General Discussion

General DiscussionCentaur builds

Centaur builds in General Discussion

    Ok I just discovered this hero was hella fun. And when I play him I sometimes get so big I have so much gold lying around Idk what to build anymore. Like last night I didn’t want to drop anything but I had 7k gold lying atound after an ultra. I didn’t want to drop the blink, blademail, pipe. I was torn between aghs, radiance, or more hearts but that would mean less utility. Anyone here can answer?


      depends on game like pretty much any hero


        Yes but how to deal with this scenario where I cannot drop utility items but can afford luxury items as well


          Generally I'd say the typical ideal centaur itemization for 6 slots is Crimson Guard, Pipe of Insight, Heart of Tarrask, Assauilt Cuirass, Blink, and Boots of Travel. The idea of this build is that your presence in team fights makes your team as a whole insanely more powerful.

          Assauilt Cuirass usually seems more useful to me than Blademail in most my games. Linkin, Blademail, or even Guardian Grieves can be good as well the problem is fitting in all these amazing items and still holding blink.

          I have found that blink isn't even necessary if your play style is to very aggressively split push but it seems most players are brainwashed to think this is the only way you can play and I routinely have people telling me to get blink even though I'm almost 65% win rate with Centaur after 132 games and very rarely buy blink on this hero. I assume the higher your MMR the more useful blink can be with coordination between your teammates (my teams have no coordination most the time lol).

          Just checked the OP's profile, ya at your MMR you might not even need blink. My normal build order is quelling blade, wand (or just magic stick), vanguard, boots of speed, hood of defiance. These core items ensure you are very strong vs pretty much any lineup if you won your lane. From there you must decide how badly does your team need you to win fights between your non stop split pushing. If they are doing alright and you aren't afraid of dying (hard to die with Stampede) then rush Heart of Tarrask. If you think they might need your help to not get completely roflstomed then get Crimson Guard and or Pipe of Insight before Heart. Bottom line is you end up with Heart, Crimson Guard, and Pipe virtually every game unless enemy team is really weird like only magic or only physical you could skip Pipe or Crimson.

          From there I generally begin pushing high ground with my whole team (very hard to kill with Heart, Pipe, Crimson at around 25 minutes in a good game). I begin working on Assauilt Cuirass in most games, and if you don't win around 30 minutes you usually win right when you complete assualt cuirass, at least this happens to me more games than I can count. Blade mail can also be really good some games but you need specific reasons like going up against a wind ranger for example, otherwise it just doesn't provide the game ending kinds of benefits that you should be going for.

          I know this might sound crazy since everyone and their mothers love Blink so much, but to me Centaur is really not that great of a blink initiator. His initiation damage is minimal so I don't think that blink is that great on him unless your team is really lacking control. I do get blink on occasion but usually you can win easily without it.

          I think its possible everyone has been playing this hero wrong assuming blink is necessary and never trying other builds like I have. My build the goal is to aggressively split push creating tons of space for your team and stampeding away when the enemy responds. It usually takes 3-5 enemies to kill you with this itemization and even then you normally survive thanks to stampede. You also take complete control of the map eating up their safe lane's jungle while pounding away at their tier 2 and grabbing all the runes. You usually win with ease unless your team is a complete train wreck and no hero pick could have won you the game. Long story short the amount of investment it requires for them to deal with you is not worth it. If your teammates are utilizing the space you are creating you are winning the game for your team even if you occasionally die to 3+ enemies. Just make sure you ask for a ranged support and you should dominate your lane and from there the whole game.

          This is link of my centaur games the results speak for themselves although I'm sure people will still be too brainwashed that blink is the only way to play this hero, I disagree ;)

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            Haha. I told a centaur to get a fucking Blink and He was like no no i am fine. And He did super well that game. Maybe it was you.

            I always go Blink and i feel i am to squishy as frontliner and die to fast. Axe or lc without Blink is a no go but with Cent i will try it out.


              tarras radiance octarine



                Story Time

                  just stack 6 HoT. Over 8k health and nothing cant stop you!


                    U want some hp and some armor almost always
                    U want blink if ur the initiator but if u have an initiator or only playing to be complete frontline then it’s fine i guess.
                    Also a lot of utility items are luxury items


                      Im a good centuar and trust me when i say this . Go for pipe , boots , crimson ,blink , agha , then see if u need heart to tank or not , if yes then heart , if no then any utility item like assault , radiance ( u dont mostly need bm as centuar because u want to take dmg and tank , not force ur enemies to kill ur carry) . Or IF lets suppose a scenario where ur carry sucks , go for mjolnir , it actually works .