse now?

                                                                                      Also what exactly changed to treants Q that caused his winrate to drop so hard

                                                                                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                        so guys...parma did it
                                                                                        she bullied ice frog into making a balance patch after 1 day


                                                                                          I feel like a lot of what people are calling OP will be fully understood in a week, at the minute things are OP because you don't understand them, or your team doesn't, or so much has changed and people just want to try new abilities and new items. Give it a week or two and it'll be back to normal and everything will have settled down.

                                                                                          I'm probably wrong but I'll admit im low mmr and play for fun.

                                                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                                                            If they weren't OP, they wouldn't have drastically nerfed several heroes within a day. A lot of these reworked abilities had no thought put into how the hero is played, or how their abilities synergized.

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                              I don't know, is it the job of icefrog to consider how the meta plays every hero and keep it that way? If he did that the game wouldn't ever change. It'll take time for people to work out new builds and new ways of playing heroes that fit to their strengths after the reworks, as opposed to playing them the same as usual, new drow shouldn't be built and played the same way as old drow, you know what I'm saying?

                                                                                              Disturbed Jawker

                                                                                                Yea new drow shouldnt be played


                                                                                                  you know...
                                                                                                  bacon is still meta tho.

                                                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                    so guys...parma did it
                                                                                                    she bullied ice frog into making a balance patch after 1 day

                                                                                                    I am the heroine we deserve


                                                                                                      two or three more balance updates and the game might be playable