General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happen if you spam spec?

What happen if you spam spec? in General Discussion



      get raped first 20 mins of the game and lose


        ^Good answer lol

        Mlada i Luda

          by watching his winrate in all brackets, if your a mediocre spectre player you will win 55-60 % of the , if your any decent you will get 65-70% winrate.

          Mother's Milk

            I know someone irl who spammed spec from legend to divine 1 in just a week

            Pale Mannie

              getting smashed in lane but always come back and win
              some exceptions though like stomping or getting stomped

              Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                her ulti+ radi+ her passive deals tremendous damage... aka late game cancer that makes u kill urself if u attack her without SE... ugh..


                  Would probs get bored Shes not that boring but not really fun like some other hero’s . Best hero for wining though probs


                    if u can get smashed in lane and still comeback, you must have incredible discipline


                      Just tryhard to get radiance and the game basically over. Seems pretty good in 2k