General Discussion

General DiscussionNot necessarily dota related, but aren't people who truly believe in ...

Not necessarily dota related, but aren't people who truly believe in astrology mentally deficient? in General Discussion

    no u


      from astrology hate thread to anime bully thread in one day...


        It's like racism except based on even less imperial evidence


          stop racism
          anime life matter



            one syllable anglo-saxon

              imperial evidence


                @Slq : Read my horoscope please, let's see if you are even half right.


                  not slq but here goes
                  FOR EXAMPLE LOW PRIORITY


                    ^^I need your birth date, (accurate) time and place of birth


                      but dont you like those mango or anime people who uses horoscope?

                      "it's capicorn day today! my lucky food item is dota!"


                        how are you doing, fellow data miners?


                          wat data

                          Riguma Borusu

                            he probably meant dota miners


                              but i playin maplestory2

                              Riguma Borusu

                                sasuga weeb-sama!


                                  no u


                                    What a worthless thread.


                                      its fun


                                        best thread


                                          @Slq: Birth date: 8th April 1991, time: 3:00 pm GST, Place : Bangalore, India.


                                            ^I'm not experienced at all at reading the charts of others, plus I've been working a lot lately so no time to make research. But I'll tell you what I noticed as soon as I looked at the chart.

                                            A balanced, stable daily routine seems to have major importance for your psychological well-being. This includes eating healthy, training, sleeping regularly, basically taking care of your body. This is because you're particularly prone to somatize stress, tension and every kind of negative emotion. Most likely on your stomach. Also working and taking care of daily tasks are very important for your psyche. Complete independence is the key word for you. These tendencies might have been transmitted to you by your mother, which has these traits herself.

                                            Speaking of your mother, I noticed a few things that lead me to believe that your mother is a source of pain for you. Not normal ups and downs, I mean huge emotional pain. She might have abandoned you or be very distant, or is uncapable of showing/feeling emotions and providing the warmth and sense of safety a child needs. Because of this, you yourself might have troubles getting in touch with your own vulnerability and soft side and might display traits like coldness and emotional detachment pretty heavily. There seems to be a serious emotional block. On the other hand, you might be very rational, grounded, wise, more mature than your age and always able to put things and situations in perspective.

                                            Your karmatic debt regards your health/work/daily routine/body. What I mean by this is, even though it's absolutely crucial for you that your needs in these areas are met, there seems to be always something messing things up in these spheres of your life. Physical problems, possible disability or psychological issues (especially depression, and emotional numbness) that might even prevent you from working, or a mother you might have to take care of that could prevent you from working. You yourself could be subconsciously terrified of these things, of failing in the areas of work, routine etc. Being able to conquer the part of our life we're paying a karmatic debt in requires a lot of maturity, life tests us for good all our life until we learn what we have to learn in that specific sphere, but especially between our 26-32th year of age. For you it will be in 1 and a half-2 years.

                                            Things like the occult, black magic, esoterism, psychology, sex, the theme of death might be object of deep interest for you. As well as spirituality, religion and politics. On the other hand, you probably get extremely bored when superficial stuff is brought in in a conversation. You like to always dig deep into what people say, mean, hide behind their thoughts. Conspiracy theories might be a thing too here.

                                            Despite being a very driven person for which reaching a position of power and leadership is very important, as well as reaching their goals, you might have troubles taking action when it comes to do something to get closer to them.
                                            Also you seem to do a lot for other people, by this I mean you fully put your efforts and energies into helping society and the communities you're part of grow and be better. Probably even too much, to the point you might forget about your own individuality, subjective self-expression and ego. This is exactly the most important lesson to learn in this life for you. The path you need to follow in order to evolve. Learn to listen to your inner child, give him space, let personal creativity, light-hearted joy and a cheerful attitude towards life take the place of emotional detachment and "impersonal" and distant approach to life and people.

                                            This is just the tip of the iceberg, let me know if you think it resonates with your life


                                              that actually sounds like those cold reading or hot reading thingies but now im interested wat will ashes says lol


                                                To be fair, until last week I always thought horoscopes were bullshit. Until I got mine read. Holy fack I was honestly shocked cuz like 80%-90% was true. Now I don't know what kind of sorcery that is but it sure as hell got me shook

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  To be fair, until last week I always thought horoscopes were bullshit. Until I got mine read. Holy fack I was honestly shocked cuz like 80%-90% was true. Now I don't know what kind of sorcery that is but it sure as hell got me shook


                                                  Before you think it's amazing someone "figured out" so many things about you, just think about how much you can generalize what you've heard, and what percentage of population with properties similar to your own it applies to.

                                                  What is being said, and what you hear are two different things. What is said is "you've been feeling down lately" and what you hear is "I've been feeling down over that breakup, but normally I feel better". Even if you felt great lately, a person that projects authority of some sort will convince you that you've felt at least somewhat down about at least something lately, because they won't say how bad you've had it, they won't specify what exactly was the problem, etc. They'll throw a wide net and hope to connect with at least something. And when you make a connection yourself, suddenly you're convinced and you give them more credibility. At this point, you're already hooked, and they can make even smaller connections to your circumstances, and you'll eat it all up. Because we humans want magic to exist, and want the ability to get an edge over others, by gaining knowledge we weren't supposed to have. We hope that when people figure things about us that we know, that they'll also know something we don't.

                                                  This is my favorite type of a con artist because they appear to be telling you something they know about you, when in reality, they're just laying out a framework for you to fill in your own personality, properties and circumstances. A good con artist can trick even fairly intelligent people because this really comes down to experience and skepticism.

                                                  But mainly, every time someone tells you a really generalized idea, ask them more questions so they can define it further. This completely annihilates cold reading, and leaves the perpetrator unable to come back, outside of saying "the spirits tell me no more" or some similar bullshit.

                                                  Another way to destroy cold reading is by lying about your circumstances. You'll find out the spirits know quite a bit about your grandmother from germany... who doesn't exist.

                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                    U guys are pretty gay :D

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      I wish D:


                                                        why would you want to be gay

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          dunno I'd probably have more problems with the society but I think men are easier to deal with than women


                                                            no u i no gay
                                                            i very normal person you fool
                                                            you the gay one

                                                            boni top fan

                                                              Of course men are easier to deal with.


                                                                from astrology bully to anime bully to wanting to be gay....
                                                                we live in a society

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  this thread is genderfluid alright


                                                                    The general concept is true, there are liars and evil-minded people in every field. So many cases of disgusting human beings exploiting the emotional weaknesses and sorrow of people by pretending they will heal them or put them in contact with dead people close to the clients to just steal a ton of money. That is fucking sick and the psychological tricks used by such dogs are as horrible as easy to understand in the end.

                                                                    But what do spirits and fake psychics have to do with astrology? Astrology is not linked to esoterism or the 4th dimension, it's linked to the fixed stars, asteroids and planets you see in the sky. There are a history, a link and an explaination behind every meaning of that specific celestial body, which find their origins in ancient mythology. You can literally see the things an astrologer explains to you.

                                                                    The "you've been feeling a bit down lately" or "you'll meet nice people tomorrow" is utter bullshit, that is exactly the kind of dumbed down trash I was talking about, due to some modern, western astrologers twisting and simplyfing a different and much more complicated subject, that is the real astrology, to appeal the average person who has 0 will to actually dig deep into the matter and study the real one.
                                                                    Charts are personal, subjective, unique. It's not gonna be Cosmopolitan or Men's Health the ones that will tell the truth about every individual. You're basically mistaking Zumba Yoga or whatever consumistic, modern bullshit trend they invented lately, for the real discipline Yoga is.

                                                                    Can confirm the thing about women btw. The "women understand other women so well" thing is a fairytale. Sometimes I wish I was straight but then I remember men are boring af. What do you mean "yes means yes" ???

                                                                    Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                      we got a case on our hands now boys...this is gonna be good

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        But what do spirits and fake psychics have to do with astrology?

                                                                        You're using the same methodologies and pretending you're better than them.

                                                                        See, you say this:

                                                                        A balanced, stable daily routine seems to have major importance for your psychological well-being. This includes eating healthy, training, sleeping regularly, basically taking care of your body. This is because you're particularly prone to somatize stress, tension and every kind of negative emotion.

                                                                        And then this...

                                                                        The "you've been feeling a bit down lately" or "you'll meet nice people tomorrow" is utter bullshit, that is exactly the kind of dumbed down trash I was talking about

                                                                        In the end, it's the exact same concept - you assume something (how a person is) based on some unrelated factor (in this case stars).

                                                                        You just don't see it because you think your type of woo is better than the other types of woo. Believe me, it isn't.

                                                                        Also, the 4th dimension is called time.

                                                                        Also, being able to see things astrologers explain to you, which are based on human (mis)conceptions about celestial bodies is completely irrelevant. I could show you a pile of dung and claim that it means you have a tendency to feel like shit. It'd be equally as relevant as using some random manuscripts to connect unrelated events/properties.

                                                                        Astrology working in any way runs contrary to literally everything we can actually ascertain about the natural world, and there's zero research to back astrology up.

                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                          i thought the 4th dimension is called anime

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            i thought the 4th dimension is called anime

                                                                            You silly, anime is the first two dimensions.


                                                                              so what is the 5th?


                                                                                I'm not pretending anything, not asking for money, not lying, not trying to convince anyone for my own personal gains. You chose the thing that sounds the most generalized in appearance, ignoring all the rest, to just try and prove your point once again. This is what twisting things is. Plus, that part isn't even comparable to the general, manipulative statements you referred to. I said that the daily routine, health and work are extremely important for the guy's psychological well-being, not 'cause he needs to cook first in order to eat (duh), be able to breath in order to live (duh), or work in order to spend money (duh). They're crucial because they're the source of his sense of safety and emotional satisfaction. A lot of people don't care about their job, colleagues, work environment, sleeping schedule, diet, daily tasks and yet they feel happy/stable even if they don't have full control of them. Think of people who like to travel a lot and live/work in a different place every few months, who work at impossible hours, who are physically very resistant and always healthy no matter how chaotic or unorganized their life is. The guy, on the other hand, really needs discipline and to learn how to master those areas of his life, 'cause his emotional stability depends mostly on them and 'cause in those things he will find big lessons to learn and mature from. And it's gonna be very harsh to overcome them, but just as rewarding. I talked about life-long, potentially debilitating patterns of fears/difficulties in those areas, not a couple headaches every 6 months or a mother who gets upset every once in a while. I hope for him this isn't true, but that's what I read and it's far from being generalized.

                                                                                The factors are unrelated for you, but that's your opinion as a totally rational, scientific-minded, skeptical person. Science can't prove 99.99% of the things this world hides. We as humans made huge steps towards acquiring knowledge about the reality of things, but we're incredibly far from being able to explain everything.


                                                                                  you're definitely not asking money on here lol,its a dota forum(duh)
                                                                                  who told you you trying to scam anyway lol


                                                                                    Exactly (duh)
                                                                                    Read the first sentence of his last comment. If not scamming, at least manipulating

                                                                                    Maan I hope the guy will see the reading soon, I'm curious too now


                                                                                      same lol



                                                                                        I don't know anything about astrology, but there's a show on the TV that runs all night, my dad watches it and it has nothing to do with anything other than scamming gullible people by giving them readings and whatnot. Luckly he's selfish, he would never give money to anyone, yet alone them.

                                                                                        I don't think IQ has anything to do with dota - i'm dumb as a rock and i'm 6.5k. It has nothing to do with astrology or your mood or whatever. You just pick up a whole bunch of replays and you analyse them, simple as that. MMR is nothing other than how much effort you put into the game.

                                                                                        Arin and whoever just gives excuses on how he's not talented, low attention span or slow or whatever bullshit - but i have never heard arin, or anyone here really, say '' hey i just analysed 300 replays and spent 200 hours in a lobby practicing last month ''

                                                                                        I've coached people who are IRL PhD's in really hard fields like medicine and engineering, and some of them are 3k mmr with basically the same amount of matches as me.

                                                                                        I know why i'm not 7-9k mmr, not because i'm too stupid - i don't need to be smarter - i just haven't practiced/analysed. I practiced when i felt like it, if i went full tryhard i would've easily been top 30, and so can anyone in this forum. It has nothing to do with IQ, just how hard you work at it.

                                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                          Btw, one big tip - get the GLaDOS announcer because she'll flame you for every single little thing you mess up - makes you pay a lot more attention :P


                                                                                            Guys, honestly I don't know what to say like some of the things he said is so damn accurate , at the same time like some things is missed out totally out of proportion. It's insane really because instead of my mother if he had mentioned my father I wouldn't buy his words at all but if he added another person there who had/has a deep impact of my life, my goals, who defines my psyche I would buy it totally and would probably started believing in astrology. I'm in a state of semi shock rn, had a tough week at work and kinda tired as well, I'm gonna read what everything again and see how it goes.

                                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                              ^Is the "damn accurate" part more than half though?


                                                                                                ^ Yes, pretty much. Its right at 50-50 pretty much.

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  ^so do you consider that a successful "astrologizing" or not?

                                                                                                  I'm not pretending anything, not asking for money, not lying, not trying to convince anyone for my own personal gains.

                                                                                                  The part of your personal gain is, again, posting something that other people will read. It doesn't have to be monetary compensation. Having someone take a note of things you write might be enough for you.

                                                                                                  You chose the thing that sounds the most generalized in appearance, ignoring all the rest, to just try and prove your point once again.

                                                                                                  Well, here's the thing, when you pretend there's depth in mumbo jumbo, you can't expect people to compare it to anything else than other mumbo jumbo.

                                                                                                  This is what twisting things is.

                                                                                                  Oh, is it? I thought twisting things was connecting the current state of celestial bodies to personal outcomes or properties. Actually, astrology is literally twisting the fact that planets exist and move into an extremely silly anthropomorphized concept. This isn't even just my opinion. Unless you can prove any of the shit actually works, this is correct.

                                                                                                  Plus, that part isn't even comparable to the general, manipulative statements you referred to. I said that the daily routine, health and work are extremely important for the guy's psychological well-being, not 'cause he needs to cook first in order to eat (duh), be able to breath in order to live (duh), or work in order to spend money (duh).

                                                                                                  Oh, really, now we're getting somewhere. Being a well adjusted person is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE'S WELL-BEING. As far as psychological health goes, yes, it's quite comparable to needing breath to live. You literally defeated your own argument, that you aren't saying something that's very apparent (because what you're saying is very apparent and generalized to everyone who isn't a robot).

                                                                                                  They're crucial because they're the source of his sense of safety and emotional satisfaction.

                                                                                                  Oh yeah, they are. It's just that happens to be mostly true for the other... entirety of human population. It's more or less like saying a person need to drink water to live. I am not even joking.

                                                                                                  A lot of people don't care about their job, colleagues, work environment, sleeping schedule, diet, daily tasks and yet they feel happy/stable even if they don't have full control of them.

                                                                                                  Actually, research done so far skews the results in the other direction. People who aren't making sure their diet, sleeping schedule and work environment are fine actually seem to be very vulnerable to depression and social anxiety. So again, saying those things are important is very comparable to saying water is a good thing to drink so you don't die of dehydration. It's not just important to him. It's important to an average person. Again, the only reason people who pretend to 'have seen things' tend to say those things is exactly because they are generalized to the extent that it's less likely a person won't agree with what you're saying.

                                                                                                  Think of people who like to travel a lot and live/work in a different place every few months, who work at impossible hours, who are physically very resistant and always healthy no matter how chaotic or unorganized their life is.

                                                                                                  That's a minority of people. Which is not something you're trying to cater to here. You want to cater to the majority. Why? So he's more likely to find his own circumstances in your descriptions.

                                                                                                  The guy, on the other hand, really needs discipline and to learn how to master those areas of his life, 'cause his emotional stability depends mostly on them and 'cause in those things he will find big lessons to learn and mature from.

                                                                                                  Ye, as I said, like the majority of people. Great lesson. For pretty much everybody.

                                                                                                  And it's gonna be very harsh to overcome them, but just as rewarding. I talked about life-long, potentially debilitating patterns of fears/difficulties in those areas,

                                                                                                  Yeah, just like an average person has.

                                                                                                  not a couple headaches every 6 months or a mother who gets upset every once in a while. I hope for him this isn't true, but that's what I read and it's far from being generalized.

                                                                                                  Even this is generalized as fuck. A "mother who gets upset every once in a while" is, depending on the interpretation, every mother. Once in a while can be anywhere from 3 times a week to 3 times a decade depending on the person's standards.

                                                                                                  The factors are unrelated for you, but that's your opinion as a totally rational, scientific-minded, skeptical person.

                                                                                                  Oh it is. But it's also more valid than mumbo jumbo that's unsubstantiated in any way, and is a known method of manipulation.

                                                                                                  Science can't prove 99.99% of the things this world hides.

                                                                                                  Kinda, but that doesn't give your type of mumbo jumbo any priority to be considered a tangible part of reality just because heeeey we don't know everything!

                                                                                                  We as humans made huge steps towards acquiring knowledge about the reality of things,

                                                                                                  We as humans maybe, without you included, apparently, you seem to be going in the opposite direction by spreading myths and falsehoods regarding how the world operates.

                                                                                                  but we're incredibly far from being able to explain everything.

                                                                                                  Yeah, and that makes your brand of woo more likely to be correct? Astrology is just like any religion, really, it's just liked by people who don't find religion cool enough.

                                                                                                  Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                    MAYUSHI really wants to win this
                                                                                                    your horscope sign must be libtard
                                                                                                    pwned ebin style
                                                                                                    ben shapiro where

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      wait am I a libtard or conservtard here
                                                                                                      I honestly can't tell, I've been accused of both, and i think both sides are kinda retarded for slightly different reasons

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