General Discussion

General DiscussionThe changes to the calibration matches

The changes to the calibration matches in General Discussion
Yung Beethoven

    Well, i got told that they changed the calibration match rules to be kinda: it doesnt matter how you play, what matters is that you win. I dont need to tell you guys that this system is flawed. I did all my calibration games today and yesterday, had 1 leaver, 2 feeders and rest was kinda not really good. Won 3 lost 7.

    Was divine 5 with 5,6k MMR. Im ancient 4 now with 4,8k

    talk about dropping mmr


      JuSt Don'T loSe LOL


        in my first match i had a jungling veno, a griefing cm that autoattacked creeps and then went jungle and a tilted storm that fed 1-13, dropped legend 2 to archon 2.

        maybe if you dropped that mich you should have stomped the games in the much lower mmr than you belong to, like i did? :thinking:

        Yung Beethoven

          you can tell that the calibration system is really fucked when you got calibrated yesterday at ancient 4 and now all of the sudden after one game you are divine 2. What a coincidence. still lost 400 MMR tho.

          MODE: PRACTICE

            win or lose still the same.. look my rank now.. from anicient 2 4600 down to legend 2 3500
            7wins 3 losses.


              After 10 games I callibrated to Ancient 3 and played more solo matches even though i got the callibration already then suddenly I played today after 1 match, it went to Ancient 1. Is this a bug guys? Cause I already got ancient 3 then it suddenly fked up to ancient 1. Drop mmr suddenly where I won and lost balanced after the callibration then why would I suddenly drop my rank.

              Sozo (BEING IMPERSONATED)

                I got six wins and four losses. Went from Legend 5 3800 to archon 2 2700

                SASA POPOVIC

                  ^ First few games are most important and have most impact, if you loose them you will drop if you win them you are guchi, because after them it just evens out, but for the first few games your uncertainty level is high, later it drops.


                    Divine 1 , 4925 before calibration
                    After calibration, 6 wins , followed by 4 losses, got to Divine 3, 5487
                    Today, play 1 win, got to Ancient 5, 5050
                    wtf is going on


                      I had the same issue man, got ancient 2 4485 solo then nvr touched it. Today played one game and dropped to ancient 1 4287???